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1、2012年小升初模拟考试卷三(英语)()2. A. musicB. supermarket C. fullD. put()3. A. expensive B. enjoyC. wetD. tennis()4. A. bedsB. catsC. bees D.films_()5. A. bothB. costC.moneyD. womanB)选出划线部分读音与所给单词划线部分读音相同的单词的选项。()6. onA. zeroB. doctorC.open()7. class A. playB. parkC. cat()8. parkA. someB. quarterC. part()9. gre

2、at A. planeB. sweaterC. breakfast()10. manA. manyB. appleC. cake.A)词汇运用(每题1分,共10分)用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。(5%)一、(语音。每小题1分,共10分)A)找出下列每组单词划线部分有几组读音,把答案的字母写在括号内(1.一种读音()1. A. bird2.两种读音3.三种读音B. her C. girl4.四种读音)5%D. worker11.It ,s (real)cold today.(5%)12 .This writer writes lots of (interest) stories for kid

3、s.13 .Many people don t enjoy (live) in big cities.14.I am in my(four) year in this middle school.15. The weather in south China is (warm) than the north.B)根据首字母写出所缺单词。(5%)16. I usually have a piece of b and some milk for breakfast.17. You need to w the flowers twice a month.18. They planted many tr

4、ees b the two buildings.19. Can you tell me the d between the two pictures?20. He was as c as a monky.三、单项选择。(每小题1分,共15分)()21. They often take walk after dinner.A. a B. / C. the D. an()22. I don t like these skirtCan you show me?A. other one B. another ones C.anther one D. the other one ()23.are you

5、 going to the airport ?By taxi.A. What B. How C. When D. Why()24.You have a beauiful voice. I love your songs.A. Sorry , you don tB. Thank you C. It s OKD. That s all right()25.How many gold medals did China at the 2010 Winter Olympics?Five.A. win B. to win C. winning D. won()26. He doesn t play the

6、 violin so as his father.A. good B. better C. well D. best()27.girls took part in the Happy Girl Competition but only few of them succeeded.A. Hundred of B. Many hundred of C. One hundred of D. Hundreds of()28. There two pens and a book on the desk just now.A. was B. were C. is D. are()29. She had a

7、 stomachache she ate something bad.A. so B. because C. or D. although()30.worried about me. Mom, I ve grown up.A. Don tB. Don t beC. Not D. Not be()31.Could you tell me ?Sure. Just go straight and turn left.You can see it on your right.A. how I can get to the libraryB. where can I find the libraryC.

8、 how can I get to the libraryD. where can I find the library()32.Dad, can I your car?Of course. But you mustn t it to your friends again.A. borrow; lend B. lend; borrow C. borrowed;lent D. lent;borrow()33.Jack? Jack? Can you come?I my homework.A. do B. will do C. am doing D. was doing()34.Whd s that

9、 man? Is he Mr. Brown?That be Mr. Brown. He never walks this way.A. can tB. mustn C. must D. can()35. The smile on my teac her s face showed that she was with me.A. sad B. pleased C. worried D. angry 四、完形填空(每题 1分,共10分)Of all the things we eat and drink , water is the 36 important. The human body can

10、 go 37 food for a long time , but two 38 three days without water could make people 39 .A lot of people don t understand how water the human body needs 41 well and many people don t drink enoughespecially in 42 weather. Most people drink 43 they are thirsty but in fact they need more water , especia

11、lly when they take 44 .A man s body is 65 to 75 percent of 45 . If we don t have enough water. We fell tired and may become ill.()36.A.moreB.mostC.lessD.least()37.A.withB.onC.without D.by()38.A.orB.andC.ofD.but()39.A.diedB.to dieC.diesD.die()40.A.manyB.littleC.fewD.much()41.A.workB.working C.to work

12、 D.works()42.A.hotB.coldC.coolD.warm()43.A.soB.thatC.whenD.since()44.A.funB.exercise C.exercises D.work()45.A.bloodB.waterC.airD.food五、阅读理解。(每题2分,共30分)(1)He sawA man was walking through( 穿过)a forest. He had a few caps in his hands. In the forest there were a lot of monkeys. The day was hot, so he de

13、cided to have a rest under a tree. He put one cap on his head and lay down to sleep.When he woke up, he couldn t find his caps. Where are my caps? ” he cried and looked up.some monkeys in the trees. Each had a cap on its head.“Give me back my caps! ” stheuman to the monkeys. But the monkeys didn t u

14、nderstand himThey only jumped, laughed and danced.“How can I get back my caps? ” he thought hard. In the end he had an idea. He took off his cap and threw(扔)it on the ground. The little animals did the same thing. Happily the man picked up all the caps and went on his way.()46.One day a man was goin

15、g.A.to the forest B. through the forest C.to a village D. through the city ()47.The man decided to have a rest because.A.he was hungry B.he was tired C.the day was hot D.he was ill ()48.When the man woke up.A.he found his caps were gone B.he saw a foxC.he had a feverD.he found many monkeys()49.The man wanted to get his caps back, and he shouted to the monkeys,but it didn t work. Why?A. Because the monke


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