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1、宜宾市三中2014级第三学期期中教学质量检测题英 语本试题卷分第卷(选择题)和第卷(非选择题)。考生作答时,须将答案答在答题卡上,在本试题卷、草稿纸上答题无效。满分150分。考试时间120分钟。考试结束,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。第卷(共三部分,满分100分)注意事项: 1.必须使用2B铅笔在答题卡上将所选答案对应的标号涂黑。2.第I卷共三部分,共计100分。第一部分 听力(共两节,共30分)做题时,先将答案划在试卷上。录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上。第一节(共5 小题;每小题1.5分,共7.5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后面有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三

2、个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)请听下面5段对话,选出最佳选项。1. What are the two speakers going to do?A. Have a party.B. Take their final examination.C. Pay a visit to a place.2. Why does the man call the police?A. A fire broke out in the street. B. There w

3、as a fight in the street.C. There was a traffic accident in the street.3. Why is Mike so happy?A. He has seen his girl friend. B. He has got a letter from his family.C. He has passed his examination.4. When will the train arrive?A. At 9:45. B. At 10:15. C. At 10:00.5. What is the probable relationsh

4、ip between the two speakers? A. Boss and secretary.B. Librarian and borrower. C. Teacher and student.第二节 (共15小题;每题1.5分,共22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,每小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白你将听两遍。请听下面一段对话, 回答第6、7两个小题。6. When will the party be held?A. At 7:00 pm

5、. B. At 7:30 pm. C. At 8:00 pm.7. What does the woman ask the man to do?A. Buy her something.B. Drive his car to her home.C. Go for a walk with her.请听下面一段对话, 回答第8至10三个小题。 8. Whats the probable relationship between the two speakers?A. Husband and wife. B. Friends.C. Mother and son.9. Why didnt the ma

6、n go to the south?A. He has been to the south many times. B. It is too hot there.C. It is too far away.10. What did the woman do for her holiday?A. She stayed home and did some reading. B. She went to the south.C. She went back to her hometown.请听下面一段对话, 回答第11至第13三个小题。 11. What does the man ask the w

7、oman to do? A. Type a report.B. Attend a meeting.C. Repair the computer. 12. Why cant the woman help the man? A. The computer went wrong. B. She is too busy right now. C. She has something else to do.13. Whats the probable relationship between the two speakers? A. Boss and secretary. B. FriendsC. Te

8、acher and student. 请听下面一段对话, 回答第14至16三个小题。 14. Where does the conversation probably take place? A. In a restaurant.B. In a shop. C. In a hotel. 15. Which floor will the man stay on? A. The fourth floor.B. The sixth floor.C. The third floor. 16. How much should the man pay for two nights? A. 160 doll

9、ars. B. 300 dollars. C. 80 dollars请听下面一段独白, 回答第17至20四个小题。 17. Where did the speaker see snow for the first time? A. In Canada. B. In the USA. C. In Hong Kong. 18. Why was the speaker very happy one evening? A. It was snowing. B. He didnt need to go to school. C. He could put on warm clothes.19. What

10、 news did the speaker hear over the radio? A. Help would come from all over the country. B. It snowed heavily in Hong Kong. C. They didnt have to go to school that day.20. What did the speaker do the next morning? A. He went to school. B. He played in the snow. C. He went fishing in the river.第二部分 阅

11、读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节 (共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。并在答题卡上将该选项涂黑。AThomas Alva Edison was awarded more patents (专利) on inventions than any other American. When he died in 1931, Americans wondered how they could best show their respect for him. One suggestion was that the nation o

12、bserve a minute or two of total blackout. All electric power could be shut off in homes, streets, and factories.Perhaps this suggested plan made Americans realize fully what Edison and his invention meant to them. Electric power was too important to the country. Shutting it off for even a short time

13、 would have led to complete confusion. A blackout was out of the question.On the day of Edisons funeral, many people silently dimmed their lights. In this way they honored the man who had done more than anyone else to put the great force of electricity at his country peoples fingertips.21People deci

14、ded to honor Edison when_.Ahe died in 1931 Belectric power was 100 years oldCthe country realized electricitys importance Dhe made the first electric light22The suggested plan was to_.Aturn off the lights in factories and schools Bobserve a few minutes of total silenceCshut off all electricity for a short time Ddim all electric lights23Americans fully realized what Edisons inventions meant when they_.Aheard of the plan to honor himBheard of his deathCfirst used electric power Dtried to carry out the plan24. This passage was probably written to_.Atell about Edisons inventions Bp


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