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1、2022年考博英语-哈尔滨工业大学考前模拟强化练习题(附答案详解)1. 翻译题Virtual high schools, which allow students to take classes via PC, have emerged as an increasingly popular education alternative, particularly for on-the-go athletes. University of Miami Online High School (UMOHS) has more than 400 students enrolled, 56% of who

2、m are athletes. Accredited by the 100-year-old Southern Association of Colleges and Schools, UMOHS offers honors and advanced-placement classes. All course material is online along with assignments and due dates. For help, says principal Howard Liebman, “A student may e-mail, instant message or call

3、 the teacher.”Dallas mom Lori Bannon turned to another online school. Laurel Springs in Ojai, Calif, Bannon, Who has a medical degree from Harvard, didnt want to compromise the education of her daughter Lindsay, 13, an elite gymnast who spends eight hours a day in the gym. “Regular school was not an

4、 option, ” says Bannon, “but I wanted to make sure she could go back at grade level if she quit gymnastics.” Laurel Springs enrollment has increased 35% a year for the past four years to 1,800 students. At least 25% are either athletes or child entertainers.Educators are split on the merits of such

5、schools. Paul Orehovec, an enrollment officer for the University of Miami, admits, “I was somewhat of a skeptic, but when I looked into their programs and accreditation, I was excited. UMOHS is the first online school to be granted membership in the National Honor Society.” Kevin Roy, Elites directo

6、r of education, sees pitfalls and potential in virtual schools. “You will never have that wonderful teacher who inspires you for life,” says Roy. “But the virtual school offers endless possibilities. I dont know where educations imagination will take this.”【答案】虚拟高中允许学生通过电脑上学,现在已经成为了一个日渐流行的教育方式,那些忙碌的

7、运动员们尤其钟爱这种选择。迈阿密网络学校已招收400多名学生,其中56%是运动员。该校已获得拥有100年历史的南部大学和中学联合会的批准,提供荣誉和预修课程,授课过程与作业练习都在线上进行,并标注截止时间。校长霍华德利伯曼说,如果需要帮助,学生可以通过电子邮件,即时短信或电话联系老师。 达拉斯的母亲洛丽班农选择了另一所网络学校加州奥凯市的劳雷尔斯普林斯。班农拥有哈佛大学的医学学位,她不想让自己13岁的女儿林赛的教育受到影响。林赛是一名优秀的体操运动员,她每天在体育馆要待上8个小时。班农说:“我并非想让她接受常规学校教育,我只是想确保她在结束体操生涯后能跟上正常的学习。”在过去四年,劳雷尔斯普林

8、斯的入学率年增长为35%,学生人数达到了1800。其中至少25% 的学生是运动员或演员。 教育工作者对这些学校的优缺点看法不一。迈阿密网络学校的招生官保罗奥赫维克承认,“对此我曾经有点怀疑。但当我查看他们的项目和资格认证时,我很兴奋。迈阿密网络学校是第一所被授予国家荣誉协会会员资格的网络学校。”精英教育总监教育主管凯文罗伊看到了虚拟学校的缺陷和潜力。罗伊说:“你永远也不会有一个能激励你一生的好老师。但虚拟学校提供了无限的可能性。我不知道教育的想象力会把这种可能性发挥到哪种地步。” 2. 翻译题While it is true that living organisms are profound

9、ly affected by their environment, it is equally important to remember that many organisms are also capable of altering their habitat significantly, sometimes limiting their own growth. The influence of the biological component of an ecosystem is often greater in fresh waters than in marine or terres

10、trial systems, because of the small size of many freshwater bodies. Many of the important effects of organisms are related to their physiology, especially growth and respiration. By their growth many species can deplete essential nutrients within the system, thus limiting their own growth or that of

11、 other species.【答案】尽管确实环境对生物有巨大影响,但是同样重要的是,我们要记住很多生物也能有能力去改变它们的居住环境,有时甚至限制了自身的生长。由于许多淡水水体的体积较小,淡水生态系统的生物成分的影响往往比海洋或陆地系统的影响大。生物的很多重要影响都与它们的生理有关,特别是与生长和呼吸有关。由于自身的生长,很多物种耗尽了系统中的基本营养物质,从而限制了自身的生长或者其它物种的生长。3. 翻译题与群众不同,知识分子喜欢推理,对事实感兴趣。他们思想上批判的习性,使他们成为那种很能蛊惑大多数人的宣传的抵制者。知识分子是那种重证据,厌恶不合乎逻辑和谬论的人。他们把过于简单化看作是思想

12、上犯错误的根源,他们不喜欢口号、绝对肯定和总的概括,而这些恰恰是宣传家惯用的手法。在这个人口加速过度增长,组织加速过度膨胀,以及出现了更为有效的广泛宣传工具的时代里,我们如何能保存个性的完整,又如何能再坚持个人的价值呢?这是一个至今可提出并可能得到较好的回答的问题。再过一代,寻找答案可能为时已晚,而在那个未来的令人窒息的集体风气中,可能压根就想不起提出这样的问题了。【答案】Unlike the mass, the intellectuals like to reason and are interested in facts. With critical thinking habits, th

13、ey have become leaders who resist propagandas which confuse most people. The clerisy lay stress on evidence, and are not too ready to believe illogicality and fallacy. They consider oversimplification as the root of thought to make a mistake. Meanwhile the academicians dislike slogan, absolute affir

14、mation and gross generalization, which are a propagandists usual measures. Therefore, how can we keep up integrity of personality, and how to continue upholding the value of individual in face of overpopulation and overexpansion of organizations as well as many more effective and comprehensive propa

15、ganda tools? Up to now, it is a question that can be proposed and given a good answer to but it will be too late to find out an answer to such question for the next generation in the future where the stifling collective atmosphere prevails, descendants may not think of such question at all.4. 翻译题Wha

16、t is the best exercise to control high blood pressure? Take your pick, as the best exercise to control high blood pressure seems to be virtually any exercise, like walking or cycling or lightweight training, especially if your workouts are spread throughout the day.“Even standing might work,” says Glenn Gaesser, the director of the Healthy Lifestyles Research Center at Arizona State University and an expert



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