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1、中大网校引领成功职业人生 2012年公共英语等级(PETS1)全真预测试卷(3)总分:100分 及格:60分 考试时间:90分本节中,你将听到10个句子,每个句产配有A、B、C三幅图片,请选择与句子内容相符合的一幅图片,并标在试卷的相应位置。每句话后有15秒钟的停顿,以便选择图片并看下一组图片。每句话读两遍。(1)MP3:http:/ does the man feel about the movie?A. BorinB. InterestinC. Excitin(2)What do we learn from the dialogue?A. Thewomancaughttherainyest

2、erdayafternoonB. ThemandidntgohomeyesterdayafternoonC. Themangothomewhenitbegantorainyesterdayafternoon(3)What does the woman mean?A. ShewantstoknowthesuggestionofthemarB. ShehashadherownplaC. Shehastowritealette(4)What will the woman do?A. ShewillfindTracB. ShewillgoouC. ShewillphoneTrac(5)What num

3、ber does the man actually want to dial?A. 6432136B. 6432316C. 6342136(6)What will the man most probably do this weekend?A. DohishomeworB. TravelwiththewomaC. Handinhishomewor(7)Why doesnt the woman finish her homework?A. BecauseshedoesntlikeiB. BecauseshedoesntknowhowtodoiC. Becausesheknowstheanswe(

4、8)What is Paul going to do now?A. GetuB. HavemoresleeC. Havehisbreakfas(9)When will the dress be ready?A. ByTuesdaymorninB. ByThursdayafternooC. ByThursdaymornin(10)What does the woman mean?A. ShemadetheskirtherselB. HermothermadetheskirtforheC. Hermotherboughttheskirtforhe(11)What doas the woman me

5、an?A. PaulisangrB. PaulmaybeangrC. Paulisntangry(12)What does the woman suggest?A. 0rangesandbananaB. GrapesandbananaC. Applesandgrapes(13)What do we learn from the man?A. Hell go toAmericaB. HeIIgowiththewomanC. HesunwillingtogotoAmerica(14)Where are the speakers?A. InashoB. InaparkC. Inthestree(15

6、)Whats the boys trouble?A. HesilB. HehasanaccidenC. Hecantfinishhishomework第二部分 英语知识运用第一节 单项填空 从A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。(1)Do you know that woman_black?A. withB. onC. in(2)They lost their way in the forest,and_made matters worse was that the night began to fallA. thatB. whatC. it(3)H

7、e feels lonelyHe has_friends here except meA. fewB. littleC. some(4)How much does the ticket_from Shanghai to Beijing?A. costB. spendC. take(5)I _ the picture from the wall in order to clean itA. tookdownB. setupC. lookedat(6)This class_nowMiss Gao teaches themA. arestudyingB. isstudyingC. bestudyin

8、g(7)If you go into trouble,you can_your teacher_helpA. ask;forB. help;withC. look;for(8)My mother asked me_her with the cookingA. helpsB. tohelpC. helping(9)Whos that speaking?_A. IamJackB. ThisisJackspeakingC. Jackisme(10)Would you mind_this bag for me while I open the door?A. toholdB. holdingC. ho

9、ld(11)_it is raining,_no one leaves the sports groundA. Because;/B. Although;/C. Although;but(12)The bag_books_mineA. fullof;areB. fullof;isC. fullin;are(13)“John,get up pleaseI think youre old enough_yourself”mother saidA. todressB. towearC. toputon(14)_How many foreigners come to China every year?

10、_Its hard to say_people,I thinkA. MillionofB. MillionsofC. Twomillionof(15)This book should be returned to the library_the end of this monthA. byB. fromC. in第二节 完形填空 阅读下面短文,从短文所给各题的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中选出能填入相应空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡l上将该项涂黑。(1)请根据以下内容回答TSE题:TSAour horneBthe worldCa factory(2)ApieasedBno useCinterest

11、ing(3)AcarryBbringCgive(4)AnewsBwaysCanswers(5)AagainBalsoCtoo(6)AcallBseeClook(7)AmostBmanyCevery(8)AworkBjobsCholidays(9)AsorryBgladCsure(10)Ain the seaB0n landCunder the ground第三部分 阅读理解第一部分 词语配伍 从选项中选出与题目意义相符的选项。(1)请根据以下选项,回答TSE题:TS51题选择()(2)52题选择()(3)53题选择()(4)54题选择()(5)55题选择()第二节 短文理解 阅读下列短文,从每

12、题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳答案,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。(1)请根据以下内容回答TSE题:TSThose thin women are more popular than those fat womenA. RighB. WronC. Doesntsa(2)Many girls want to be thin because they want to be models.A. RighB. WronC. Doesntsa(3)Americans never tell others about their weightA. RighB. WronC. Doesntsa(4)Dieting may become bad for peopleS healthA.



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