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1、学校:_ 年级班级:_ 姓名:_ 学号:_六年级英语问卷听力部分一. 听单词,从每小题所给的A、B 、C三个选项中选出你所听到的单词,并将答案标号写在题前括号内。每个单词读两遍。(10分)( ) 1、Aletter B. little C. later( ) 2、A. meet B. miss C. meal( ) 3、A. drink B. think C. thank( ) 4、A. man B. men C. woman( ) 5、A. flew B. grew C. drew( ) 6、A. space B. spent C. spaceship( ) 7、A. what B. wan

2、t C. where( ) 8、A. many B. any C. more( ) 9、A. world B. work C. wrong( ) 10、A. door B. doll C. dog二.听单词,选出每小题中你所听到的单词对应的图片,并将答案序号写在题后方框内。每个单词读两遍。(5分) 1. ( ) 3( ) 2. ( ) 4( ) 5( )三.听句子,从每小题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出你所听到的句子,并将答案标号写在题前括号内。每个句子读两遍。(5分)( )1、A. Daming is having a birthday party. B. Daming is playing

3、 the trumpet. C. Daming is talking to his friends.( )、A. We can jump. B. We can run. C. We can read.( )、A. The sun is shining. B. The birds are singing in the trees. C. The ducks are eating our picnic.( )、A. How much is it ? B. How are you ? C. How old are you ?( )、A. We never have a special meal .

4、B. We often have a special meal. C. We always have a special meal.四听句子,从每小题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出你所听到的句子的恰当答语,并将答案标号写在题前括号内。每个句子读两遍。(10分)( )1、A. Its eight dollars. B. Its about six thousand kilometers. C. Its seven million people.( )2、A. In the park. B. At half past twelve. C Two hamburgers.( )3、A. Im tire

5、d. B. Im sad. C. Im happy.( )4、A. He is 15. B. He is reading. C. He will read.( )5、A. Yes, I do. B. Yes, I can. C. Yes, I have.学校:_ 年级班级:_ 姓名:_ 学号:_五录音中有五个小对话,根据每个对话内容选出能回答所提问题的最佳答案,并将答案标号写在题前括号内。每个对话读两遍。(10分)( )、Whats Damings hobby ?A. Reading. B. Writing. C. Collecting stamps.( )、Who gave the book

6、 to Daming?A. Amy B. Simon C. Zhang Wei( )、What are they talking about ? A. a computer B. a postcard C. a letter( )、What is Simon doing?A. Drawing. B. Playing the trumpet. C. Singing.( )、Who can help Lingling?A. Daming B. Simon. C. Amy笔试部分一、单项填空(共10 小题;每小题1分,满分10分)从每小题A、B、C三个选项中,选出一个可以填入空白处的最佳答案,并将答

7、案标号写在题前括号内。( )1、How much is the hot dog?A. Two meters B. Three dollars C. Five million people. ( )2、The birds _ in the tree now.A. are singing B. singing C. sing( )3、It is going to _ in Harbin.A. snowy B. rain C. hot( )4、On Thanksgiving Day, _ say “thank you” for our food.A. we B. me C. our( )5、Im _

8、 an email to my pen friend in Australia.A. writing B. looking C. making( )6、She _ born in 1997.A. is B. was C. were( )7、He can _ basketball very well.A. play B. plays C. playing( )8、Have you got _friends?A. any B. some C. a ( )9、Tell me more _ New York.A. in B. about C. on( )10、- _ are we going to s

9、chool? - At half past seven.A. How B. When C. Where 二、选择配伍(共10 小题;每小题1分,满分10分)从栏中找出栏每个句子恰当的答语,并将答案标号写在题前括号内 ( )1、Have you got a pen? A. Im going to go to school.( )2、What do you want? B. Ill miss you, too.( )3、When are we going to eat? C. At half past seven.( )4、Can he speak English? D. Sorry, I can

10、t.( )5、Do you want to go to Beijing ? E. Yes, I have.( )6、Who can help me? F. Thank you.( )7、I bought you a book G. At 1824.( )8、When was he born? H. No, I dont.( )9、What are you going to do? I. Three colas, please.( )10、Ill miss you. J. Yes, he can.三、补全对话(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)下面对话中有5 处空白,从方框中选出句子完成对话,并

11、将答案标号写在相应空白处AI think I like Thanksgiving, too! B. Thats good.C. Thanksgiving is my favourite festival. D. That sounds nice.E. What do you do on Thanksgiving Day?A: Can you tell me more about American festivals ? B: Well, _1_.学校:_ 年级班级:_ 姓名:_ 学号:_A: _2_B: We always have a special meal .Its a big family dinner.A: _3_B:On Thanksgiving Day, we say “thankyou” for our food,family and friends.A: _4_B: And after Thanksgiving dinner, we watch a big football game on TV.A: Thats great ! _5_四、单词拼写(共10 小题;每小题1分,满分10分)根据句意和单词首字母提示完成单词1、New York has got about 8 m_ people.


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