浦东新王牌 寒假课程 初一英语

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1、石X 2015年七年级寒假班资料 新王牌 400-000-9755七年级上册知识点复习词汇和句型复习Unit 1invite n _ 邀请某人做某事_expensive n _talk to 和某人谈论某事_ adj _agent 旅行社_soon 迟早_ 一。就。_at the end of 到。结束的时候_ 最后_raise 举手_ 升国旗_ 提高某人的嗓音_national 国家_ 国际的_ 国籍_ancient 古代_interest adj _ 名胜_wonderful n _ adv _another 一个接一个_places of interestthe Summer Pala

2、cehave a good timea photo of you and me two and a half hours句型What can I do for you ?How long does it take to travel from Garden City to Beijing by plane ?How much does it cost ?Nice to see you.Nice seeing you.It is in the northwest of Beijing.It can hold more than one million people.Unit 2society a

3、dj _cruelty adj _as 从事_ 作为。而著名_prefer 与。相比更喜欢_care 照顾,喜欢_ adj _special n _unkind 对。不友好_vetguard police 警局_thief v _ n _ 偷某人某个东西_ missinghunt n_ 去打猎_a basket to sleep ina blanket to keep warma bowl of water to drinkmake promise to必背句型I am an SPCA officer.I prefer the yellow and brown one.Forget it.Do

4、nt forget it.Unit 3foreign n _crowded v _ 一群人_ 挤满_example 例如_ 给某人树立个榜样_CanadaCanadianIndiaIndianItalyItalianBritainBritishJapanJapaneseAustraliaAustralianGermanyGermanEuropeEuropeanGreece Greekmagazineknow aboutsex adj _nationalitynationalinternationaljunior 比。年轻_read about必背句型Kitty has gone. You ca

5、nt see him now.I have been there for three times. So I know a lot about there.I have lived here for 10 years.What do we call people from Canada ?We call them Canadians.What would Kitty like to know about her penfriend ?Here is a photo of my family.Over six million people live in Garden City.It is fa

6、r away from China.Unit4architect 建筑学_type 一种_ 打字员_removal 搬运工_ v _rescue 把。从。拯救出来_deliver n _manager v _ 设法做某事_accident 交通事故_ 意外的,偶然的_towards 朝。走_knock down 撞在某人身上_catch fire 烧着了_bothand hurt 受伤_run awayengine 开动发动机_ 工程师_Scene 自然风景_ 景点_carry必背句型Who wears a uniform at work ?a unit an SPCAI answer the

7、 phone.He sees street cleaners cleaning the streets.Tom sees a lot of people on his way to school.Unit 5choose n _ 做选择_untidytidytidy upagency 代理人_estate 居民区_matter 没关系_helper 店员_next toopposite 在。的对面_armchair 在安乐椅上_warn 警告某人某事_警告某人不要做某事_land 大陆_ 着陆_instruct n _ adj _ 指导员_direction v _II 必背句型I need

8、more shelves and wardrobes.Ben and I are much bigger now.Whats the matter ?What kind of flat would you like ?Tha new flat has more rooms than the old one.The flat is too small for us.I would like to live far away from busy roads.Unit 6peaceful n _ adv _ convenient n _ 在。方便的时候_bottom 干杯_ 在。的底部_step 第

9、一步_ 逐步地_ 脚步_noisy n _ pleasant n _ v _relaxing v _ n _church 去教堂_ 做礼拜_pleasure v _ adj _excite adj _ n _必背句型Is it inconvenient to go shopping in your neighbourhood ?There isnt much traffic.Making nests in the trees.How long does it take ?Unit 7hike 徒步旅行者_ 去徒步旅行_silence adj _ 保持安静_useful n _ 利用_take turns 轮流做某事_ land 大陆_ 着陆_miss luck adj _ adv _必背句型We must not smoke hereIf you land on a sign, you must say what it means.Good luck to you !What does this sign mean ?The sign tells us h



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