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1、雅思作文高分模板资料仅供参考雅思小作文高分模版小作文 构开 段1-2 句 述原 主体段 11+X 句 每个主体段第一句 概括本段,X 句介 数字 主体段 N 尾段1-2 句 第一句介 数total (如果没有就不写),第二句作 开 段 :一般 在 替 proportion/ percentageinformation/ datafiguresfamily/ householdmales/ meninfluence/ affect(v.) effect(n.)categories/ kinds/ typesneedsubway/ underground railwaystore/ shopnum

2、ber/females/ womendemand/university/ collegeshow/ describe/ illustrate/ demonstrate/ summarize/ indicate国家的替 (如美国,英国等)主体段 :由 目的 决定1. 数据按 序介 ,不要跳 2. 4 关 数据: maximum 最大 , minimum 最小 , trend 化 ,intersection 交叉点( )3.资料仅供参考第一句,由 可 :As can be seen from the table thatIt can be seen from the table thatWe ca

3、n see from the table thatAccording to the xx chart,It is interesting to note that Noticeably, (Interestingly)第二句,具体来 :To be more specific,= more specificallyTo be more exact, = more exactly替 上升increased/ an increaserose/ a rise急 上升rocketed(boomed) a rocket (a boom)下降dropped/ a dropdecreased/ a decre

4、asereduced / a reduction急 下降slumpeda slump持平stabilized remained / maintained / stayedstable / constant / steady波 fluctuateda fluctuation资料仅供参考最高点peaked atreached the highest point at (as high as)最低点reached the bottom at速度快 /慢rapid rapidly/ slow slowly幅度大 /小significant significantly/ gradual graduall

5、y/ steady steadily/ slight slightly大 : about/ around/approximately / just over/ just under到达某个数量reached/ stood at / arrived at 期 (将来 必 用 个写)A is expected/ predicted / estimated / projected to reach分 respectively占比 accounted for/ made up/ represented the percentage of / was responsible for / provided

6、一些例句:As can be seen from the graph, the number of fluctuated during the periodof .As can be seen from the graph, there was a slight rise in the number of * from* to *The period between * and * experienced a slight rise of reaching *. , with the资料仅供参考It can be seen from the chart that * accounted for

7、 the greatest proportion of*As for other categories,After that, an opposite trend occurred.The highest was A, followed by 尾段Therefore, it can be clearly seen from the table that流程 The process diagram illustrates in * stages how由 可 In the first stage(picture, period),/ Initially,In the next step,After that(Next/ Then),Finally, (the whole cycle starts over again.)追加描述at this stage/ at this point/ as the diagram showsTherefore, the process diagram clearly shows that


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