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1、江西三友网络科技有限公司绝密文件三友认证计费系统详细配置步骤1、安装 freeradius1.1.4的版本1、# tar -xvf freeradius-1.1.4.tar2、# cd freeradius-1.1.43、# ./configure -localstatedir=/var -sysconfdir=/etc4、# make5、# make in stall至此freeradius安装完毕二、mysql数据库服务器操作1、 rpm -qa|grep mysql查看是否安装 mysql数据库程序2、service mysqld start 启动 mysql 数据库程序3、 /usr/

2、bin/mysqladmin password336699修改 mysql 用户的 root 的密码4、mysql -u root -penter password: 336699 (输入密码,无显示)5、mysql CREATE DA TABASE radius;6、Show databases;6、mysql quit注释:删除 mysql 命令 mysqldorp databases radius;Mysql下的命令都有“;”三、设置启动的服务1、# n tsysv选中mysqld和httpd服务,使其开机启动。四、设置freeradius程序1、# cd /freeradius-1.1

3、.4/doc/examples2、# mysql -u root -p radiusmysql.sql 生成 freeradius 的基本数据库的表3、# cd /etc/raddb/注释:“”是编辑的的意思Esc退出“shift ” +“;”后输入wq保存修改数据“q!”不保存查找字符 输入”/”后输入要查找的字符“ N ”是下一个 “shift ” + “ N ”是上一个4、# vi sql.conf将以下:# Conn ect i nfoserver = localhost logi n = root password = password修改为:# Conn ect i nfoserv

4、er =localhostlogi n =rootpassword = 3366995、# vi radiusd.conf将以下:# See Authorizati on Queries in sql.c onf# sql修改为:# See Authorizati on Queries in sql.c onfsql将以下:# See Acco un ti ng queries in sql.c onf# sql修改为:# See Acco un ti ng queries in sql.c onfsql将以下:post-auth # Get an address from the IP Po

5、ol.# main _pool# If you want to have a log of authe nticatio n replies,# un-comme nt the followi ng line, and the detail reply_log# section, above.# reply_log# After authe nticati ng the user, do ano ther SQL qeury.# See Authe nticati on Loggi ng Queries in sql.c onf# sql# Un-comme nt the follow ing

6、 if you have set# edir_acco un t_policy_check = yes in the ldap module sub-secti on of# the modules secti on.修改为:post-auth # Get an address from the IP Pool.# main _pool# If you want to have a log of authe nticatio n replies,# un-comme nt the followi ng line, and the detail reply_log# section, above

7、.#reply_log# After authe nticati ng the user, do ano ther SQL qeury.# See Authe nticati on Loggi ng Queries in sql.c onfsql# Un-comme nt the follow ing if you have set# edir_acco un t_policy_check = yes in the ldap module sub-secti on of# the modules secti on.6、# vi clients.conf在文件末尾增加以下代码:clie nt 1

8、 secret = 336699short name = sany ou1注释:336699 是 ros 里 ip-ppp-secret 密码7、# /usr/local/sbin/radiusd -X 启动 freeradius 的调试模式 出现 1812 和 1813 就成功了& # cd /etc9、# vi rcocal在文件末尾加以下代码:/usr/local/sb in/radiusd五、配置 apache和 php1、# cd /etc/httpd/conf.d2、# vi php.conf在文件末尾加以下代码:AddType applicati on /x

9、-httpd-php .php33、# cd /etc/httpd/conf4、# vi httpd.conf将以下代码:# Docume ntRoot: The directory out of which you will serve your# docume nts. By default, all requests are take n from this directory, but# symbolic links and aliases may be used to point to other locations.#Docume ntRoot /var/www/html修改为:#

10、 Docume ntRoot: The directory out of which you will serve your# docume nts. By default, all requests are take n from this directory, but# symbolic links and aliases may be used to point to other locations.#Docume ntRoot /var/www将以下代码:# This should be cha nged to whatever you set Docume ntRoot to.#修改

11、为:# This should be cha nged to whatever you set Docume ntRoot to.#将以下代码:# more or less alphabetized them here. You probably want to cha nge this.#Lan guagePriority en ca cs da de el eo es et fr he hr it ja ko ltz nl nn no pl pt pt-BR ru sv zh-CN zh-TW修改为:# more or less alphabetized them here. You pr

12、obably want to cha nge this.#LanguagePriority zh-CN en ca cs da de el eo es et fr he hr it ja ko ltz nl nn no pl pt pt-BR ru sv zh-TW将以下代码修改成:# If your host does nt have a registered DNS n ame, en ter its IP address here.# You will have to access it by its address any way, and this will make# redire

13、ct ions work in a sen sible way.#ServerName localhost:80将以下代码:# Specify a default charset for all content served; this en ables# in terpretati on of all content as UTF-8 by default. To use the# default browser choice (ISO-8859-1), or to allow the META tags# in HTML content to override this choice, c

14、omment out this# directive:#AddDefaultCharset UTF-8修改为:# Specify a default charset for all content served; this en ables# in terpretati on of all content as UTF-8 by default. To use the# default browser choice (ISO-8859-1), or to allow the META tags# in HTML content to override this choice, comment

15、out this# directive:#AddDefaultCharset UTF-85、# service httpd restart6、 找一台同网段的pc启动浏览器,输入http:/,(ip地址是radius服务器的ip地址),如果出现 apache的页面,说明apache配置成功。六、安装配置三友网络认证计费系统管理程序2、# cd /var/www3、# mysql -u root -p radiusaddsys.sql4、# cd conf5、# vi admin.conf将以下代码:# The directory where dialupadmin is in sta



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