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1、中考必须掌握的25个句型1. keep /make sth. +adj.2. like to do /like doing3. make/ let sb. ( not) do sth.4. neither nor5. notat all6. not onlybut also7. notuntil8. so that9. spend on/(in)doing sth.10. stop sb.( from) doing sth.11. stop to do /stop doing12. take/bring sth with sb13. tooto14. I would like to/Would

2、 you like to ?15. used to16. Its important for sb. to do sth.17. Onethe other/Some others18. see/hear sb. do ( doing) sth.19. The +比较级, the +比较级,20. There is sth. wrong with21. What about/How about?22. Whats wrong/the matter with?23. Why not?/ Why dont you ?24. Will (Would, Could) you please?课堂练习:26

3、. keep /make sth. +adj.1. 请你把门敞开着好吗? Will you please ?2. 请保持阅览室整洁。Please .3. 每天做运动可保持身体健康。Doing exercises .4. 夏天我们必须保持牛奶和肉类的新鲜。 In summer, we .5. 危险时我们保持镇静很重要。 in danger.6. 让我们把城市变得更美。 Lets .27. like to do /like doing1. 我妹妹十分喜欢唱歌跳舞。My younger sister very much.2. 他父母亲不喜欢乘坐飞机旅行。His parents . 3. 汤姆不喜欢听

4、流行乐。 Tom . 4. 她业余时间喜欢读什么书? in her free time ? 5. 我过去喜欢和朋友闲逛。 I with friends.28. make/ let sb. ( not) do sth. 1. 王老师病了,咱们去看望他吧!Mrs Wang is ill. _ to see her. 让他不要把书借给我弟弟,他会把书弄坏的。_the book to my younger brother, he will break it. 为了学好英语,老师总是让我们早晨大声朗读。 To learn English well, the teacher always in the m

5、orning. 今天天气不错,让我们去走走吧 Its a fine day today. _for a walk.5. 妈妈让我尽快把屋子整理干净。 My mother _ as soon as possible.6. 不如让王先生开车吧,你们都喝醉了。 Please_, you are all drunk.29. neither nor1. 老师和学生都不在教室。_ is in the classroom.2. 你和他都没错。_ are wrong.3. 他既不太聪明也不太傻,干这个工作正合适。 He was _, but good enough at this work. 4. 保罗来得正

6、是时候,不早也不晚。Paul came just at right time,_.5. 不论绘画还是舞蹈都不好学,你必须刻苦训练。_is not easy to learn, you must train hard.30. notat all1.虽然生活很艰难,但是我们每个人根本不想放弃我们的希望。 Although life is difficult, each of us .2.我一点也不想把笔记借给她。 I_.3.有些人有好几个好朋友,有些人却一个没有! Some people have several good friends but others_!4. 他根本不怕再犯同样的错误。H

7、e is _5.那个电影一点都不好看。That movie_.31. not onlybut also1. 不仅仅是我想去动物园,她也想去。_ would like to go to the zoo.1. 不仅他在教室里,而且我们也在教室里。_are in the classroom.2. 不仅他喜欢英语,而且我也喜欢英语。_ English.3. 不仅你喜欢体育,而且他也喜欢体育。_ P.E. 4. 他们不仅在唱歌,而且还在跳舞。They are _6. Mike不仅写完了作业,而且还帮妹妹复习了英语。Mike _his sister with her English. 32. notunt

8、il1. 爸爸昨天直到午夜才回来。My father _ midnight yesterday.2. 昨天直到做完作业,他才看电视。Yesterday he _ he finished his homework.3. 我昨天直到写完作业才吃晚饭。I _ my homework yesterday.4. 直到雨停了,我才回家。I _ it stopped raining,5. 直到Miss Li进来了,他们才停止了说话。 They _Miss Li came in.6. 直到老师进来了,他们才停下来休息了一会儿。 They _ the teacher came in.33. so that1.

9、这个男孩这么小孩还上不了学。The boy is _ he cant go to school.2. 我们累的走不动了。We are we cant walk on.3. 去年天气太冷了,以至于很多人都患了感冒。Last year it many people caught a cold.4. 他饿得都站不住了。He was he couldnt stand up.5. 安娜太小还不能上学。Anna is_。6. 这个箱子太重了,我搬不动。The box is _.7. 外面的噪音太大,以至我们听不到老师讲话。The noise outside was _.8. 电影手机太有趣了,我一连看了三遍。The film cellphone is _.34. spend on/(in)doing sth.1汤姆每天花一个小时做家庭作业。 Tom _ every day.2露西花了50元买了这本字典。Lucy _.3妈妈经常告诉他不要在计算机游戏上花太多时间。Mother often _.4我花了6000多元买这台电视机。I _



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