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1、历年中考试题集资阳市初中毕业统考题(单选题)第二部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分分) 第一节单项填空(共5小题;每题1分,满分5分) 从、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处旳最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。1. Itis _usu book borrowdit from_scool librryA. a; aB.a; C.a; he D. an;the1. -Whosyou Eih teachr?-Mso. Se tache _ Egish vr ll. ou us C.our D e3 Mr. Bak is a frend of_.A. arys oh B. ry mthrC mot

2、hrs of Mary DMary mothers14 Excse me, oul o ellme here thearest pst ofie is?-Te neares post ofice? Youwill avetwak _. 500-metre wayB.500 mer far. 0meres frthr D. 50-metefar away15. -ar, h about ng boating i it_ toro?-Good idea!. not rinB ll an C. oesnt ran D. ot rain16. She isplaning odrvi. Lets hel

3、 _ s god ea.A. comeout B come p C. cachup wh Dcmeu wth17. Thdtr_ a _ boy yestay.A. ad sed, dyingB. sav, dedC.hassaved, deadD.avd, dyng8I_ in s smll mountainvlgewhenIwa acild.A.ue to liveB. usedtolivi Cus tolve D.sedt lif1.W a dote ork ter _money and _ pople.A. ess,wrB. fewr, ess . ss, lss D. feer, f

4、ew0.1 like exciti trip I lv o trk_the zon juenext mer, bause it gooda to xpo.A. cossB though Cossig D.coss21. Whi _ ith m frin,she cae in.A. am algB ws tkng C.tal D. m goig otal2. Alof u enjy paincompte mes, _ we cnt spnd oo mch tme o t.A an or C. t D.o23. Wld oupea ll m_?A. what washrme B. at her a

5、easC haisher ame D. at h nais24. -e can useQQto tlk wth ac oh on eIntrnt. Realy?ill yo peaeshw me _ it?A ht o seB. hwoue ho can Ius D wat caI ue25. 1 ink studen souldn _ todo toomu howork.We ete _ heoimt d spors and have oter eprnc.A. b allowed;leveB. alo; leveC. b alloed; to lavD allow; eving重庆毕业会考

6、试题.单选 (每题1分。共20分) 从A、B、D四个选项中选出可以填人空白处旳最佳答案,并把答题卡上相应题目旳答案标号涂黑。22any sprtme are getn edy _te Bejingymc Gams. At .with Cr Don23- Mo,I wnt tskgradp aquestio. - h. _ is reding a ewsaper uptaisAHe BHi C. His D.islf4.l the _ tahs nyed themelves on Mach 8th,becuse it was their oholday. Aman B. me C.wmn . w

7、omen25Theresa r car ing n orneigrhood. Do yokow_ it is?. wha . o C whose D. hm26urciy,_ id shoo ets wnto ork sateacher inthe future. A. tha B tsand f C. tousandsf D. two tousa of2No telehes aevery ppulandthe are u _ an bore. cheap .eape C.hepet the chapest28 inda,I am vey hrsy. -Lets g t t nearest u

8、perket _ sme drik,OK? A.uy B.bought C.to buy D. buing29.Tnyisaleer boy,_e sully fais i Cinese eams. s B.bt Cor D. because30.Mayesan lwers _in our schoo lstye,ad the mae ourcol a beautifu gaden. A.lan Bplnted Chave plaed D.wer lante31._ seep to lae.tbadfor yur healh .Do BNot C.Dont D.Plse ntMy anisnh

9、ereShe _ nghai onusins.Sh willbe back inthee ayAwent B.hs gon t .ha been to D.ilgo o3We all lov Miss YngShe lways makes her htor class vy _ A.ntrest .interess nteen D. ntresed4- I always lisn to e techer _ in las - I vy clvr of yo tod tha. Afree Bfreely C.careful D. caeful3- inners ready. Hep yourse

10、f!-ow! It _ deliious.Could u plae tel meo to ook it?A.tss .ks Csoun D. els6Th English nwpap svery eayfortstudets becus tee are _ ew os n it.Alittle a lttle Cfew Da few3Rmmber t_ thelights when you aveyur classoo.A.tur on B.ur off .tn up D.trn n8- Do you ite pop sa huJlun r t ove Liu Dhua? - _. am not her fn.A Both BEither ether D Al39.(课改实验区考生做) - beleve ev t befe.-N,_. Iveeverben rbefor. isnt th same B.ts tue I dot hink D.I beleve so (非课改实验区考生做)- Doyou think yo wills he a


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