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1、2022年考博英语-广东工业大学考试内容及全真模拟冲刺卷(附带答案与详解)1. 单选题The Ministry of Education on Sunday issued a statement on college enrollment in 2015, which consists of 26 bans on inappropriate( )including prescribing the male to female ratio at a university admission without approval.问题1选项A.stressB.arrangementC.conductD

2、.recruitment【答案】D【解析】考查名词词义辨析。A选项stress表示“压力,强调,重要性”,B选项arrangement表示“布置,整理,准备,安排”,C选项conduct表示“行为举止;管理(方式),实施(办法);引导”,D选项recruitment表示“招收,招聘;(自然种群)增长;募集(反应、现象)”。后文中关键信息“including prescribing the male to female ratio at a university admission without approval”是对空缺处名词的解释,表示“包括未经批准在大学入学时规定男女比例”。由此可知,这

3、些禁令是有关不当招生的,因此本题正确答案为D选项。2. 单选题A new military policy in China requires all personnel to meet weight limits and( )promotions( )fitness.问题1选项A.exposes.toB.attaches.toC.links.toD.opposes.to【答案】C【解析】考查动词词组辨析。A选项exposes.to表示“暴露给”,B选项attaches.to表示“依附于,隶属于”,C选项links.to表示“把和联系到一起”,D选项opposes.to表示“反对”。由原文句意可

4、知,中国军队一项新政策要求所有人员要满足体重限制,说明这项政策非常关注军队人员健康,由此可见会把晋升和健康联系在一起。因此,本题正确答案为C选项。3. 单选题Among the 74 cities monitored for air quality standards, the level of PM 2.5 fell by 11.1%( )in 2014, but only 8 met the national standard for clean air, the Ministry of Environmental Protection said Friday.问题1选项A.in cons

5、equenceB.at all costsC.on averageD.in the extreme【答案】C【解析】考查介词短语词义辨析。A选项in consequence表示“因此,结果”,B选项at all costs表示“无论如何,不惜一切代价”,C选项on average表示“平均,普通,通常”,D选项in the extreme表示“非常,极度”。由句意可知,在进行空气质量标准监测的74个城市中,2014年PM2.5水平( )下降了11.1%,所以只有C选项词义最符合原文句意,故本题正确答案为C选项。4. 单选题Chinas first set of regulations on h

6、uman organ transplant, which prohibits organizations and individuals from trading human organs in any form,( )on May lst, 2007.问题1选项A.fell backB.fell shortC.went into effectD.come to the point【答案】C【解析】考查动词词组辨析。A选项fell back表示“后退”;B选项fell short表示“不符合标准,缺乏”;C选项went into effect表示“生效”;D选项come to the poin

7、t表示“直截了当的说,简明扼要的说”。分析句意可知,中国颁布的首部人体器官移植条例是从2007年5月1日开始生效。因此本题正确答案为C选项。5. 单选题( )as planned depends on the weather.问题1选项A.Well go on the excursionB.That well go on the excursionC.How well go on the excursionD.Whether well go on the excursion【答案】D【解析】考查主语从句。原句表示,我们是否能按计划出去郊游取决于天气。因此本题正确答案为D选项。6. 单选题Sec

8、retary Of State Kerry said that its important for people in the world not to( ) alleged terrorists but to underscore the importance of the rule of law.问题1选项A.sympathize withB.get along withC.refer toD.respond to【答案】A【解析】考查动词词组辨析。A选项sympathize with表示“同情,与产生共鸣”;B选项get along with表示“与和睦相处,取得进展”;C选项refer

9、 to表示“参考,涉及,指的是”;D选项respond to表示“响应”。由句意可知,国务卿克里表示,对世界人民来讲,重要的不是同情所谓的恐怖分子,而是要强调法治的重要性。因此,A选项的词义更符合句意,故本题正确答案为A选项。7. 单选题Actress Amanda Bynes was convicted of( )driving in April 2012 when she crashed into an L.A. County sheriffs deputys cruiser.问题1选项A.legitimateB.juvenileC.recklessD.redundant【答案】C【解析】

10、考查形容词词义辨析。A选项legitimate表示“合法的,正当的”;B选项juvenile表示“青少年的,幼稚的”;C选项reckless表示“鲁莽的,不顾后果的”;D选项redundant表示“多余的,过剩的,失业的”。be convicted of表示“被宣判有罪”,由句意可知这位女演员因为驾驶不当而被判有罪,因此只有C选项词义最符合句意。故本题正确答案为C选项。8. 单选题Recently a number of cases have been reported of young children( )a violent act previously seen on televisio

11、n.问题1选项A.duplicatingB.acceleratingC.stimulatingD.modifying【答案】A【解析】考查动词辨析。duplicate复制;accelerate加速,促进;stimulate刺激,鼓舞;modify修改,修饰。从前后语义可推测儿童与从电视上看到的暴力行为之间的关系,应该是儿童模仿电视上的暴力行为。故A项正确。句意:最近有一些儿童模仿电视上的暴力行为的报道。9. 单选题Located in the Free Trade Zone, the trade center sells goods imported from Europe, offering

12、 nearly 17,000 products from 52( )European brands.问题1选项A.well-knownB.overseasC.ready-madeD.counterfeit【答案】A【解析】A选项well-known表示“著名的,众所周知的”;B选项overseas表示“海外的,国外的”;C选项ready-made表示“现成的,做好的,平凡的,陈旧的”;D选项counterfeit表示“仿造的,假冒的”。 分析句子可知,空缺处单词修饰European brands,因此只有A选项最符合句意。故本题正确答案为A选项。句意:该贸易中心位于自由贸易区,销售从欧洲进口的

13、商品,提供来自52个知名欧洲品牌的近17000种产品。10. 单选题Lead deposits, which accumulated in soil and snow during the 1960s and 70s, were primarily the result of leaded gasoline emissions originating in the United States. In the twenty years that the Clean Air Act has mandated unleaded gas use in the United States, the le

14、ad accumulation world-wide has decreased significantly.A study published recently in the journal Nature shows that air-borne leaded gas emissions from the United States were the leading contributor to the high concentration of lead in the snow in Greenland. The new study is a result of the continued

15、 research led by Dr. Charles Boutron, an expert on the impact of heavy metals on the environment at the National Center for Scientific Research in France. A study by Dr. Boutron published in 1991 showed that lead levels in arctic snow were declining.In his new study, Dr. Boutron found the ratios of the different forms of lead in the leaded gasoline used



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