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1、Sample Reading Passages: Passage 1Click on the letter choices to determine if you have the correct answer and for question explanations. An actual ACT Reading Test contains 40 questions to be answered in 35 minutes.DIRECTIONS: The passage in this test is followed by several questions. After reading

2、the passage, choose the best answer to each question and fill in the corresponding oval on your answer document. You may refer to the passage as often as necessary.Passage IPROSE FICTION: This passage is adapted from the novel The Men of Brewster Place by Gloria Naylor (1998 by Gloria Naylor).Cliffo

3、rd Jackson, or Abshu, as he preferred to beknown in the streets, had committed himself severalyears ago to use his talents as a playwright to broadenthe horizons for the young, gifted, and blackwhich 5was how he saw every child milling around that darkstreet. As head of the community center he went

4、afterevery existing grant on the city and state level to bringthem puppet shows with the message to avoid drugsand stay in school; and plays in the park such as actors 10rapping their way through Shakespeares A MidsummerNights Dream. Abshu believed there was something inShakespeare for everyone, eve

5、n the young of BrewsterPlace, and if he broadened their horizons just a littlebit, there might be enough room for some of them to 15slip through and see what the world had waiting. No, itwould not be a perfect world, but definitely one withmore room than they had now.The kids who hung around the com

6、munity centerliked Abshu, because he never preached and it was 20clear that when they spoke he listened; so he could zeroin on the kid who had a real problem. It might be anoffhand remark while shooting a game of pool or a one-on-one out on the basketball court, but he had a way ofmaking them feel s

7、pecial with just a word or two. 25 Abshu wished that his own family could havestayed together. There were four of them who ended upin foster care: him, two younger sisters, and a babybrother. He understood why his mother did what shedid, but he couldnt help wondering if there might have 30been a bet

8、ter wayAbshu was put into a home that already had twoother boys from foster care. The Masons lived in asmall wooden bungalow right on the edge of LindenHills. And Mother Mason insisted that they tell any- 35body who asked that they actually lived in LindenHills, a more prestigious address than Summi

9、t Place. Itwas a home that was kept immaculate.But what he remembered most about the Masonswas that it seemed there was never quite enough to eat. 40She sent them to school with a lunch of exactly one anda half sandwicheswhite bread spread with margarineand sprinkled with sugarand half an apple.When

10、 Abshu dreamed of leavingwhich wasevery dayhe had his own apartment with a refrigera- 45tor overflowing with food that he gorged himself withday and night. The Masons werent mean people; heknew he could have ended up with a lot worse.Abshu lived with these people for nine years, wona scholarship to

11、the local college, and moved out to 50support himself through school by working in a dough-nut shop. By this time his mother was ready to take herchildren back home, but he decided that since he wasalready out on his own he would stay there. One lessmouth for her to worry about feeding. And after he

12、 55graduated with his degree in social work, he might evenbe able to give her a little money to help her along.One thing he did thank the Masons for was keep-ing him out of gangs. There was a strict curfew in theirhome that was rigidly observed. And church was 60mandatory. “When youre out on your ow

13、n,” FatherMason always said, “you can do whatever you want,but in my home you do as I say.” No, they werentmean people, but they were stingystingy with theirfood and with their affection. Existing that way all the 65time, on the edge of hunger, on the edge of kindness,gave Abshu an appreciation for

14、a life fully lived. Dowhatever job makes you happy, regardless of the cost;and fill your home with love. Well, his home becamethe community center right around the corner from 70Brewster Place and the job that made him most fulfilledwas working with young kids.The kids who hung out at the community

15、centerwerent all lost yet. They wanted to make use of thetutors for their homework; and they wanted a safe place 75to hang. His motto was: Lose no child to the streets.And on occasion when that happened, he went home tocry. But he never let his emotions show at work. To thekids he was just a big, quiet kind of dude who didnt golooking for trouble, but he wouldnt run from it either. 80He was always challenged by a new set of boys whoshowed up at the center. He made it real clear to themthat this was his territoryhis rulesand if theyneeded to flex their muscles, they were welcome to try.And he


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