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1、机场1*景对话文件编码(GHTUUITID-GGBKT-POIU-WUUI8968)机场惜景对话:杰瑞:Excuse me,this is my first time on a plane How do I check in?不好意思,这是我第一次坐飞机。我怎么登机呢?机场工作人员:May I see your ticket, please?我能看一下您的机票吗?杰十橋:Yes Here you go.好的,给。如悩T作人吊era* onrr roeo-crMg+axcheck in?您先到那个柜台去取登机牌。有什么需要托运的吗?杰瑞:No, I only have a handbag.没有,

2、我只有一个手提包。Ill 1% I (4 - 人 mi Tin “ci】 r 11 A uro n + inJariQ x + iixa oxaosecurity安检之后您可以在候机大厅等候上机了 O杰瑞:Thank you very much.谢谢。约翰:Do you fasten your seat belt when you re flying?你坐E机系安全带吗?safe.杰克:Of course I do. Its the first thing I do to keep当然了,安全第一啊。约翰:I rarely fas ten my seat belt and T m still

3、fine.我很少系,也没出什么事啊。杰克:Well,man,you d better fasten it next time.老兄,我劝你下次还是老老实实的系上吧。杰克:Excuse me,there is some thing wrong with my sea t belt.打扰一下,我的安全带好像出了点儿问题。乘务员:Whats wrong?怎么了?杰克:It wont buckle.扣不上了。乘务员:Le t me see You forgot to push the buckle.我帮您看一下您忘了拉开这个带扣了。杰克:I see, thank you.哦,谢谢。丹尼尔:Excuse

4、 me, how can I get from the airport to the city? 请问我怎么从机场到市区?接待员:You can take a taxi or an airport shuttle您可以坐出租车或者机场大巴。丹尼尔:How much is a shuttle ticket?大巴一张票多少钱?彳古:m 1 ViioRif ciJ A you get on the bus, sirLa十令ax1 i no xrry i十六元。您最好在乘车之前选好乘车路线,先生。丹尼尔:Which line should I take if I want to go to Wangj

5、ing?我要是想去望京的话应该选择哪条线?接待员:Let me check for you. According to the route nep, you should take line 6.我帮您查一下。根据路线图,您应该选择六号线。机场工作人员:How long are you going to stay in China? 您会在中国停留多长时间?莉莉:Two weeks.两个星期。机场工作人员:To travel?旅行?莉莉:Yes.是的。机场工作人员:Is that your luggage?那是您的行李吗?莉莉:Yes Heres the luggage declaration

6、 form是的,这个是行李申报单。机场工彳乍丿、员:Thank you. Anything else to declare?谢谢。还有别的要申报吗?莉莉:No, I think this small bottle of whisky is duty-free.没有了,我想这一小瓶威士忌应该是免税的吧。机场工作人员:It is.是的。机场工作人员:Would you please open your bag?能打开您的旅行袋吗?海伦:0K I just have a couple of little gifts inside.可以。里面只有一些小礼物。机场工作人员:Whats the total

7、 value of the gifts, please?请问总价值多少?如彳厶 十 mcxaAi w-pvoo oil /-wo r r* a TXcclr o o cox+cn+ aa necklace and my personal belongings不会超过免税金额的。有两本书,一盒烟,一条项链,还有我的个人物品。机场工作人员:May I have a look at the necklace?我能看一下项链吗?海伦:Ofcourse But I think it should be duty-free.好的。但是我想它应该是免税的。机场工作人员:Yeah Is there anyth

8、ing else in your bag?是的。您包里还有其他东西吗?海伦:No.没有了。机场工作人员:0K Thank you. Enjoy your trip!好的。谢谢。祝您旅途愉快!海关人员:Hello, can I see your passport, please?您好,请出示您的护照。吉姆:Here you are.给您。海关人员:Whas the purpose of your visit?您旅行的目的是什么? 吉姆:Sigh t seeing.观光。海关人员:Where are you staying?您将在哪儿住宿?吉姆:China World Hotel.中国大饭店。海关

9、人员:How long will you be staying in China? 预计在中国停留儿天?吉姆:Six days.六天。海关人员:0k. Have a nice trip好,祝您玩得愉快。吉姆:How was your first flight?第一次坐飞机感觉怎么样?面 厂+ KoT er-ton - qIecc* 令 Via o omo + i ma inq i xkvcx* o e Ton the plane遭透了,在机场呆的时间都跟在飞机上呆的差不多了。吉姆:What happened?怎么了? 露西:The flight was delayed, and we wait

10、ed in the airport for eight whole hours. 飞机晚点,我们在机场等了整整八个小时。吉姆:0h, that sucks Maybe it will be bet ter nex t time 哦,真够倒霉的,下次估计会顺利点儿。露西:Hope so.希望如此。7/1 /# mo Tm rrc n m cr4- o o -Pin rrVy 14*07 4-Votn rrV o ishows it11 be delayed Do you know what the new departure time is?您好,我要乘坐去上海的SH307号航班,显示牌显加航班

11、延误。你知道新的起时间吗?1*11 1% I 14-人 rri Tino -Pl -J rrln + o o checking the board just in caseniolnarl l-o 1y1 4-E机要晚一个小时,不过,还是请多查看显乐牌以防万一。汤姆:Is it OK for me to go out to have something to eat?我出去吃点儿东西行吗?切 I汤 I 作人 rn Vm/ A + +q t q v q tannounced any minuteaixccx十Tha -Fl n ah+ rlanax + HTa cciil rl ha您最好待在机

12、场,随时都有可能广播航班起飞的。汤姆:What caused the delay?出了什么问题导致E机延误呢?机场工作人员:Sorry, r m not sure.抱歉,我也不太清楚。t也勤人员:Good afternoon May I have your ticket and ID card, please? 下午好,请出示您的机票和身份证。吉姆:Here you are给您。地勤人员:Thank you. Would you like a window or an aisle seat? 谢谢。您要靠窗的座位还是过道的座位? 吉姆:A window seat, please. 靠窗的。地勤

13、人员:Do you have any luggage?您有行李吗?吉姆:No.没有。t也勤人员:Heres your boarding pass Have a nice flight. 这是您的登机卡。祝您旅途愉快。吉姆:Thank you.谢谢。前台:What can I do for you?有什么能为您效劳的?迈克:Id like to make a reservation for a flight from here to New York. 我想订一张从这儿到纽约的机票。前台:Sure Can you tell me your name and your ID card number

14、?好。您能告诉我您的姓名和身份证号吗?迈克:M-i-k-e, 32*88. Can I choose my seat assignment?,32*88,我能指定座位吗?前台:Sure.当然可以。迈克:Id like a window seat.前台:No problem.没问题。迈克:Thanks.多谢。张华:Excuse me, can you tell me where to transfer planes, please? 打扰一下,请问我要转机应该怎么走?地勤人员:Do you have the boarding pass for the next flight?您有下一个航班的登机

15、证吗?张华:Yes.有。rroi-o cPnovt- -Pl i crVyi- Vw FdMb 苗ii 人 m V/tmi the signs那您顺着指示牌直接到下一个航班的登机口登机就可以了。张华:1 see Thank you.好的,谢谢。丹尼尔:Hello, can I change my flight schedule? 你好,我可以更改航班吗? 职员:Sure. Could you please tell me your name and the flight youve booked? 当然。请问您的姓名和您预订的航班? 丹尼尔:My name is Daniel Taylor The flight T ve


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