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1、西安外国语大学翻译研究生专业学位研究生招生试题科目:翻译研究生英语(代码:211)卷注意事项: 请核对本场考试科目及代码与你所报考专业旳考试安排与否一致。2. 请一定使用黑色、蓝色钢笔、圆珠笔或签字笔,铅笔答题无效。3 请在专业答题纸上旳规定区域清晰地填写自己旳姓名和准考证号码。4. 请按照考题顺序在专业答题纸上依次作答,在试卷上答题无效。. 本科目总分为10分,答题时间为3小时,请掌握好答题时间。 考试结束后,请将试题和答题纸一并装入考试专用试题袋,并及时交回。a e: Vocabuar adGrmial SuctureSection Drection:hisction esignedto

2、tst you ability ointerpret the main frds in iffere contexts Red c of hfollowng encecarefully adselect one wodor prase from te four chocs that is closestin meaning tohe undrnedd ieach sentnce, and th ite your nw nthe Answ he.(20%)1. Pyhogsts have dne exensive tudie of how weaients ompl ith dctors rde

3、rsA obey B nerstandiovwith Dage i2. Sas are mposed of ntesely ho gass an drie their engy from nucear actios occurring inth nteir.xtreelyBniformlyCeposve continualy3. Frm1775 to 1776e Amicnsundertookan unsuccssful cmpignagintte British naa.Awe B eadedPaid fo Dattend t4. Beaue of itsod mnerisms, t pay

4、in mnti has alwas inrigue huan engs.Aasciate graatedCoffnderrifed5 Indstril selfsuicincy ith Une Stts dveloed smultneously wit themass produo of tetile i NeEgland.sootly BcourentlyCffecvly pontanuly.Th init appearnceof he iver thre-ent iceocidedwit he firs issue of the-cent stampsi 51.occure ttheame

5、 timeas B collided withC a nesitate by D ws similr to7 Chicao O a nerntionalirort accmmdesforty-or millio passers eryear.amazes B lesChnle counts8. Reil planin dels wth pposals concerngutying comnitie and hihwys a we aswith urban fai.Aoutlandh B excuv exmted Dremot heitrducion o the s ignledth ventu

6、a misehe olley car as a rm oftrvl.A esigation B mechnitionC dippeace D frskiness10. In Slentping, Rachelarso forcfllydecred theindscrimne use of pesticide. hazardBupleasan rgiol peodic11.After is ounding, the Unid Stats governmnt folwd a policy exlctly dsigned aid ntioalshippig.A pematury ecnomcyC p

7、cllyD proudy2Bee ocilinequl can aied,ts princi cues mus bdaned.A denoued B rlieedC analzd D otroled13. Astrouts are ujeteto te mst rigoru taigtat hs eve been dised fo mabes dmdd B createdC dagosed D alowe14.Weigt liftng i the gymnasti sort oflitngweight ina presrib manne. vigorous BpopularC crtincef

8、l15. Prjet Skylab was dsgned todemonstate ta peson can wrkand live inpce fr prologed eris wout il efectsA uxpected B obviosC avereDimmedia16.Playshat entaildret nteractio eteenctr an udience resent no unsual diffities for ctors. docat noleC elci D eaggete17.Snce spech s such a amiaractivty, itioft r

9、egarded as a univers edowmentA even B aitrait ift18. nth Paiic Northwest, as mae ad porpy ay, so dothe species th pvail inthefrests.Aebuild B iva domiat Dtend9. n th Aera,th firstcno were constructed frmlogs nd proeldby mens of woden pad.A carvedB dock drive forwad D crie upright20.Uit Statsctizens

10、are now enjoying beterdntalhelh, a shown by tdeclnn ncidence of tohecy.A eament B cnsequeesC ocurree misfouneSectio BDections: I eac of th followieencs, sme par o th snenc orthe wholeisunderline. Rephrase the unelined parts ast exprssmot fectiely wt i resented in he oiinal sentence Your correctn sho

11、ul be dear and exat, ithtawwarnes, ambiguity redundancy. Write yur answes neAnswer Set. (10%)21. Crediards rnowacpted i chage for aygoods ansrie arund the world n in oecouries, ikethe Aercans, i sdeven ore widel ta c22. Scolarsecognedimmdiately ttthlanguage experimntsinFinneganWae a diffret thany ot

12、enovel.he t ran ouide, parentspfersmalchildre olay indo.4 quird by w toreist bythe endo theyer, th pot ffice ws croedwth leg alinsattetigto comp wh the la befthe dealine.25. In the past few yers,sgnifican ges hav take place inte orgnzatonf ou econom thatw pofoudly ffect thchacter f our lar nns as wel as ifluen



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