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1、雅思口语话题必备词汇资料仅供参考=FAMILY家庭types, elderly, family planning, marriage, divorce, housework, women Typesnuclear family两代同堂的家庭extended family三代、四代甚至五代同堂的家庭,大家庭three generations living under the same roof三代同堂Elderly 老年人filial duty子女的义务dutiful/ filial忠实的 , 顺从的 , 守本分的 ,恭敬的 , 孝敬的the elderly/senior citizens老年人

2、the aging is a social problem.人口老龄化是一个社会问题bed-ridden 卧床不起their health is declining.她们的健康每况愈下be paralyzed瘫痪,麻痹sit in a wheelchair/move around in a wheelchair坐轮椅nursing one s sick parents照料生病的父母nursing home老人院old people s home老人院social welfare社会福利be financially independent经济独立be retiredpensioner 领养老金者

3、,抚恤金领取者,领年金者, 跟班do not want to be regarded as a burden不想被当作负担live an isolated life与世隔绝资料仅供参考live apart from children不跟孩子一起住spend one s remaining days happily颐养天年fulfil the responsibility of bringing up the young and taking care of the old 尽养育孩子和赡养老人的义务the generation gap代沟be widowed 寡居,鳏居widow/widowe

4、r寡妇 /鳏夫life expectancy平均寿命(=expectation of life)Parenting (父母对子女的)养育have a family of one拥有s自own己的家庭be pregnant 怀孕on maternity leave休产假give birth to a baby生孩子take a baby to the kindergarten送孩子去幼儿园breadwinner 养家活口的人 ,负担家计的人make ends meet收支相抵,收支平衡provide financial and emotional support to the youngpare

5、ntal abuse虐待父母ill-treat/maltreatvt.虐待 , 滥用Family Planning计划生育birth control计划生育population control人口控制population explosion人口爆炸资料仅供参考overpopulation人口过剩population density人口密度be thickly/sparsely populated人口稠密the population is aging.人口老龄化baby boom 生育高峰average life span平均寿命birth rate出生率death rate/mortality

6、 rate死亡率/ 稀少census人口调查;户口调查one-child policy一对夫妻只生一个孩Marriage婚姻marital status婚姻状况single/married/divorced单身 /结婚/离婚a partner/spouse夫;妻;配偶的一方matchmaker/go-between媒人marriage on the basis of romantic lovefall in love with sb. at first sightwedding婚礼bride/bridegroom新娘 / 新郎the best man男傧相maid of honor女傧相be

7、divorced离婚自由恋爱结婚一见钟情separated分居single parent family单亲家庭资料仅供参考a broken family破碎的家庭get custody of a child获得对孩子的监护权alimony ( 离婚或分居后在诉讼期间男方给女方的 ) 赡养费 , 生活费 pay alimony to the wifeimpact on the child影响孩子Housework家务( household ) chores 家庭杂务;日常零星工作housework 家务 , 劳动 , 家务事do the laundry洗熨washing 要洗的衣物;洗好的衣物cleaning 清洁(处理), 清洗vacuum 用真空吸尘器打扫vacuum( cleaner ) 吸尘器tidy and neat整洁in a mess 混乱 , 脏乱get on one s nerves令人不安get desperate不顾一切的 , 拚死的,令人绝望的,;铤而走险的;亡命的,孤注一掷的Women女人sex discrimination性别歧视be underpaid所得报酬过低overloaded 超负荷inferior to men(地位)不如男人


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