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1、山东省青岛市胶州一中2013届高三仿真模拟英语试题第一部分:听力(共两节,满分30分)1What can we learn from the conversation?AThe new shirt doesnt suit him.BThe man forgot to wear his new shirt.CHe has no chance to wear his new shirt.2What time did Julie leave?AAt 8:00.BAt 8:15.CAt 8:50. 3What does the man suggest to the woman?AGet a new b

2、icycle.BBuy a second-hand bicycle.CIts up to the woman to decide.4What is the weather like now?ARainy.BSunny.CCloudy.5What can we learn about the boy?AHe got the part he tried out for.BHe didnt want to get a role on the play.CHe failed to get the part but wasnt discouraged.听下面一段对话,回答第6至8题。6What were

3、 they talking about?AMike had to stay at home.BMike got injured in a match.CMike was knocked down in the street.7Who told the woman about Mikes stay in hospital?ABob.BTom.CThe doctor. 8How was Mike hurt?AHe was walking in the street when Tom knocked into him.BHe was talking with Bob when he was hit

4、from the back.CHe was playing baseball and was suddenly hurt accidentally.听下面一段对话,回答第9至11题。9What does the man want to learn?AA language.BComputer science.CSkills such as driving.10How long does the course last?AAbout 20 days.BAbout 30 days.CAbout 35 days.11When can he taken the final exam?AFrom Sept

5、ember 15th to 20th BFrom August 16th to 18th.CFrom July 12h to 16th .听下面一段对话,回答第12至14题。12Where is the conversation most probably going on?AIn an office.BIn a camp.CIn a house.13Why cant they leave that night?AThey have to get things ready.BThey need a good sleep.CThey have to change their tickets.14

6、What will they do now?AThe man will pack up things and the woman will have the car fixed.BTo woman will pack up while the man will get away from the garage.CThe woman will get out camping things and the man will check the car.听下面一段对话,回答第15至17题。15What has made working at home possible?APersonal compu

7、ters.BCommunication industry.CLiving far from companies.16Why do some people prefer to work at home?ATo save time.BTo get more jobs.CTo make more money.17What might happen in the future according to the text?AWe could call for the labor in Spain.BWe might work at home for a foreign company.CThe Brit

8、ish firm could move to Belfast.听下面一段独白,回答第18至20题。18Where do American farmers go shopping?AIn big cities.BIn their own villages.CIn the towns nearby.19Whats the life like in Asia compared with that in America?ADifferent both in cities and on farms.BCity life the same and farm life different.CCity lif

9、e different and farm life more or less the same.20What is the talk mainly about?ASchool life.BCity life in America.CFarm life in America.第二部分:英语知识运用(共两节, 满分35分)21Is Tony the student awarded at the graduation ceremony in your class?There is tony, but Im afraid he isnt one you mentioned.Athe; theBa; a

10、C/; theDa; the22Which car is better, the red one or the black one?I prefer the red one, but it is really a matter of personal .AtasteBstyleCaffairDtradition 23According to the school rules, no students go out of the school after nine oclock at night without the teachers permission.AmustBwillCshallDm

11、ay24Did you see a man in black pass by just now?No, sir. I a newspaper.AreadBwas readingCwould readDam reading25The Wetland Park is attractive in spring and autumn, for the weather is pleasant in both seasons.AmostlyBhardlyCequallyDmerely26In 2012, this cartoon was among the list of the worlds most

12、valuable cartoons, $ 3.8 billion a year in sales worldwide.AmadeBto makeCmakesDmaking27Our car broke down suddenly and heavy rain our helplessness.Amake outBadded toCturned outDled to28Finally, the team reached the top of the mountain, they found some rare plants.AwhyBwhichCwhereDas29You shouldnt ha

13、ve brought that up during the meeting.I didnt know it was such a issue.AsensitiveBpositiveCcreativeDrelative30Could I borrow the book by Mo Yan? .AYes, you couldBYoure welcomeCBy all meansDI am afraid so31Many pupils said they were not happy because varieties of classes their playtime.AoccupiedBwast

14、edCcoveredDdivided32According to the research, was once considered rare and healthy food is no more than something ordinary.AthatBwhatCallDwhich33 I cant fully understand what his music conveys, his performance is quite impressive.AAsBSinceCIfDWhile34Mr. Smith owns collection of coins than anyone else I have ever met.AlargerBa largerCthe largerDa large35He should have been warned of the danger. , but he wouldnt listen to me.ASo he hadBSo had heCSo was heDSo he was第二


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