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1、新编实用英语第一册第八单元练习答案2009信息公布栏 2010-03-04 15:14:18 阅读816 评论0 字号:大中小订阅 P127 -11)matter 2) very well 3) have a look 4) worry 5) some medicine 6) stop the pain 7) take the tablets 8) several times a day P127-2 1) whats wrong ? / whats the matter / are you all right ? you look very pale 2)oh , your leg is b

2、leeding , you d better lie down , how are you feeling now ?3)i have the first -aid kit here , lets stop the bleeding first 4) You should go to see a doctor immediately , want me to accompany you to the hospital ?P127-31) very soon , are you sure you are all right ? / are you ok ? You dont look well

3、.2)oh , thats too bad . You d better take a rest now , Have you had / taken any medicine .?3) Look , this is medicine oil , you might want to rub some on your temple .4) But youd better go to see a doctor , i ll accompany you to the clinic as soon as we return to the hotel .128-1 1) d 2) b 3)c 128-2

4、1) No , Jack does not look quite himself / not look very well 2) He is feeling awful , He is suffering from a bad headache .3) Yes , he took some asprin .4)Li suggests that Jack go to see a doctor immediately 5) Yes , he needs Lis help because he cant think straight at the moment .6)He has got a ter

5、rible headache , a sore throat and his whole body hurts badly .7) He says Dont worry , i think youve got a bad cold .8) He asks Jack to take an X-ray first .9) Jack may have got a bad cold .P129 -3 1) Nowadays , 2)skin 3) your skin 4) all the difference 5) hav a good rest 6) at least eight 7)on a fi

6、ne day 8) breaths 9) upwards and outwards .10) twice a week .P130-4 1F 2T 3T 4T 5T 6F 7F 8TP130-51. skin 2. rest 3. dry 4. within 5. walk 6. breath 7,minerals , 8, vegetables 9. outwards 10. young .P132-11. They may suffer from different kinds of illness .2. They may suffer from heat stroke , an inj

7、ury , skin and stomach trouble ,air- sickness , car -sickness or sea-sickness .3. Because it may help to cure or prevent the illness he / she may suffer from during travelling .4.Diarrhea 5. Because they are proved to be effictive and safe to reliveve certain health problems .6. It is good for heada

8、che , insect bites and other sickness .7. Medicated oil and Yunnan White Medicine spray .8. (Open )P132-21d 2c 3c 4a P133-31. such as 2. caused by 3. first-aid 4. traditional 5. helpful for 6. acclimatized 7. for instance 8. introduced to 9. soothes 10. satisfying effect 11. suggested 12. reluctiant

9、 P133-31. These friends from abroad have visited such cities in China as Xian , Guilin, and Dalian .2. This skin problems is a trouble , it will cause a big trouble .3. Dont worry , you are just not acclimatized to the new place .4. This herb pillow will greatly reduce the pain of a stiff neck .5. T

10、his method is indeed effective , i do appreciate your help .6. Although the ads sounds very convincing , she is still reluctant to order the new product .P134- 51. We may be fooled by certain tricks such as sweet words and overstating . She may be touched by certain actions such a hug and a kiss 2.

11、You will get too disappointed or have a bad temper with such a poor service . She may get too far behind or have an accident with such an old bicycle .3. Other pets may exibit bad behavior if they can not adopt to a new environment Other students may have emotional problems if they are not accustome

12、d to the competition .4. Message is also effective for a stiff neck . Taijiquan Exercise is also good for cancer patients .5. In some cases , precaution is of the biggest necessity In any case , keeping calmis of the biggest importance .6. They will not only like your performance ,but also like the

13、lively atmosphere . We will not only remember your friendship , but also appreciate the help from other collegues .P136-61F 2T 3F 4F 5T 6F 7T 8TP136-81. 但由于没有进行心脏移植,她的生命还随时处于危险中。2. 找到一个和玛利亚血型和体型相配的捐赠心脏可能得耗费上好几年。3. 她对捐献坦言无忌,并且在驾驶执照上与此相关的一栏里签上了“愿意”。4. 在检查了有关数据之后,医生告诉弗兰克,简直是奇迹,他妻子的心脏恰是卡门母亲的捐赠体。5.是的,绮瑞尔

14、那颗博爱的心将会继续跳动在另一位充满爱的母亲的胸膛中。P137-1 此种喷雾剂可使你口气清新甜爽,亦可作为顽固性口臭的辅助治疗。需要时尽可直接喷入口内。每瓶可供喷200次。因内含易燃物质,请避开火源及火星,吸烟时请勿使用。P137-2 玛丽. 史密斯 医学博士家庭诊所美国:加利福尼亚州本文包含保险附件患者姓名:约翰.米勒 年龄35住址:松树街12号 日期:06.10.15处方:布洛芬胶囊用量:每日4次,每次1粒;饭后服用 连服3天配给量12 粒 续配次数:3联邦药品管理局执照号码:LV345712-16玛丽. 史密斯P138-2 成分:含多种不同的消炎和止痛成分。 功能:防止感染,缓解疼痛。 用法:喷于患处,每日3至5次。 注意事项:只能外用,勿喷入眼、鼻、口中。 储存:避开光照与火源。 有效期:1年。P138-3口腔科美国:德克萨斯州医疗中心本文包含保险复件患者姓名:艾米. 贝克 年龄20住址:德克萨斯州休斯顿市1625号 日期:06.6.16处方:强力霉



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