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1、细心整理骨科根底词汇板层骨 lamellar bone编织骨 woven bone不动关节 synarthrosis 成骨细胞 osteoblast初级骨化中心 primary osseous center 次级骨化中心 secondary ossification center穿通管 Volkmanns canal粗面内质网 rough endoplasmic reticulum 蛋白多糖类 protein polysaccharides低磷性佝偻病 hypophosphatemic ricket 动力固定 dynamic fixation动力加压 dynamic compression动力

2、加压接骨板 dynamic compressing plate DCP二磷酸盐 diphosphonate 非自攻钉 nonself tapping肥大性假关节 hypertrophic pseudoarthrosis负荷 load干骺端 metaphysis干骺端 metaphyses 骨囊肿 bone cyst 骨髓 bone marrow骨皮质螺钉 cortical screws骨松质螺钉 cancellous screws (骨)密质骨compact bone 骨干 diaphyses 骨膜 periosteum骨松质 spongy/cancellous bone骨性联合 synost

3、osis骨小粱 trabeculae 骨细胞 osteocyte 骨髓腔 medullary cavity 骨先质细胞 osteoprogenitor 骨液 bone fluid骨小管 bonecanaliculus骨基质 bone matrix骨内膜 endosteum骨单位osteon 骨软化 osteomalacia骨质削减性疾病 osteopenic disease骨外力 external force骨内力 internal force骨密度 bone density 骨盆旋转 pelvic rotation骨盆倾斜 pelvic list 关节软骨 articular cartila

4、ge 骺板 epiphyseal plate 滑膜 synovial membrane黄骨髓 yellow bone marrow骺软骨板 epiphyses plate 急性血源性骨髓炎 acute hematogenous osteomyelitis脊索 notochord 脊椎滑脱症 spondylolisthesis 脊髓诱发电位 spinal evoked potential SEP脊椎发育不良症 Scheuermann 病脊髓造影 myelography 机械性损伤 mechanical failure 继发性骨折 secondary fracture挤压综合征 crush syn

5、drome加压髓内针 compression intramedullary nails剪力 shear force剪式应力 shear stress接骨术 osteosynthesis 间叶原基 anlagen 间叶细胞 mesenchymal cell降钙素 calcitonin 降钙素 calcitonin 筋膜间隙综合征 compartment syndrome 可动关节 diarthrosis 矿质化 mineralization拉力 tension肋骨突 costal process 磷酸脂 acidic phospholipid慢性局限性骨脓肿 Brodies abscess 慢性

6、骨髓炎 chronic osteomyelitis 膜内成骨 intramembranous ossification膜状管 membranous tubes 充溢性血管内凝血 disseminated intravascular coagulation 内反响力 internal reaction force内应力 internal stress内环骨板层 inner circumferential lamellae内固定问题探究学会association for the study of problem of intenal fixation ASIF 粘多糖类 glycosaminogl

7、ycans 扭转力 torsional force乏累性骨折 fatigue fracture乏累寿命 fatigue life乏累极限 fatigue limit皮层诱发电位 cerebral evoked potential CEP破骨细胞 osteoclast前列腺素 prostaglandin 羟基磷灰石 hydroxyapatite 韧带联合 syndesmosis溶解 dissolution软骨母细胞 chondroblast 软骨联合 synchondrosis软骨粘液样纤维瘤 chondromyxoid fibroma 软骨成骨中心 chondrification center

8、软骨内成骨 endochondral ossification瑞士骨折内固定学会 arbeitegemeindschaft fr osteosynthesefragen AO肾源性养分不良 renal osteodystrophy 受体 receptors生长板 growth plates 生物力学 biomechanics弹性模量 elastic modulus碳素接骨板 carbon plates体感诱发电位 somatosensory evoked potenial SEP无髓神经纤维 nonmyelinated nerve fiber 无机焦磷酸盐 inorganic pyrophos

9、phate峡部不连 spondylolysis纤维母细胞 fibroblast行军骨折 march fracture血窦 sinusoids 外环骨板层 outer circumferential lamellae应力线 stress line应力集中 stress concentration尤因肉瘤Ewings sarcoma原节 somite 压应变 compressive stress易乏累材料 fatigueprone material 应变 stain应力 stress应力骨折 stress fracture有髓神经纤维 myelinated nerve fiber诱发电位 evok

10、ed potential 运动诱发电位 motor evoked potential MEP张力带 tension band 张力带固定 tension band fixation张应力 tensile stress脂质 lipids 中心静脉窦 central venous sinus 轴向力 axial force自攻钉 self tapping screw 骨科临床词汇 Aao凹陷骨折 depressed fractureBban扳机指 trigger finger半脱位 semiluxation ,subluxation半侧肢体骨骺发育不良 dysplasia epiphysealis

11、 hemimelica半骶化 hemisacralization半月板囊撕裂 meniscocapsular tear半月板囊肿 meniscus cyst, cyst of menisci半月板裂开 meniscorhexis半月板软骨撕裂Knee: Torn Meniscus Cartilage半月板撕裂 tears of meniscibang棒球指骨折 baseball finger fracture棒球肘 baseball elbowbao爆裂骨折 bursting fracturebei贝克囊肿腘窝滑液囊肿 Bakers cyst背痛 backacheben本奈特骨折第一掌骨基底骨

12、折伴半脱位 Bennetts fracturebi闭合骨折 closed fracture闭合损伤 closed injury闭合性创伤 closed wound闭合性软组织损伤 closed soft tissue injury闭经后骨质疏松 postmenopausal osteoporosis臂丛神经麻痹 brachial plexus paralysis臂丛神经牵拉损伤 brachial plexus traction injury臂丛神经损伤 brachial plexus injury臂痛 brachialgiabian边缘骨刺 marginal osteophyte边缘骨折 ma

13、rginal fracture边缘外生骨疣 marginal exostosis扁平髋 coxa plana扁平手 manus plana扁平椎 vertebra plane扁平足 Flat Foot 变形性骨炎骨Paget病osteitis deformans变形性关节病 arthronosos deformans变形性脊椎病 spondylosis deformansbiao瘭疽felon,panaris,panaritium,whitlow外表高恶性骨肉瘤 high-grade surface osteosarcoma表皮样囊肿,粉瘤 epidermoid cyst,wenbin髌骨骨折

14、patellar fracture髌骨缺如 absent patella髌骨软化症,膝盖软骨软化症 chondromalacia patellae髌后脂肪垫挛缩 retropatellar fat pad contracture髌前感染性滑囊炎 infected prepatellar bursitis髌前滑囊炎 prepatellar bursitis髌下深滑囊炎 infrapatellar bursitis髌周肌腱炎 perpatellar tendonitisbing病理性半脱位 pathological subluxation病理性骨折 pathological fracture并指趾畸形 syndactylization并指趾形成 syndactylybo剥脱骨折 flake fracture剥脱性骨软骨炎 osteochondritis dissecans,OCD搏动性难受 pulsating pain 跛行 claudication,limp 马尾性跛行 cauda equina claudicatiom 间歇性跛行 intermittent claudication ubu不动关节,关节融合 synarthrosis 骨不连接 nonunion 不全骨折 infraction fracture 不全脊柱裂 parti



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