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1、目录1 绪论-42 材料与方法-42.1调查对象-42.2方法调查-42.3检测方法-42.4变量定义-42.5统计分析-53 结果-53.1孕产妇人口学特征-53.2孕产妇情况-53.3孕产妇艾滋病基本知识知晓率-63.4艾滋病知识知晓率影响因素的单因素分析-63.5孕产妇生殖道感染与就医行为情况-73.6孕产妇生殖道感染知识与卫生行为情况-73.7孕产妇卫生行为情况与艾滋病知晓情况分析-83.8孕产妇生殖道感染知识宣传需求与防治中的问题-93.9血清学检测结果-94 讨论-94.1艾滋病知识-94.2生殖道感染情况-94.3艾滋病和生殖道感染的关系-104.4小结-10参考文献-11致谢-

2、12马鞍山市2012年孕产妇艾滋病及生殖道感染性疾病调查分析摘要目的 了解马鞍山市孕产妇人群艾滋病与生殖道感染相关知识及行为现况,为孕产妇生殖健康,及艾滋病母婴传播防治策略的制定提供依据。方法 采用横断面研究,对2012年到马鞍山市妇幼保健院建卡或进行围产期保健的孕产妇进行抽样问卷调查,采用酶联免疫吸附测定法(ELISA)对HIV、丙肝(HCV)、梅毒(TP)抗体检测,RPR/TRUST方法对TP血清抗原检测,呈弱阳性的用TPPA确诊。采用单因素方差分析了解影响艾滋病知识知晓情况的相关因素,分析对象人群生殖道卫生情况。结果 调查马鞍山市妇幼保健院的孕产妇402人,结果显示马鞍山市孕产妇对艾滋病

3、基本知识总晓率为88.4%。文化程度与艾滋病知识知晓率呈正相关(=17.5,P0.001),但传播途径知识知晓率明显高于非传播途径知识知晓率,如“蚊虫叮咬能否传播艾滋病”正确率仅为58.2%。梅毒阳性率1.0%,丙肝阳性率0.5%。自报生殖道感染患病率为42.5%,在自报有症状的171人中,去看病的占68.4%;没有去看病的占31.6%。调查对象认为目前生殖道感染防治过程中存在的主要问题前三个依次是:没有开展定期的妇科病普查、生殖道感染防治知识宣传不够、看病不方便及医护人员态度差。结论 文化程度是艾滋病知识知晓率的影响因素,孕产妇自报生殖道感染患病率较高,应加强生殖道感染相关知识的健康教育和干

4、预力度。关键词: 获得性免疫缺陷综合征,生殖道感染,孕产妇 Investigation and analysis on AIDS/ Reproductive Tract Infections among maternal of MaanshanAbstractObjective To understand KABP of AIDS/reproductive tract Infections among maternal in Maanshan city, provide early warning for AIDS epidemic and provide basis for the esta

5、blishment of AIDS prevention and control of mother-to-child transmission strategy. Methods Cross-sectional study was conducted, maternal who came to the MCH Hospital of Maanshan in 2012 for gestational health care and cards were taken a sampling questionnaire survey and tested for HIV, syphilis, HCV

6、, antibodies. One way analysis of variance was used to analyze the factor that influences the cognition on knowledge of AIDS among maternal. The hygiene of reproductive tract of the people in the study was analyzed. Results The results showed that the total correct answer rate to AIDS knowledge was

7、88.4%. The culture degree had a positive relationship with the knowledge of AIDS(2=17.5, P=0.001) , but the respondents knew more about AIDS transmission related knowledge than the majority of non-transmission related knowledge, for example, the question if the insect bite can spread AIDS, the corre

8、ct answer only have 58.2%. The positive rate of syphilis antibody was 1.0%, HCV has 0.5%. The percentage of self-reported prevalence of reproductive tract Infections is 42.5%, among the 171 cases, 117 came to the hospital, account for 68.4%; 54 did not go to the hospital, account for 31.6%. The resp

9、ondents think the main questions in the prevention and treatment knowledge about reproductive tract Infections are we had not carry out regular genital tract census, broadcast the knowledge about reproductive tract Infections not enough, they go to the doctor not convenient and the medical workers m

10、anner are not well. Conclusion The culture degree have an effect on the knowledge of AIDS, self-reported prevalence of reproductive tract infections is relatively high, we should strengthen the health education and intervention efforts of the knowledge about reproductive tract Infections. Key words:

11、 Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, Reproductive tract infections, maternal1 绪论艾滋病(acquired immunodeficiency syndrome,AIDS)已成为国内外重大的公共卫生问题,自从1981年发现首例艾滋病起,艾滋病在全球迅速蔓延,调查显示近年艾滋病女性HIV感染者的比例增长较快1,中国内地HIV感染者女性所占的比例已从1998年的7.1%上升到2008年的35%,10年间翻了5倍,其中近9成为孕龄女性2,随着孕龄妇女感染比例的增长,通过母婴传播感染艾滋病的人数也会有一定的增长,在未采取任何措施的情况下艾滋病的母婴传播率是43.78%3,同时,女性感染者不但可以把AIDS传染给下一代,也增加了配偶之间的感染机会,从而使艾滋病病毒更快的传播。已婚女性下生殖道的健康情况也令人担忧,有研究显示,已婚妇女生殖道感染发病率为55.74% 4。生殖道感染是一种种类多、流行广、危害大的疾病,不仅影响患者的健康,引起多种并发症,加大HIV感染的机率5,还可能通过垂直传播给下一代6。为了解



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