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1、广东省佛山市 2018 届高三英语上学期 11 月月考试题本试题卷共 8 页,全卷满分 120 分,考试用时 120 分钟。第 I 卷第一部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分 40 分)第一节(共 15 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 30 分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项( A、B、C、和 D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。AThroughout history, famous women inventors have played a vital role in theworld.Mary AndersonAnyone whos ever driven in a rain or sn

2、owstorm can prove the extremeimportance of windshield wipers. Inventor Mary Anderson received a patent forher car window cleaning device in 1903. However, it was not immediately accepted.Many people thought it would draw drivers attention away, but by 1916windshield wipers had been standard on most

3、vehicles.Barbara AskinsInventor Barbara Askins returned to school after having two children andreceived both bachelors and masters degrees in chemistry. After completing hereducation, Askins went to work for NASA, where she was given the task ofinventing a way to improve astronomical and geological

4、photos taken from space,which were often unclear and lacked definition. The solution she developed wouldhave a greater influence than anyone could have imagined.Patricia BillingsPatricia Billings, a sculptor, initially sought to create a concreteadditive to prevent her sculptures from breaking in th

5、e 1970s. After years ofexperimenting, she finally achieved her goal of making an indestructiblematerial. Soon after, she discovered the material was also amazingly resistantto heat which opened the door to a larger number of applications. Because theinvention is nonpoisonous as well as indestructibl

6、e and fireproof, it is theworlds first workable replacement for asbestos ( 石棉) Giuliana TesoroThrough her work and research, she developed processes to prevent static ( 静电 ) accumulation in manmade fibers, pioneered improved permanent presscharacters for textiles ( 纺 织 品 ) and discovered ways to mak

7、e new producingprojects run at peak operation and efficiency. Tesoro held her more than onehundred and twenty five patents in areas related to organic compounds ( 有机化合物) and textile processing.1. Why was Mary Andersons invention rejected at first?A. Because of there being little rain or snow in the

8、US.B. Because of its expensiveness for most people.C. Because of its uselessness on most vehicles.D. Because of its probable disturbance to drivers.2. Who made a great contribution to fire resistant material?A. Patricia Billings. B. Barbara Askins. C. Mary Anderson. D.Giuliana Tesoro.3. From the tex

9、t, we can infer that Giuliana Tesoro was_ A. optimistic B. productive C. generous D. traditionalBWhen I was younger, I was crazy about stories of magic. I enjoyed bookswhere wizards ( 巫师 )and warriors ( 勇士 )battled the powers of darkness in strangeworlds. I was excited when they succeeded bringing p

10、eace and happiness to theirlands. I guess like most of the readers of these stories I secretly wished formagical powers for myself. I wanted to be able to magically make my paindisappear, to make my problems go away, and to have power over this world thatso often has power over us.As I got older, ho

11、wever, I realized that there was no such thing as magicdue to the harsh reality of life. I struggled through a long period of poverty.I had daily pain from a back injury that never healed right. I felt sadness andsorrow when both of my sons were diagnosed with Autism ( 自 闭 症 ).I stillsometimes daydr

12、eamed of magic but in time even, that faded away.Then one day I am not sure when I began to discover a different kind ofmagic. This magic grew stronger in my heart, soul, and mind day by day and yearby year. This magic was called LOVE. It connected me to my own highest self andto all of the other so

13、uls in this world. It didn t remove my poverty but itmade every day of my life feel richer. It didn t make my back pain go away butit helped me deal with it so much better. I t didn t cure my sons Autism, butit helped me see them as the beautiful, loving, and joyful souls that they trulyare. It didn

14、 t make me a wizard or a warrior but it helped me to dispel ( 驱散)the darkness of this world with my own light.There is such a thing as magic in this world. There is such a thing as magicin each one of us. This magic is called LOVE. May you choose it, share it, andlive in it every single day of your

15、life. May you use it to help others, to healthis world, and to build a bridge to Heaven.4. What does the underlined word “they ” in Paragraph 1 refer to?A. Wizards and warriors. B. Magical powers. C. Stories. D. Readers.5. Why didn t the author believe in magic when he grew older?A. Because he alway

16、s felt sad.B. Because magic faded away from him.C. Because his problems have gone away.2D. Because he experienced the hardship of life.6. What is considered magic in the author s opinion?A. The highest self. B. The great love.C. Share of pleasure. D. Removal of poverty.7. What s the author s purpose in



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