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1、小学课时教学设计 总第1课时 教学内容:Unit 7 Dialogue: May I have some grapes?随堂备注教学目标:1、 how to ask for something politely.2、 How to ask for possession using “Do we have.、”3、 How to indicate plural quantities教学重点:掌握句型:I want . Do we have.May I have.教学难点:区分名词的单,复数形式教具、学具: 实物、图片 教学过程:(一)热身与复习1、复习:练唱歌曲,number song.2、复习

2、May I use .和I have.you have.(二)呈现与操练1、出示图片banana. grape. apple pear教水果的单词fruit2 图片展示单,复数水果an apple some applesan orange some orangesa pear some pearsa banana some bananas操练句型I want a./ some.(水果)3、操练句型Do we have . May I have some. 4、听录音进行课文呈现。(1)听对话,理解对话内容,师生根据课文对话进行问答练习,例如:T: Do they have bananas、 P

3、: No,they dont.(2)再听录音,师生仿照课文对话。(3)跟读对话,同位或小组分角色朗读对话。(三)拓展与运用1、游戏巩固句型I want . Do we have.May I have some.2、小组就各自组里组员的名字,仿照课文进行对话,并尝试表演。3、小结本课所学内容。(四)作业1、听、读课文对话,并尝试表演对话2 抄单词 板书设计: Unit 7 May I have some grapes? an apple some applesan orange some oranges I want a .?a pear some pears Do we have.?a ban

4、ana some bananas May I have some.?教学后记: 第 页小学课时教学设计 总第2课时 教学内容:Unit 7 fun With Language随堂备注教学目标:1、 To listen to the correct fruit item according to the given colour.教学重点:掌握句型Can I have.教学难点 : 数字词的读音。教具、学具: 图片 实物 教学过程:(一)热身与复习1、朗读课文对话。2、复习单,复数形式水果操练句型I want a./ some.(水果) 3、老师和多名学生自由对话。二、Lister and ma

5、tch1、In this activity pupils will hear 4 mini dialogues.In each dialogue, one of the 4 children asks a parent or grandparent for some fruit.2 Have pupils look at the pictures of the fruits in the book ( page40,part1). Revise the names of the fruits and the colours.3 Arouse interest by saying:Does be

6、n want an apple?which apple? Does ben want some bananas? Which bananas? 第 页三 Play the game课前让孩子们带玩具,学习用品,水果和色子等物品回校分4人小组玩书上的游戏。要用英语说:P1: Can I have ten .?P2: Tree.四 Look and write1. 出示一张funny face要求学生用学过的单词介绍,老师先示范。如:The girls hair is grapes.Its purple. Her eyes are _. Her nose is a _. Its_. Its_.He

7、r mouth is a _. Its_.2. 学生用堂上练习本写自己画的funny face。3. 检查写话。五 作业1 读课文和单词2次2. 活动手册第一,二题板书设计: Unit 17Fun With LanguageThe girls hair is grapes.Its purple. Her eyes are _. Her nose is a _. Its_. Its_.Her mouth is a _. Its_.教学后记: 第 页小学课时教学设计 总第3课时 教学内容:Unit 7 Sound family随堂备注教学目标:1、 学会唱歌“What is this?”2、 掌握

8、读音规则o,o-e,p,q,r,s, and t in words.教学重点:1、学习读音规则o,o-e,p,q,r,s, and t in words.教学难点:1、运用读音规则o,o-e,p,q,r,s, and t in words.教具、学具: 图片、录音机教学过程:一Revision1. 教师先在黑板上画一棵树,然后拿“魔法棒” 一挥,说:This is a magic fruit tree. It grows many different fruits. Ding-, it grows an apple/a pear教师边呈现单数水果,边把水果贴在图上,然后再呈现复数单词,最后在黑

9、板上画两个篮子,引导学生自主发现问题,把单数的水果放在第一个篮子上,复数的放在第二篮子上。让学生归纳单、复数的用法。2. 读unit7的对话一次。二,Presentation1. Sing along 2. Sound family 1) Write “dog”and “orange” on the board. Underline the letter “o” in the two words. Read the two words to pupils, and while doing so ,point to the letter “o” in each word . Pupils wil

10、l understand that the letter “o” has a similar sound in two words . Single out this sound and say it a few times for pupils to repeat. 第 页2) If necessary , choose one more pair of words from the remaining ones to show the sound represented by each grapheme.三 巩固练习做活动手册第19页 第3题四 作业1背Unit7 单词2做活动手册第19页

11、第4.5题。板书设计: Unit 7 Sound family dog orange go nose pear apple ruler red six seven ten teacher教学后记:小学课时教学设计 总第4课时 教学内容:Unit 8 Dialogue随堂备注教学目标:1.学生能够运用Can I have some fruit?What fruit do you like ? I like grapes. 2、学生能在情景交际活动中相互合作。3、学生了解水果饮食文化。教学重点:学习单词,短语 。教学难点:学生运用Can I have some fruit?What fruit d

12、o you like ? I like grapes.对话。教具、学具:录音机 图片 小黑板等 教学过程:1.Lets review:教师在黑板上画出水果的简笔画和准备好的单词卡复习水果单词,并将其依次贴在黑板上形成一个水果商店.2.Lets chant.Pears ,pears .Lets have some pears.Peaches ,peaches .Lets have some peaches.Oranges,oranges.Lets have some oranges.Oh, yummy yummy yummy.Step2教学新知1.What fruit do you like ? I like grapes.T:(播放歌曲Lets have a picnic)It is a lovely. day today .Lets go and have a picnic .But we have no things to eat .Shall we go



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