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1、中秋节有关英语词汇:Md-aumn a / -atumnesiva 中秋节 oon Festival/oncaetiva /oonFes中秋节 lnar农历moncak月饼 nimoocake 迷你月饼moncak wt met/ nt / 肉馅果仁/蛋黄月饼 ha oncke火腿月饼 apit/pomlsaok 柚子 lue puddg 汤圆laten scalsh灯笼 Ca 嫦娥 Hou Yi 后羿 Ree atvitis有关活动:a to dir thebrigh miamn haet mo聚在一起赏月 gh anter点灯笼 ry antr aroun提灯笼 burn inene 烧香

2、re dagonnce 火龙舞Theusto f wrshipng hemon 拜月的习俗 orhipe te ull m拜满月的习俗 faiy reuon 家庭团聚 /圆cam u to watc he fullmoon to cbrate the estval到户外赏月 te custom Md-Autum Fsivl celebrtion 庆祝中秋节的习俗 1. Wish youandous a appylday on thgathringay. 在这团聚的日子里祝你全家节日快乐。2 Li tmoo,you myposseson;into theeet ck,blessed wit a

3、har, Iopeyu liever day ikethe mon 15 a sces同样的月光, 在你我的身上;送上香甜的月饼,连同一颗祝愿的心,但愿你过得每一天都像十五的月亮同样圆满成功。3. TheidAutm stial,ologerin, bt ensentece, as acla:At hi pointdno a ach othr,hinai wllin toonthlylow ZhaoJu中秋佳节,无觉得寄,但送此句,以表吾心:此时相望不相闻,愿逐月华流照君。4. The ais in gdfth wrepec to ceral, o enyu a rond of the Mdt

4、umn blessing . to:epleloveyou moe le you, ou v t le以真诚为半径,用尊重为圆心,送您一种中秋圆圆的祝愿愿:爱您的人更爱您,您爱的人更懂您!. The sta, caes were ent o yu:he firlar lth; Th cd laer ucky; T h layer-Yun;T fort ayer oposit;ILAYE e. 佳节到,送您个月饼:第一层财运;第二层幸运;第三层福运;第四层桃花运;中间夹层甜密。5. You wl kno orow bomipresent SMS rrounded teost e m iebles

5、ngvgh-rse bulings acrss emountaithrugh the strets, ndasse the oldlay selng e,ntyoue: ahppy MiAutun Fetvl!就懂得明天你会被铺天盖地的短信包围,英明的我一早就让祝愿跨过高山越过高楼大厦穿过大街小巷,闪过卖茶叶蛋的老太太,钻进你的耳朵:中秋快乐!6. The taditon eva,wil awas e a ver tradtoa in o dsire: eglarfwe, Yua, Chang,who often . hpp Mid-Atu Fial老式的节日里,我们总会有那种很老式的愿望:花

6、常开、月常圆、人常在中秋节快乐。. Gd said:he s-caldappies,tr sa tankfl eat,ahealhy boy,thokf a r, alov ou, a trustd fren to hel,whn y receets formatio, all sbsetwer!神说:所谓的幸福,就是有一颗感恩的心,一种健康的身体,一份称心的工作,一位深爱你的人,一帮信赖的朋友,当你收到此信息,一切都随之拥有!8 ThMinisty of Helh isued a crculr, al hme thrwlbe turn over othatetraury f th cakes

7、, re ovr tothe stattrur m hose also,tfutu n e llwe to brach rigmoon!卫生部发出告知,但凡家里尚有月饼的一律上缴国库,不上缴国库上缴到我家也行,违令者此后不准晒月亮!. Augsts not atogethr git lockork MS es you,ealthyd happy loe wi you, goluck ad yo are notisoaed, tere lemtellyou,thGodo Weath areyflowyou.八月中秋不送礼,发条短信祝愿你,健康快乐长伴你,好运和你不分离,尚有让我告诉你,财神已经跟

8、随你.10.The stbeautiful hoday, y want t nd a spcial blssi这个最美丽的节日,想送你最特别的祝愿。 wish hapy d-Au Fstia! 祝中秋快乐!Go roud! 好梦连连中秋节英语简介: MidAuumn Day d-Autumn Day i raditia estialinChia. most eryne ls to atoocaesona dy. ostilies hve diner ogeter tocelebrate estiv. sayng oes,The mon your oowismost lwaythebrghst

9、an roundet.Many pope ho liv aaway frm hes wan togbco ve a failyunionHw hpp it is t njy the moon cakes ile wthig the fuloon i youfamly mebes. ver yarThe Mid-Atmn Festival uust atthstime the peop all want to eat t mo ck,eny loig at the moon, theon is verybifu.TIS etival s also a aml holiay .ane aas sa tgetr fal ee arappy,beuse thatdymois rudest, t te most happy tin iswecn get tgether .lso as nyoderul storie aboutmdautunfetival oon, is aig tesexpttin, MidatnFstv, als njoed oing a moo thi yar. Thtis heMdAuum Day immid. Iwlawaysre-mber: at rWet,homeis bes.


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