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1、中国科学院大学博士研究生入学考试英语考试大纲 招生办公室 2014年11月21日考试对象报考中国科学院大学各单位(具体指中国科学院所属各研究院、所、中心、园、台、站及校部各直属院系)相关专业拟攻读博士学位的考生。考试目的检验考生是否具有进入攻读博士学位阶段的英语水平和能力。考试类型、考试内容及考试结构本考试共有五个部分:词汇(占10%)、完形填空(占15%)、阅读理解(占40%)、英译汉(占15%),写作(占20%)。试卷分为:试卷一(Paper One)客观试题,包括前三个部分,共75题,顺序排号;试卷二(Paper Two)主观试题,包括英译汉和写作两个部分。一、词汇主要测试考生是否具备一



4、用英语表达思想或传递信息的能力及对英文写作基础知识的实际运用。考试时间及计分考试时间总计为180分钟,其中试卷一为110分钟,试卷二为70分钟。卷面总分100分。详见下表:试卷一:题号名称题量分值时间(分钟)I词汇选择填空201015II完形填空151515III-A阅读理解(A)303060III-B阅读理解(B)101020小计7565110分钟试卷二:题号名称题量分值时间(分钟)IV英译汉语篇中句子51530V写作12040小计63570分钟SAMPLE TESTUNIVERSITY OF CHINESE ACADEMY OF SCIENCESENGLISH ENTRANCE EXAMI

5、NATIONFORDOCTORAL CANDIDATESPAPER ONEPART I VOCABULARY (15 minutes, 10 points, 0.5 point each)Directions:Choose the word or expression below each sentence that best completes the statement, and mark the corresponding letter of your choice with a single bar across the square brackets on your Machine-

6、scoring Answer Sheet.1. Ten years ago, a house with a decent bathroom was a _ symbol among university professors.A. post B. statusC. position D. place2. It would be far better if collectors could be persuaded to spend their time and money in support of _ archaeological research.A. legible B. legitim

7、ateC. legislative D. illicit3. We seek a society that has at its _ a respect for the dignity and worth of the individual.A. end B. handC. core D. best4. A variety of problems have greatly _the countrys normal educational development. A. impeded B. imparted C. implored D. implemented5. A good educati

8、on is an asset you can _for the rest of your life. A. spell out B. call upon C. fall over D. resort to6. Oil can change a society more _ than anyone could ever have imagined.A. grossly B. severelyC. rapidly D. drastically7. Beneath its myriad rules, the fundamental purpose of _ is to make the world

9、a pleasanter place to live in, and you a more pleasant person to live with.A. elitism B. eloquenceC. eminence D. etiquette8. The New Testament was not only written in the Greek language, but ideas derived from Greek philosophy were _ in many parts of it.A. altered B. criticizedC. incorporated D. tra

10、nslated9. Nobody will ever know the agony I go _ waiting for him to come home.A. over B. withC. down D. through10. While a countrys economy is becoming the most promising in the world, its people should be more _ about their quality of life. A. discriminating B. distributing C. disagreeing D. disclo

11、sing11. Cheated by two boys whom he had trust on, Joseph promised to _ them.A. find fault with B. make the most ofC. look down upon D. get even with12. The Ministers _ answer let to an outcry from the Opposition. A. impressive B. evasive C. intensive D. exhaustive13. In proportion as the _ between c

12、lasses within the nation disappears the hostility of one nation to another will come to an end.A. intolerance B. pessimismC. injustice D. antagonism14. Everyone does their own thing, to the point where a fifth-grade teacher cant _ on a fourth-grade teacher having taught certain things.A. count B. insistC. fall D. dwell15. When the fire broke out in the building, the people lost their _ and ran into the elevator.A. hearts B. tempersC. heads D. senses16. Consumers deprived of the information and advice they needed were quite simply _ every cheat in the marketplace.A. at the


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