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1、英文慰问信(精选多篇)第一篇:英慰问信dear sir,the news of your accident just reached me this morning.im greatly shocked to learn that you were knocked down by a car yesterday.how are you feeling today?the only good thing about it is that your mother told me that you are progressing nely, i hope that you are doing wel

2、l after the operation, and that youll be out of the hospital in about a wee.im ing to see you on sunday and trust that your condition will remarkably improve by then.a little package from rose and me will reach you a day or two.we hope the small thing will interest you.with every good wishes for you

3、r swift recovery!sincerely yours, li ming dear john,i am shocked to hear that you have a severe influenza and now are in hospital.i get this news from your mother and know you must be absent for half a month from the classes.do be careful while you are ill.dont worry about your lesson and i am willi

4、ng to help you learn it when you return.we are best friends so i will never allow you to fall behind.you can watch television or listen to radio programs to help pass the time and forget your pains while you recuperate.i do hope that i can see you soon and bring you some funny cartoons.if there is a

5、nything you need me to do, just let me know.we all miss you and shall be hy when you are back.your truly,li ming第二篇:英慰问信地震英慰问信1im feel very sad to know that there was a heavy earthquake in your country, a lot of people lost their lives and also many people lost their home.we can understand your feel

6、ings because our country also suffered the same events .our best wishes will always with you .take good care of yourself and the people anound with you.2we were so sorry to hear the news about the earthquake.we deeply condole with you on the earthquake.did your pany have any losing from the earthqua

7、ke?if you need any help please do no hesitate to advise us.we will try our best to support you not only on order but also on anything else.should you have any questions please feel free to send me mail .looking forward to your reply.respectfully yours.3dear james, in todays newspaper, i read about t

8、he recent events in your town and i am writing to etend my deepest condolences.it broke my heart to see all those ptures of those whose homes have been destroyed in the trag hurrane.i couldnt believe my eyes when i saw a little rl crying on the roof of her house asking for help.i am really worried a

9、bout you and your family, and all your friends there.i am crossing my fingers for you now in hopes that you are all safe and sound.i can only imane how diffult this time must be for you, and i want to etend to you my unwavering support.our government and many nongovernmental organizations are initia

10、ting various caigns to urge people to donate money and necessary things to send to amera.i donated all my allowance that i have been saving for years.i feel etremely sorry for this tragedy, and i will be looking forward to hearing from you.please pass my concern on to your parents.yours sincerely, m

11、eng fei4the earthquake whh hened two weeks ago in shuan province is an enormous disaster for our whole nation.it has caused both financial and life loss.until now, fifty thousand people lost their lives due to the earthquake and much more injured seriously.five million people have no homes to return

12、 as the majority of the buildings were collapsedwe are sorry about this accident.its a pity that many children lost their parents and many couples lost their lovers.i could not help but cry when hearing of the moving stories that hened during the disasterour whole nation is a big family, every membe

13、r would like to ve a helping hand to the people who suffered from the earthquake.we must show our warm-heartedness and make donations to the strken area so that their broken heart can be warmed.a series of actions has been taken since the earthquake hened.i believe the strken area will soon be resto

14、red with the soldiers and other warm-hearted peoples help.the future will be bright, cheer up!yours sincerely5地震慰问信july 14, 20dear vtims,i was astonished and grievous to hear of the calamitous earthquake hening on may, 12th.its really a national disaster, causing tremendous loss to our whole nation

15、physally and mentally.by now, the terrible earthquake has claimed over 60 thousand lives, injured far more people, and led 5 million homeless.seeing the related movies and photos, i could not help crying.im especially moved by those high-minded people in front of the catastrophe! im proud of you, to

16、ugh people!despite the calamity, i hope that you, our brothers and sisters in the earthquake-striken area, will believe in us, in our government, and in the power of love.our country being a big one with a large population of about 1.4 billion, if we share the calamity together, it would be reduced to only a small “shower”.therefore, please keep in mind that the road is tortuous, the future is bright.the storm will ve way to bright s


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