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1、Unit 6 Work quietly!单元备课单元教学目标:知识与能力目标:句型:1、能够听、说、读、写句型:What are they doing? Theyre eating lunch! Whats the little monkey doing? Its playing with its mother.以及Talk quietly. Keep your desk clean. Take turns. Keep to the right. Work quietly. 2、能够在情景中运用句型Talk quietly. Keep your deskclean. Take turns. K

2、eep to the right. Work quietly.谈论行为规范。3、能够按照正确的语音、语调、意群朗读对话;能够运用核心词的正确形式书面完成句子填空任务。词汇:1、能够听、说、读、写五个动词词组的现在分词:doing morning exercises, havingclass, eating lunch, reading a book, listening to music. 2、能够听、说、读、写四个有关行为规范的词组:Talk quietly. Keep your desk clean. Take turns. Keep to the right. Work quietly.

3、 3、能够在语境中正确使用这些词组,描述某人正在做的事。4、能够在语境中正确运用这些词组,描述行为规范。语音: 1、能够掌握字母组合wh的发音规则,即在单词中发两个音/ w /和 / h / 2、能够读出符合wh的发音规则的单词,并能够根据发音拼写出符合wh发音规则的单词。情感目标:能够注意遵守行为规范和学校校规,比如保持安静、靠右排队、保持环境干净等,培养学生的规则意识。教学重难点:重点:1、能够听、说、读、写句型:What are they doing? Theyre eating lunch! Whats the little monkey doing? Its playing with

4、 its mother.以及Talk quietly. Keep your desk clean. Take turns. Keep to the right. Work quietly. 2、能够听、说、读、写五个动词词组的现在分词:doing morning exercises, havingclass, eating lunch, reading a book, listening to music. 3、能够听、说、读、写四个有关行为规范的词组:Talk quietly. Keep your desk clean. Take turns. Keep to the right. Work

5、 quietly. 难点:1、能够在情景中运用句型Talk quietly. Keep your desk clean. Take turns. Keep to the right. Work quietly.谈论行为规范。2、能够在语境中正确使用这些词组,描述某人正在做的事:doing Morning exercises, havingclass, eating lunch, reading a book, listening to music. 第一课时一、教学目标 1掌握五个动词短语的ing形式:doing morning exercises,having.class,eating lu

6、nch,reading a book,listening to music。 2能运用句子What is Chen Jie doing?来询问别人正在做什么。 3能用现在进行时描述某人在某时正在做的事情。二、教学重难点 1重点:掌握五个动词短语的ing形式;能运用以What开头的特殊疑问句来询问别人某时某刻正在做什么。 2难点:掌握动词have的ing形式。三、教学准备 动作短语卡片、图片、实物投影仪、录音机及录音带。四、教学过程(一)、热身(Warm-up) 1.Sing the song Animals,animals are everywhere. 2看图说话。教师每次闪显五张动物做某事

7、的图片,请某一组学生,凭记忆分别用一句话描述动物在做的事情。例如:图片上描绘的是一只熊猫在爬树,学生则说:The panda isclimbing the tree.如果图片上描绘的是两只或以上的熊猫,学生则说:The pandas areclimbing the trees.学生必需凭记忆正确地说出五张图片上所描绘的动物在做的事情。3师生对话。 T:When do you do morning exercises? S:At 7 0-clock。 T:When do you usually eat breakfast? S:I usually eat breakfast at 8:00. T

8、:What do you often do on the weekend? S:I often go shopping. 以师生问答的形式复习第一单元的内容,并为本课时教学作铺垫。(二)新课呈现(Presentation) 1Lets learn (1)教学doing morning exercises 接上个环节,教师说:I know you usually do morning exerclses at 7 0clock. It -s 7amnowLook at the students. They are doing morning exercises.教师出示卡片并进行doing mo

9、rning exercises的教学,然后指着图片,面向学生自问自答:What is the girl doing? She is doing morning exercises.然后以chant形式巩固操练动词短语的ing形式。如: Doing morning exercises,doing morning exercises,she is doing morning exercises. (2)教学动词短语:having .class,eating lunch,reading a book,listening to music. PPT呈现上英语课的场景,时间指向9:00,教师问学生:Wh

10、at -s the time?学生回答:Its 9:00 am.教师说:Look! Theyre having an English class now.由示卡片having .class,并提醒学生注意have变成动词ing时,要去掉e再加ing。让学生跟读:have .class,having class,we usually have an English class at 9:00 a.m. Now we are having an English class. 以同样的方式教学eating lunch,reading a book,listening to music等。 (3)看谁

11、说得准又快:教师闪显动作短语图片,学生抢答。 例如:教师闪显吃午餐图片,学生马上说:eating lunch,然后男生问女生答:What is he/she doing? He /She is eating lunch.(4)结对活动:一位学生出示一张图片,问另一位学生:What is he/she doing?另一位学生根据图片内容回答:He/She is reading a book/ listening to music/playing the pipa/playing sports.交换角色,继续操练,直到图片用完为止。(5)三人小组活动:由三位学生组成一组轮流问答,第一位学生抽一张图

12、片,将图片背面对着其他两位学生,第二位掌生问第三位学生:Is he/she doing morning exercises/sleeping/ jumping/playing with each other?第三位学生看第一位学生所抽的图片,回答:Yes,he/she is doing morning exercises /sleeping/jumping/ playing with each other 2Look and say (1)教师将Look and say部分的图分别标上序号16,然后根据教师描述,学生说出具体是第几幅图。 如:教师说:He is listening to mus

13、ic.学生说:Its Number 2然后学生问教师:What is Mike doing?教师回答:He-s listening to music.以同样的方式操练其他图片。(2)请学生自行选择一幅图来说一说。 如:What are they doing? They are playing ping-pong.(三)、巩固与拓展( Consolidation and extension)1活动:设置闹钟提醒功能 PPT显示iPhone手机里的“提醒事项”页面,并告诉学生:为了遗忘,我们可以将一天中的某时刻要做的事情记录在“提醒事项”里,让iPhone到时间提醒我们。教师设置闹钟响,时间是上午

14、六点钟,做早操。根据这一设置,师生展开对话,对话如下: Whats the time now? It-s 6:00 a.m. What is he/she doing? He/She is doing morning exercises. 又如:时间是上午九点钟,上英语课。对话如下: Whats the time now? Its 9:00 a.m. What is,he/she doing? He/She is having an English class.(四)、作业(Homework)五、板书设计Unit 6 Work quietly!doing morning exercises h

15、aving.class eating lunch reading a book listening to music第二课时一、教学目标 1能够听懂录音材料中有关动物的话题。 2能够流利地运用所学的句型与他人交谈动物正在做的事情。 3能够正确运用be动词与不同人称的搭配。二、教学重难点 1重点:能听懂并会说有关动物正在做的事情。 2难点:能在实际情境中运用正确的句型来描述身边看到的事情。三、教学准备有关动作短语图片与卡片、录音机及录音带。四、教学过程(一)、热身(Warm-up) 1.Sing the song Animals,animals are everywhere. 2演一演,说一说 唱完歌曲,教师重复歌曲内容:Some are climbing,some are jumping,some are eating,some are slee


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