人教新课标版Module 1 Unit 1 Friendship (Writing)教学设计

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1、人教新课标版Module 1 Unit 1 Friendship (Writing)教学设计 教学设计广东省中山市中山纪念中学莫雁课 题Unit 1 Friendship(Writing)教 材人教新课标版Module 1 教学目标1 认知目标a. 经过口语练习使用部分词语和句型来给提议b. 经过使用课文提供的写作模版提炼写作过程中所需要的要素2 能力目标a. 培养学生给提议的能力b. 写作过程中对逻辑性,连贯性,句型多样性和完整性的驾驭能力学生分析学生在英语能力“写”这一个项目上有很多问题,比如说表示不到位,语法错误,语句错用,中式英语,结构零碎等等,所以在作文课当中要作长久的,多方面的训练

2、。本课是高中一第一模块第一单元的第一堂写作课,相当于是学生升上高中以后的第一堂写作课,所以教学设计上也遵从了这一事实规律,由浅入深地进行写作意识的渗透。教材分析本单元的写作是结合一定的情景让学生学会怎样表示提议和解释自己的提议,所以教材也分了两个活动让学生自然地进入情景,并达成能用英语表示的提议的的目标。教学重难点1. 词语和句型给出提议。2. 连贯性、逻辑性、完整性和多样性的表现。教学过程I. Warming up:Pair-work: Do you like making friends? If your friend is in trouble, how would you help h

3、im/her? II. Leading inHow to give suggestions:Why dont you do sth? BecauseIn this case, I think youd better do sth.When it comes to sth, I propose that you (should) do sth. There are some good reasons for it. For exampleMy suggestions to deal with the problem are as follows. In the first place, Seco

4、ndly FinallyTake turns to practice giving suggestions in different situations.Your friend had a fight with his parents.Your friend is worried about her weight.Your friend is lost in computer games.III. Skills learning (Activity-centered)One of your best friend Xiao Dong wrote to Miss Wang of Radio f

5、or Teenagers to ask for advice. Read his letter first.Dear Miss Wang:Im a student from Huzhou Senior High School. I have a problem. Im not very good at communicating with people. Although I try to talk to my classmates, I still find it hard to make good friends with them. So I feel quite lonely some

6、times. I do want to change this situation, but I dont know how. I would be grateful if you could give me some advice. yours, i Xiao DongActivity 1: Before you help Miss Wang answer the letter, brainstorm about ways to change the situation. Ideas/Advice Why 1. to ask people their likes and dislikes 1

7、. To find classmates with the same interests 2. to join in discussions and show interest in other peoples idea 2. to get to know different people and let them see you are friendly 3. 3. Activity 2: Group Work: InterviewIn group of four or six, interview your group members about their advice and reme

8、mber to take notes. Choose three pieces of advice that you think are most useful.Try to write down your advice. Use the structures we just learnt and the sample on page 7 to help you. (Each idea can make one paragraph. )Activity 3: Checking 1. Past tenses Have you used the Past Simple, Past Continuo

9、us and Past Perfect? 2. Linking words Have you used linking words? Can you add any more? 3. Simple errors Are there any spelling mistakes?Activity 4: Work Appreciation Conclusion: what is needed for a good article? 1句子内容的完整性(Completeness) 2句子结构的正确性(Correctness) 3句子内容的连贯性(Coherence) 4句子结构的多样性(Variety

10、)IV. Assignment:Choose one famous person you like and write one of his/her anecdote.教学评价语言教学评价应重视学习过程的评价,即评价学生的分析能力,表示能力,协作能力和创新能力。在“任务驱动”的教学策略下,可经过学生对课文的了解程度怎样,反应是否主动,及表示是否适当充足来进行评价.。我们激励以学生为中心进行教学活动,评价的形式、内容和方法应表现多元化。学习过程的评价应更重视课堂评价,立即评价,立即反馈,增强感性认识。同时评价过程应是开放式的,评价方法能够是学生自我评价,也可由学生评价,这么,学生既是测评人,又是受评人,同时又培养了学生的自信心和综合能力。教学反思和回顾本堂作文课的设计,目标是经过示范、练习,让学生掌握表示技巧、提升英语作文的写作水平。整堂课由导入、关键点说明、例句演示、情景操作、小结、作业等多个步骤组成。经过由浅入深,逐层深入的方法使学生把握高考高分作文所应达成的标准和要求,增强写作技能技巧,提升水平。本人认为这堂课的整体及重难点设计没有什么问题,但效果理想能够更理想,在实践练习当中能够更多实现师生之间的互动。假如改善,我以为能够经过调整看图作文练习的形式来促进互动的表示效果。



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