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1、Living with technology单元检测1 .单项填空1. (2014 六安高三模拟 ) Shall we go out to the seaside this weekend?一 Ring me up at any time.A. Hold on, please.B. What for?C. That depends.D. Sounds good.2. (2014 浙江嘉兴测试 )My teacher always reminds methat under no circumstances abandon my learning goals once I set them.A.

2、I wouldB. I shouldC. would ID. should I3. (2014 安徽示范高中联考)My English teachers humor was make everystudent burst into laughter.A. so as toB. such as toC. such thatD. so that4. (2014 -苏州高三质检 )Many residents are opposed to the motorway. It is not a wise decision.A. buildB. buildingC. be buildingD. have

3、built5. (2014 镇江模拟 Jack came from a poor family, so his parents had to a lot to pay for his schooling.A. accuseB. qualifyC. purchaseD. sacrifice6. (2014 株洲高三模拟)The decision for almost a year because of thelocal residents complaint that the newly-builtfactory would disturb the quietnessof the place.A

4、. has been delayedB. was delayedC. would be delayedD. will be delayed7. (2011 湖南高考 )Before a problem can be solved, it must be obvious the problem itself is.A. whatB. thatC. whichD. why8. (2014 湖北八市高三调考 )Nowadays, basic health care services are to almost all the Chinese people.This accounts for the

5、fact that the average life expectancy of the Chinese has already risen to 75.A. alternativeC. accessibleB. abundantD. creativeBeijing-Shanghai flights have now slipped back to 20%one day in advance.A. when bookedB. when to bookC. when bookingD. when book10. (2014 安庆一中模拟)The.the two friends have kept

6、 in with each other9. (2014 -徐州 高三模拟)It is reported that the 60% discounts on someis becoming closer and closer.B. tieA. relationC. linkD. touchhe11. (2014 淮北一中模拟)Fearing that most of the citizens voted.him,a smile.A. for; performedB. for; managedC. against; controlledD. against; wore12. (2014 连云港部分

7、重点中学模拟)Some minerals are quite common, others areregionally, and still others are rare on the earth.A. attributedB. distributedC. contributedD. scattered13. (2014 唐山一中月考)He is afraid to face the difficulty he thinks hell have the driving test tomorrow, and he finds it difficult the worries.A. passed

8、; g ot rid ofB. passing; to get rid ofC. to pass; getting rid ofD. passing; in getting rid of14. (2014 江西九江高三模拟)Many students tried their best not to make carelessmistakes in the examination but some of them found they failed.A. eventuallyB. completelyC. exactlyD. effectively15. (2014 宿迁高三模拟 )一Are y

9、ou still mad at her? Not really, but I cant that her remarks hurt me.A. denyB. refuseC. rejectD. declinen.完形填空(2014 -南通高三一模 )Could the Internet be totally free and shouldit be? Shouldthe Internet be regulated? The recent disorder in the Arab worl.d 1by a disputed先知)Muhammad shows the United(有争议的)vid

10、eo damaging the image of Prophet (States, which is busy _2_ global Internet freedom, has paid a huge price _3_ the lives of its diplomats.In an unregulated Internet world, cheating, violence or rumors can _4_ serious consequences. Many countries across the world are periodically suffering from“rumor

11、s _ 5_ by the Internet and social media.The US-led West always promotes Internet freedom and _6 _ny regulation asinvestigation, but it should think twiceif it calculates the heavy price that hasbeen and has to be paid for_7_ Internet ” . Moreover, _8_ the Internet in theWest _9_ to be free, with no

12、obvious _10_ and noJmited sites, isnt the structure of the main pages already hand-controlled, with selected press agencies and _11_ occupying clearly dominating ( 显著的)positions?The Internet has helped fight injustice, 12 corruption in places so far apart as Indonesi ra, India and Latin America. But

13、 the Internet could be extremely _13_as well. Various racist or separatist organizations are using then Internet sites to _14_ strong feelings. Those who are spreading hate are frequently using the Internet as their tool. No country can _15_ to make the Internet absolutelyfree.The question is how to

14、 keep free flow of information _16_ while protecting children from unhealthy works, common citizens fr1rom _17_ rumors and countriesfrom unfair and damaging propaganda ( 宣传)attacks. And who sets the limits?The 18 is that there will never be a perfect system. Every country will haveto _19_ its own sy

15、stem, based on its culture, social _20_ and the degree of dangerits facing.,1.A.ledB.causedD. attackedB. processingD. improvingB. atD. offB. reachD. takeB. exposedD. passedB. followsD dislikesC. damaged10. A.helpingC. promoting11. A.forC. with12. A.bringC. fetch13. A.spreadC. delivered14. A.supportsC. opposes7 A.freeB accessibleC availableD healthy8 A.as ifB even ifC so thatD in that9 A.happensB intendsC offersD appears10 A.interruptionB interfere


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