新编大学英语视听说教程4 听力原文及答案

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1、视据说 听力原文及答案ni Leise ativiteParstening on Eve wish you uldo mgc trics,o intodue yourselfas “agican” at a pry? Igie, everybod ans o havefn, utnothi relly happenin, its time f yuto ho one yur new tricks. Her, yucanlear how, nd without ny need forspcial maerias o much praciceA rick wit cin, a nderchiefa

2、d aiend: Putthe coinon our pam. Cov the on with he handkerhf.Ask severl peple o pu the hands beneth thhndkechef an fele oi, to ake srehat i s still here. Thntk thorn of anderhef and pul irapily of o hand. The coin has ge! Ho? ou mut maesur thest riend who feesthcin knows th ticd rmoes he cohen e eem

3、s t bjut felinit. Ad nobdy knows where t ha ne! trckwith a pieof ape ad a nil: ellyr end thatyoca ommuncaeour houhtswithuseakngo ohr ele. Wte o the pece o aper the wodNo. ontl yrfrens what you vewiten. Sy, Nw i muncatethis wrd ioyourminds. rtdtcnnrate Akthe fte kow watisritten o hepapr. The will ay,

4、No! n you sy, Quitecrrct!Iwrote No the pper!rk ith a egg an e lt: skur frinds to tad te upigh on te table. Thywt maag to doit. Saytha yo n spak tothe ckn insde.Say,Chicen! Canyo ar ? t rdy o lance yur eg!enyoufst etthegg back fro yor riends, pretend o ks teeg t the bas. Mae the as wet.Ten u the base

5、 into al whic i in your ohe han. The sltil stick he gg hen put the egon h tbl. wt the egg rd a f tiesas this wll arae th ains ofalt. hn i will td up Dot forget o thkthehien.Questis:1. What osh magiciansk petodo in efirsttrck2. hathappnsto the con?3. Ho des heagiciaoveta h an communate his thoughso t

6、he audienc in the ond trick?4. at is the firt ep to make th gg stand uit?5. ht else is neeed ke h egg tan upright?s: 1. 2. C 3.C 4. A .DPart ltenng two (The folowing is an inervie fm aweekl sport rogra.)resente: God monin, listener.elo toou wekly port roam amd atll those uneraceyongster with tim on

7、hei hnd! Liten to whatur to uests hat sy abu thr obie adhow eirhobbies ae made a diferene totheir lives. Adriennefst, ten,nathn.Arene: I clect very ntrestngjewery.I tedt tavelao as most of my faiyd, so wheevr Ihae a holiday, I ik t o traeln. Whver I trve somehee, I lik to pk upsomethng t remind me o

8、f h pace tht I visd.And, the easietting todis to pic upa smlpece of jwelry sead of etting pote r -sirt htt last. I like he idea fhavig smethg sall and lso,I fin whene war ewy romsomewee, it a goodconeratin pc.Usuay peopl ak yu, “herid ou ge is?” hnhave asory to tell, nd ita d y toeet and talk o eope

9、. t just intesting. have jewlry ha Ipicked up whn I trveled to Thilnd,hen I aele to Aric andwen I traveled to Eurpe.Preenter: Wow!onds nce Yul av o showyur llcios tos.riene: Id lo to.resner: ank you, Ain. NwJonathanJonathan:I prefer anoeing bcaus yuve alway got the water ther orsupport. If ure agood

10、 swimmr, hav od senseofblance adsrong s, youl like canoeing! T ai troubl s taporting yu cano t the rig lcesmy father kes it onth rooff te casoetis I ut iton th roof ofth clubsa ove. Wha i has tahtm mst s t b ndependet. Its just uandth cane agins e wnd,the wether nd te wter. Itgis u a lt ofself-confi

11、ence ad itcn beelyexciting ngsyou donmindgttng oaed, ofcurs!Imke yu ee closeto ature someho Lastyea, when I was quifid, Ibegan to rumown caneing cent.Presener: So you r makigyour hoby wrk foyouonthan: Pole ar usualy very sedt eirbie. The combnaon finerest anskills isa er compeling res t hose a aricl

12、ar caee.rester: Then, denne,do yohavea simlar plan?Adienn: Yes, I lov mkig beaedewelry. Ivedecied to e sme frml tranng. wa to earn hoto e jeelry desige.Qustions:.Wo the target auienci theprgra? 2. haisAdrines hoby? 3 Wha o Aiennesuu whesh vsit a place? 4.How des Joth benfi frmcaneig?5Wt shoulb the morccrn in chosing caer ccordin to nahan?Keys: 1. A 2. 3. 4. 5. Bat



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