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1、中考语法选择广州中考As twwen wd nto a New Jery hspial, they lauhed. tswedthe loeth had held them te _6_ frty yeas sbstriends. Aloughey wee lughin, e of hese ladie woul oon utherlfei dange_2_he es fre PattyHrley nd ieen Riley me at ghschool and ha be clo rnd versnceBu whn Eileen, _2_ nurse,beame il witkine (肾)

2、 diease, sh didt g ring to h rind Paty came t helpher, fter _2_ ilenwa sk “Mykidneys arefailing,” Ele explaine“Can gveyou one f mine?”_30 te immed rply.T offer wasso smpl _31_ Eileenthouht shd hedwron But Ptt reetd shwas wiing toel, a hir ouneo the oeaitable bea Eien awas knewthat rfrn wold elp. Sh

3、said_32_, “en Pattymaks a promise, she kees _33_.” Th opeaion enhead inMay,ad both womn ar now vr haly and _34_ haever. “There e nowrdstdribe _3_ amazithi woan is,” Eileen sai aftrwad “Shegavememy .”26. A. in B.for C. ice D. wi27. A.ve ave . saves D. tsve28. A B a Cthe D./29. A. hea B.heard . heaig

4、D.to har3. A B comes C com Doing1 .as B. hih C. ha D. util32 Asimle .smply C smplr D. simpes33.Ait B. tm .ts D. ons34 A. cloet B. ost co C.loe . close35. A.o . wh C. ha D. ow()Our etn habits re ey importaor good heah an a stron bo Mt of s worher( 1 )sweets ndice-ream than met and rice. Sweesan i-rea

5、 et bai e atthem ( ) the o a eal. If e at hbefore a ml, hey y make (3 ) or appett. t is( 4 ) fo us to eat ormea a te same eeach day. When weeel(5 ), ii a sign tatouroy neds food. h we el agry or (6 ),w may ot wn o eat A lngtimeago,n ngld, (7 ) oe pson sme dr bread usd ojud f a man watelling ls. Alth

6、ug this es vey strangeand rather olish, i is ndeed very god way of(8 ) out t fact. man (9 ) s wrryng abouomethnhas dffictyin aig antig dry. he los (1 ) appetite ad dos notwanto a, ecause e is orrying1. A t B eating C. to eat D eten2. A.in y C o D t3. A. to ose Blse C. losi tosing4. Aimprtae Bimpotan

7、y C iportat D. more portatly5. . hue B. hung C hngrl D morehunr6. A ecite B. excid C. exctg Dexcitedly7. A giving B. give C.ivn D.gvs8. Afin B foun C. finig D. to find 9. .hich B.whoe hm D wo10. A. he B. i C.his . himlf(5)A boy loved eting sweets He aways asked his fater for seets. Hs athr s pornd d

8、idnhavemuch oney bu (1 )swets. The fathrthought a about w ( 2)himasg fo swees. last,he ecdedotake hisso toa wie man ( ) ivenerb. He hugh he wasbl to persuae the boy tsop(4 )wets.They ametothe wie mns houe. The fther ai, “ater, ld you (5 ) mson not t askwets?” Th wise nwasidiiclty,eaus e also likdswe

9、es (6 ). Hw could h as the oo stoaskig feets? Soe (7 ) the fter o bring hison backone onth laerDuring tis time, the iseman( 8)ang swees.hefahr d i son tuneda onth later.fer a longtalk, the yad tha heo log at set.Thether ased the wis man,“Wy did ou nt ask my s to dothat mohag?” Th repled , “Aerssexmp

10、le i muh (9 ) than his wor. en we ask soeon o shing, w must (10 ) touve.W shoulnt ask otherstodo wa we dnt do ourselves 1. A somh B. u muh C. many D.uc mn2. stp B. tostop C. oppng D t oppng3. A. w .whose .wich . whm4. A. et B.o et C.ate D. eatng5. .as B.ass skng D. t ak6. . e B. m C. his D imslf7. A. ell B tod C. wil tell Das tellig 8. A. a . t a . eati


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