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1、高一英语必修1 Module 3 学案教材分析:本模块通过旅游经历介绍风光特色,帮助学生学会关于交通工具和地貌等自然现象的词语,学会运用表示过去的用语作回忆,写游记,介绍风光。本模块的话题是: “介绍旅游经历,介绍童年故事”知识目标:Phrases: take off, try doing/ to do, no more, no longer, allow sb to do, refer to , out of date, more than, look like, be short for, in the 1920s/1920s, all the time, at the speed of

2、Sentences: Could I . Would you mind.? I am very sorry but.Grammar: 学习-ed 形式作形容词;学习过去时间的表达法Period one Introduction and Reading一常见短语:(p2123)1.上(车、船、飞机等) _ 下(车、船、飞机等)_2.上(车) _ 下(车) _3.(飞机)起飞 _ 4.A与B搭配_5.交通工具_ 6.在远处_7.指的是,提及_ 8.在海滨_9.长途列车_ 10.多么美妙的乘车旅行_11.正好在中心_ 12.在(某事)上花(时间) _ 13.前几公里_ 14.暗红色_15.被遗弃的农

3、场_ 16.在白天_17.听中文磁带_ 18.像钻石般闪闪发光_19.是的缩定/简称 _ 20. 受训的骆驼_ 21.20世纪20年代_ 22.修建一条新的铁路线_23.不再_ 24.通过法令_ 25. 允许做某事_二 基础自学 1.match多指事物的花样,颜色,范围或性质等方面的搭配。强调一事物和另一事物的搭配。fit一般指衣服,物品的大小,尺寸等适合。suit可指款式,颜色适当;也可指时间,安排,条件等适合。Eg. No one canher in knowledge of classical music. The red jacketwell, but its colour does

4、notme.2. in the distance 在远处,在远方Eg.他们看到远处有几处房子。_3.at kindergarten 4.all the time 5. shoot at sb/sth 6. distance”距离”(1) at / from a distance“从远处,遥远的”;这幅图从远处看更漂亮。The picture _.(2) in the distance“在远处,在远方”。(3) keep ones distance from “不亲近,和疏远”,“保持距离”。如:这条狗看起来很危险,所以我决定与它保持距离The dog_,so I decided to_.7.

5、drive (drove driven)“驾驶”;”用车送”;”迫使”你能送我去车站吗?Can you_?贫穷迫使他去偷窃。Proverty_.8. refer to1.)”查阅;参考” 如果你想知道一个词的意思,你可以查字典If you _, you can _the dictionary.2.)”指的是” 我指的不是你。Im not _ you3.)“适用于”;“涉及到”;”与有关”我要说的话涉及到你们大家。What I have to say _.9.scenery”风景,景色” 辨析:scenery, sight, view,scene三个词均含有“风景,景色”的意思,但它们各自的侧重

6、点有所不同:(1)scenery指某地总的自然风景或景色,尤指美丽的乡间景色,是不可数名词。(2)sight则既可以指场景、眼前看到的景观,又可以指名胜、风景,表示后者的含义时, 必须要用复数形式。(3)view通常指从远处或高处看到的景观、景物。常用get a good view of. (4) scene 指(戏剧)场景布景,景色风景(某一特定环境呈现的)景色,也指发生事件的现场,地点,场景。(1). Our reporter was the first person on the _.(2). Youll get a fine_of the town from the top of th

7、e hill.(3). He lost his_is an accident.(4). We passed through the beautiful_on our journey through the Lake District.10. supply V. “提供,供给” (UN)”供给,供应” (CN) “供应量 库存”supply sb with sth = supply sth to sb 供应某人。.他们给无家可归的孩子提供食物和衣服。They_11. Where do you think most of the people live, in the central part o

8、f the country or on the coast?”疑问词 + do you think(插入语) + 陈述句结构”(1) 不能用yes或no来回答这样的特殊疑问句,应用完整的句子来回答。 如:我认为他们最好去上海 I think theyd better go to Shanghai.(2) 位于句首的特殊疑问词如果不是该句的主语,一定要注意该句的语序。如:你认为他们该去哪儿? Where do you think they should go?(3)适用于以上插入语的常用动词还think, believe, suppose, imagine, guess, say, consid

9、er, suggest等。1).你认为他多大了?_.2).你猜我们英语老师在干什么?_.3).你认为谁在踢足球?_.12. We ate great meals cooked by experts! 我们吃的美味饭菜是由烹饪大师们做的!1)cooked by experts 过去分词短语做后置定语,相当于定语从句that/which were cooked by expects. 如:你看完了鲁迅先生写的那部小说了吗?Have you finished reading the novel written(=which/that was written) by Lu Xun?我妈做的饭很好吃Th

10、e food _.2) be expert in/at/on / an expert on/in . . 方面的专家 比尔盖茨是个电脑高手。Bill Gates _.13. In the 1920s/1920s(20世纪20年代) 在世纪年代(必须加the)在某人十几/二十几/三十几九十几岁in ones teens/twenties/thirtiesninetieseg. (1).当马克思五十几岁时,他发现研究俄国形势很重要When Marx was_, he found it_.(2).It is not rare(稀少) in _ that people in_ sixties are

11、going to university for further education.A.90s; the B. the 90s; / C. 90s; their D. the 90s; their14. no more = not any more“不再” 表示动作不再重复出现,与瞬间动词连用,强调数量,次数上不再增加。1)从那以后,类似的事故不再发生了Ever since then, such accident_.no longer = not any longer“不再”表示时间和状态上不再延续,常和表示延续动词连用,2)他们不再和对方说话.They will _ _.15.allow/permit doing sth”允许做某事”allow/permit sb to do sth “允许某人做某事” (1)办公室不允许抽烟。They _.(2) 请允许我介绍一下玛丽小姐。Please_.16.be short for “为的缩写” (1) Ben 通常为Benjamin的简称Ben _.be short of “缺少,短缺” (2) 这所医院现在缺少资金 This hospital _.for short: “简称”



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