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1、广州版英语上学期重点难点复习(初二)(最好配合英语周报语法点那版复习)Unitnewspaper重点难点:掌握情态动词 ought to (oughtn tshould(shouldn 的用法1. should do = ought to do 应该做一 否定: ought not to doeg: 1)The youngbe polite to the elder people.年轻人应该对长辈有礼貌。2) You watch TV for such a long time.你不应该看那么长时间的电视3) The door is closing ,I go home now.要关门了,我该回

2、家了 .4) Students wear school uniform everyday.学生应该每天都穿校服Unit 2:detectives and crimes重点难点:一.动词不定式和动名词以下动词后力口 to do : agree, promise, decide, want, wish, refuse, fail, seen, hope, happen, plan, appear helpeg: 1. We decided (go) out for dinner.2 .Tom promised (give) me a hand.3 . I can t help (cry).我情不自

3、禁的哭了。以下动词后力口 doing: enjoy, practice, finish, mind, keep, feel like, give up, look forward to, admit, deny, suggest, avoid, dislikeeg: 4. I enjoy (take) a walk with my pet dog.5.Would you mind (open) the window?二 . 让某人做 make sb do sthlet sb do sthhave sb do stheg:6. The father had his son (stand) the

4、re facing the wall for telling a lie.三 .stop doing sth 停止做某事stop to do sth停下来去做某事eg:7. They are so tired so they need to stop (have) a rest. 他们太累了所以需要停下 来去休息一下。8. Stop (talk) the teacher shouted angrly.不要说话!”老师很生气地说。Unit 3:modern machines重点难点:形容词和比较级的最高级无规则的常用形容词和副词比较级和最高级er+and+er(单音节单词)/more and m

5、ore(多音节单词如 beatiful):越来越the+er,the+er: 越 一,越 一asas:和 一 一样not so/as a/如 even (甚至),far (很;得多),a little (一点),a bit (一点),still(仍然)等词可修饰比较级。1 .他比我高一点。He is taller than me.2 .Tom 甚至跑得比我快。Tom runs than me.the -est/the most + 多音节词:最.练习:3 . lijie is(tall)girl in the class. 李洁是班里最高的女生4 . My coat is yours.和你的样

6、漂亮Unit 4:historical stories重点难点:现在完成时:.基本结构:have/has + done ; 否定形式:have/has + not +done.; 一般疑问句: have/has+主语+done+剩余部分。for+时间段,since +过去某个时间句中有already(用在肯定句),yet (用于否定和疑问句),never, ever, justeg: I.They(learn) Chinese for 10 years 。2. I just (find) my purse.3. He to Beijing three times.4. I(know)him f

7、or ten years.5. I(lose) my key.6. I already(finish) my job7. You(finish) your job yet?感叹句:adj (形容词)和n (名词)分开(一半两者间用the或数词隔开),用how,adj+n ,用what,可数名词单数时用what a/anWhat +(a/ an ) +形容词 +名词 + (主谓)How +形容词/副,+ (主谓)eg: 8. exciting news it is! exciting the news is!9. bad weather it is! bad the weather is!2.填

8、入 what, what a, what an 或 how:10. important information it is!11. cold the weather is at the South Pole!12. great day July 1,1997 was!13. honest Angela is!14. timid boy he is!15. useful book it is.unit 5:strange creatures重点难点:形容词adj和副词adv的用法 形容词:修饰名词和代名词.例如:Jenny is a beautiful girl.一beautiful当形容词修饰

9、 girl当名词副词:主要修饰动词,形容词,或另一个副词,甚至是一个句子 句型:be +副词副词+ 一般动词/ 一般动词 +副词副词+形容词例如:She is very beautiful.一 very当副词修饰beautiful当形容词She dances beautifully.一beautifully当副词修饰dance当动词She dances very beautifully.一 very当副词修饰beautifully当副词unit6 :jobs重点难点:被动语态TENSE主动语态一般现在时be+V (动词)ing一般过去时主语+V过去分词现在进行时amisare+Ving现在完成

10、时havehas+V过去分词一般将来时will+V情态动词情态动词+V被动语态am /is /are+ 动词过去分词waswere+ V过去分词amisare+being+ V 过去分词havehas+been+V 过去分词will be +V过去分词情态动词+be +V过去分词1. English in Canada.A. speaks B. are spoken C. is speaking D. is spoken2. This English song by the girls after class.A. often sings B. often sang C. is often s

11、ang D. is often sung3. This kind of car in Japan.A, makes B. made C. is making D. is made4. New computers all over the world.A. is used B. are using C. are used D. have used5. The key on the table when I leave.A. was left B. will be left C. is left D. has been leftunit7 :envirnment重点难点:1.why和because

12、的用法(why用来询问原因,用于特殊疑问句,一般用 because来回答why的提问,because + 句子 =because of + 名词eg: We did t go out it rained heavily.We did t go out the heavy rain.2.asas和(not)so as 的用法,as as 表示和 一样,中间加 adj原形,否定形式 not as as=not so aseg: he is as busy as before. 他还是像以前一样忙。(not) so - as- -只用于否定句,=not as as,表示不像 那样。Eg: I am

13、not so lucky as you.我不像你那么幸运。3.like,the same as ,different from 的用法Like除了可以做动词表示喜欢,喜爱:还可以作介词表像;和一样”的意思,look like :看起来像.Eg : I wish I could sing like her.我希望能像她那样唱歌。The same as 同一样的 Eg:He is of the same age as me. 他和我同岁。Different from 与不同Eg:Their tastes are different from mine.他们的爱好与我的不同。练习:1、 你为什么那样

14、做?-因为他叫我做的。 do you that? he ask me do.2、 他看起来很像他爸爸。He his father.3、 他的想法和我的不同。His idea mine.4、 你的钢笔和我的样。Your pen is mine.答案:Unitl:1)ought to/should 2) ought not to/shouldnt 3) ought to/should 4) ought to/shouldUnit2:1.to go 2.to give 3.to cry 4.taking 5.opening 6.stand 7.to have8.tallkingUnit3: 1.a

15、bit/a littleUnit4: 1. have learned7.have you 8.what 15.what an2.far quicker 3.the tallest 4.as nice as2.have found 3.has been 4.have known 5.have lost 6.have finishedhow 9.what how10.what 11.how 12.what a 13.how 14.what aUnit6: DCDCAUnit7:1.Why dobecause2.looks like 3.is different from 4.the same as


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