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1、英语自我介绍(集锦7篇) 当到达一个新的环境后,我们总归要向他人介绍自己,自我介绍是人与人进行沟通的动身点。那么自我介绍要留意有什么内容呢?下面是我收集整理的英语自我介绍,仅供参考,大家一起来看看吧。英语自我介绍 y nm s elen, nder: fme, 17 yas o hiyear, s no seior stunt. don ike xeen tdet oten gt terise, choerifcates, cn onlywatch ohs from he hand of eteacheougt atetimils, oneselfan onl envy in yur hea,

2、m mageinteeys teache ustliten rfull inclas, hai your homwok on timegotudt, ut al have their own f anpersolity, m ot afraid of oher peoples yes, I w I am I,lud, don ant to o withte lw,otive entersin,. Dnt sd: walk yurselfs roa, le hrs ao.I thik only do yourelf the ost cmorte,do oterstoo uncomfrtable.

3、 Commercia slog swell aid: Im y wn, not imita othes, also ot reproduc themselve thers btr thanhmlf? T mn ofth or god from ncient t pesent hw many, w cnehe best efin?ot wantto, oneslf is te best. , lou.OncewhenIwaaad,beuse ofmyoud, me female studets dont like me, riend call m, call me to do a lady Sh

4、e so tauht how to do a lady: frst,the behviorScond,dresi. Tird, have a meal, cnt ae a soun. ourth, asl voice. I aloc dtheirst tw, but this afer fw cant, hat s nt my lf. I dowant o be a ady,smal voic,r nerhe speil,nd nxt to oi cannot too bi,anhe he sea, st thik how tire!seto ady I dont think lo, thi

5、is y eknss, I thinthi imy adantg,thbnis of thloud voi: first Loly, oherpeople bsieyo, t cantea. Se, make a phoe call is coenient,tlephone youwere ay, thrs ou hea yo alking. Thrd,cnveent tocall, as n asisot fawa frhe, yu al hm, h shoud b be thar. The beneit of ud on when the eneso firmaden moe afford

6、ble. Uni now, tee are hose who dis meas lady, think Iam I, Idont want t chae youself.英语自我介绍2y name is . Iasxys od.I am a enior high cool student. gd at srfinonline.My hob is idsd,suchas eadin,liteninto msic, lyin basktball.I a youg,bright,eergt wih strong stdyamtin.I ave gd rsetatio kl ad poitive ac

7、tive mi essent. futre is oateaheI hoe Ian me oridren acquie nwlege英语自我介绍3Hello,evro! My e is .y Chinese name is X I amvygladjoin y i his clas Ijus raduted romsorhighschool. I like Brain ver much,if I cou udn ritai one dy, I oul bevy hapy. But m nlis is ot very godow. oI like t improe y Eglish i tis

8、cls. nd ver glad o se oureacher MrXXX/sXXX .hnk yo.英语自我介绍4我最喜爱的科目是语文、数学和英语。我特别瘦。我是一个文雅的女孩子。你们喜爱我吗? Toutle mn bon,appell XXX, eml, 2 , institut de rands4tudntsde lestrags, di cetenne suis desiali nglaises, 2 Fnais dxtrieur,par lngais ciali niveaux, intt ar iplm dane btendai l licence, est hon uorhi p

9、our pouvoir ecop pariciper cete hure dinterviewe, juri la ofiance, donc orai ceraineetavoi a bon apaence, rmereri demoietocaion “如何作自我介招?”这个问题看上去好像很简洁,人人都会。其实并不然,也有说的不是很志向的。主要的现象有几下几点: 、不知从何说起。有许多同学当听到老师问:“canyomae a sel-nouton?”时,首先迟疑几秒,然后怔怔的看着:“老师说什么呀?”这一类算是“无打算型”。自我介绍是你与人打交道,参与各类口语考试,职场面试不行或缺的一部分

10、,同时也是特别重要的一部分。作为口语测试,测试的老师其实重点考查的是你运用语言的实力,而不是对你的背景的了解。所以想把口语学好的同学不妨大胆的秀一下。 2、缺乏逻辑性。还有一些同学在作自我介绍时,要么只说两句话名字,年龄;要么夸夸其谈但缺乏逻辑性。别看简简洁单的一个自我介绍有时也能反映出一个人的逻辑思维和做事看法。英语自我介绍 致辞敬礼 Helo veboy M nam s Stone. I coe froGuaong prvine n Cina.I m ey hapy t ome hreto tudy wit yo.When I arrived at thischol hredas go,f

11、ll in lv wih it.Its so beautifl and excitn ere, and vryone iskint meeeially Kim.Ts class feels js lk on big family to eIm interested i ors, music and uin climbi.Ialso njyayng socer. I wol ov to lywith yoometime.I hpe can bcome our frienon. hank you very uch.Heo!Ever e.My name is.m airl.m yeas old. I

12、min Clas.I like plingum.Ad lke cak,I tk i is delciousMy favriuect re hinese,atand EglishiI am vey thin. a quetil. o like ?大家好!我的名字是xx我是一个女孩。我十岁了。我在班里。我喜爱打鼓。还有我喜爱蛋糕,我认为它很美味。英语自我介绍 My name is .My Cieseameixx . I m vey gl t join you in thisclass. I jus grade from senir hgh sh. I lBta veryuch, sof cld tud in Brtain one da, wd e ryhappy t my ngis s not ry goo nw.o Idlik to imo my Enish i his class. An vry gla to ee or eahr Mr/Mrs Thank you Helloeverydy.y namei StonIcomfom Gangonprinceinina.I am ery happyt c


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