八年级英语 作文 不为人知的故事 The Unknown Story

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八年级英语 作文 不为人知的故事 The Unknown Story_第1页
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1、不为人知的故事TheUnknownStoryRecently, a story was spending among students. It was said that there was a thief stealing things at night. Then the next day, another rumor spread that it was the student who studied at this school. So everybody started to analyse the rumor and some students became the suspect

2、s. When these students passed by, other students stared at them and whispered. Finally, the truth came out, nobody stole things, just the cat. The rumor almost destroyed some people. They did nothing but had to bear the rumor. As the stand-by, it is better not to discuss the unknown story, because we know nothing. Rumor could ruin a person, so dont do the guilty thing. 最近,在学生中流传着一个故事,据说晚上有贼偷东西。然后第二天就又另一个谣言在传播了,说是在校学生所为。大家都开始分析谣言,一些学生成为了嫌疑犯。当这些学生路过的时候,就会其他学生盯着,窃窃私语。最后,真相出来了,没有人偷东西,是猫而已。谣言几乎摧毁了一些人,他们什么也没做但却不得不承受这样的谣言。作为旁观者,最好不要讨论没有真相大白的事情,因为我们什么都不了解。谣言会毁掉一个人,所以不要做伤害别人的事情。1



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