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1、2022年考博英语-厦门大学考试题库及全真模拟冲刺卷(含答案带详解)1. 单选题The captain performs his duties with great_and all the crew believed that they can get over the storm.问题1选项A.affectionB.suspicionC.assuranceD.definition【答案】C【解析】affection喜爱, 影响; suspicion怀疑; assurance确信, 断言, with assurance指有把握地, 自信地; definition定义。句意:船长信心十足地履行着

2、他的职责,所有的船员都相信他们能够战胜暴风雨。选项C符合句意。2. 单选题Identity theft can range for the simple theft of a credit card,or it can go into more complex schemes where the thieves can_hundreds of people at a time.问题1选项A.embodyB.impersonateC.personifyD.assume【答案】B【解析】embody使具体化; impersonate模仿, 扮演; personify赋予.以人性, 使人格化; as

3、sume假定, 设想。句意:身份盗窃可以简単地归类于信用卡盗窃,也可以是更复杂的方案,比如窃贼可以一次冒充数百人。选项B符合句意。3. 单选题The government recently presented an ambitious plan to tackle the violence and_that follow when too many people drink too much too quickly in too small an area.问题1选项A.alienationB.delimitationC.barenessD.mayhem【答案】D【解析】alienation疏

4、远,转让; delimitation定界; bareness赤裸, 裸露; mayhem蓄意的破坏, 故意的伤害罪。句意:政府最近提出了一项雄心勃勃的计划,以解决在一个面积太小的地区,如果有太多的人饮酒太多太快而制造的暴力和混乱。选项D符合句意。4. 单选题For the longest time, I couldnt get worked up about privacy: my right to it; how its dying; how were headed for an even more wired, underregulated, overintrusive, privacy-

5、deprived planet.I should also point out that as news director for Pathfinder, Time Inc.s mega info mall, and a guy who on the Web, I know better than most people that were hurtling toward an even more intrusive world. Were all being watched by computers whenever we visit Websites; by the mere act of

6、 browsing(it sounds so passive! ) were going public in a way that was unimaginable a decade ago. I know this because Im a watcher too. When people come to my Website,without ever knowing their names, I can peer over their shoulders,recording what they look at,timing how long they stay on a particula

7、r page,following them around Pathfinders sprawling offerings.None of this would bother me in the least, I suspect, if a few years ago, my phone, like Marleys ghost, hadnt given me a glimpse of the nightmares to come. On Thanksgiving weekend in 1995, someone (presumably a critic of a book my wife and

8、 I had just written about computer hackers) forwarded my home telephone number to an out-of-state answering machine,where unsuspecting callers trying to reach me heard a male voice identify himself as me and say some extremely rude things. Then,with typical hacker aplomb,the prankster asked people t

9、o leave their messages (which to my surprise many callers,including my mother,did). This went on for several days until my wife and I figured out that something was wrong (Hey.why hasnt the phone rung since Wednesday? ) and got our phone service restored.It seemed funny at first,and it gave us a swe

10、ll story to tell on our book tour. But the interloper who seized our telephone line continued to hit us even after the tour ended. And hit us again and again for the next six months. The phone company seemed powerless. Its security folks moved us to one unlisted number after another,half a dozen tim

11、es. They put special pin codes in place. They put traces on the line. But the troublemaker kept breaking through.If our hacker had been truly evil and omnipotent as only fictional movie hackers are, there would probably have been even worse ways he could have threatened my privacy. He could have sab

12、otaged my credit rating. He could have eavesdropped on my telephone conversations or siphoned off my E-mail. He could have called in my mortgage, discontinued my health insurance or obliterated my Social Security number. Like Sandra Bullock in The Net J could have been a digital untouchable, wanderi

13、ng the planet without a connection to the rest of humanity. (Although if I didnt have to pay back school loans,it might be worth it. Just a thought.)Still,I remember feeling violated at the time and as powerless as a minnow in a flash flood. Someone was invading my private spacemy familys private sp

14、aceand there was nothing I or the authorities could do. It was as close to a technological epiphany as I have ever been. And as I watched my personal digital hell unfold, it struck me that our privacymine and yourshas already disappeared, not in one Big Brotherly blitzkrieg but in Little Brotherly m

15、oments, bit by bit.Losing control of your telephone, of course, is the least of it. After all, most of us voluntarily give out our phone number and address when we allow ourselves to be listed in the White Pages. Most of us go a lot further than that. We register our whereabouts whenever we put a bank card in an ATM machine or drive through an E-Z Pass lane on the highway. We submit to being photographed every day20 times a day on average if you live or work in New York City一by surveillance cameras. We make public our interests and our purchasing habits every time we shop by mail ord



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