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1、YG 75/5.29 M型循环流化床锅炉整套启动调试方案及措施In tegrated Start ing and Commissio ning Test Schemes and Measures of YG75/5.29 M CFB Boiler编制: Compiled by: 审核:Reviewed by: 批准:Approved by: 目录Contents1 编制目的Purpose of compilation2 编制依据Basis of compilation3 设备概述Equipment overview4 锅炉整套启动调试范围Integrated starting and comm

2、issioning test scope of boiler5 组织分工Division of organization6 锅炉整套启动前应具备的条件Conditions to be ready before the boiler integrating7 整套启动试运步骤Process for integrated starting and commissioning test8 整套启动阶段调试进度计划Debugging schedule for integrated starting and commissioning 9 反事故措施Anti-accident measures10 安全

3、注意事项Safety considerations1.编制目的Purpose of compilation为了顺利完成电厂 YG75/5.29M 循环流化床锅炉启动调试工作,明确调试工作任务 和职责分工,规范调试项目和调试程序,使调试工作有组织、有计划的进行。结合本机组特 点及同类型机组调试、运行经验情况,特制定本调试方案。Combining with the characteristics of machine set and the experience from the same type of machine operating and commissioning, this comm

4、issioning scheme is specially formulated for the purpose to successfully complete the startup & commissioning of YG 75/5.29 M circulating fluidized bed boiler for power plant, clarify commissioning tasks and division of responsibility, standardize commissioning projects and procedures and to carry o

5、n the organic and designed commissioning.2.编制依据Basis of compilation2.1 设备生产厂家技术资料和实验要求。Requirements for technical data and experiment by equipment manufacturer2.2 本锅炉机组技术规范,调试要求 和安装使用说明书。Technical specification, commissioning requirements and operation manual for this boiler unit3.设备概述Equipment over

6、view3.1 锅炉本体Boiler body电站工程lX75t/h CFB由济南锅炉集团有限公司生产,其型号为YG-75/5.29-M型循环流化床锅炉,该锅炉为 75t/h 次高压、次高温循环流化床锅炉,具有燃烧效率高、低污染 和节约燃料、便于调节等特点。该锅炉结构简单、紧凑,炉型与传统的煤粉锅炉类似。锅炉 本体由燃烧设备、给煤装置、床下点火装置、分离和返料装置、水冷系统、过热器、省煤器、 空气预热器、钢架、平台扶梯、炉墙等组成。锅炉采用床下油点火方式;流化床布风板采用 水冷布风板结构,布置钟罩式风帽,锅炉采用 3 台给煤机由炉前给煤;分离装置采用高温汽 冷旋风分离器。1 X75t/h CF

7、B for power pla nt, whose type is YG-75/5.29-M circulat ing fluidized bed boiler, is produced by Jinan boiler group Co., Ltd. The boiler is circulating fluidized bed boiler of 75t/h intermediate pressure, intermediate temperature, which has the characteristics of high combustion efficiency, low poll

8、ution and fuel saving and easy to be regulated, etc. The boiler structure is simple and compact, and the profile is similar with the traditional pulverized coal fired boiler. The boiler is composed of combustion equipment, coal supply unit, ignition unit under bed, separation &return unit, water coo

9、ling system, superheater, economizer, air preheater, steel frame, terrace stairs, oven wall, etc. The boiler adopts the ignition method by oil under bed; the grid plate for fluidized bed adopts water-cooled grid plate structure, bell-shaped hood, and boiler adopts 3 feeders to supply coal from the f

10、ront of boiler; separating device adopts high temperature steam cold cyclone separator.额定蒸发量: 75t/hRated evaporating capacity: 75t/h 过热蒸汽压力: 5.29MPaSuperheated steam pressure: 5.29MPa过热蒸汽温度:485 CSuperheated steam temperature: 485C给水温度:150 CWater supply temperature: 150 C排烟温度: 145CExhaust smoke tempe

11、rature: 145 C一次风预热温度: 140CPrimary air preheating temperature: 140 C二次风预热温度: 140CSecondary air preheating temperature: 140 C石灰石颗粒度要求: 2mmLimest one grai n: 2mm脱硫效率: 80%Desulfuration efficiency: 80%钙硫比 2-2.5Ratio of calcium to sulfur 2-2.5燃料的颗粒度要求: 10mmFuel grai n: 10mm锅炉热效率: 87 Boiler heat efficiency

12、: 87 锅炉燃料所需空气分别由一、二次风机提供。一次风机送出来的冷风经过 一次风空气预热器预热后,分别进入炉后的三个点火风道再引入水冷风室中,通过安装 在水冷布风板上的风帽,进入燃烧室;由左右两侧风道还分别引出一根播煤风管道,两根播 煤风管在炉前汇合形成播煤风母管。二次风经过二次风空预器后由前后墙进入炉膛;为保证 二次风充分到达炉膛,本炉采用炉下部锥体段前后墙进风结构;二次风喷嘴分三层布置,以 利燃烧的调整和控制氮氧化合物的排放。燃煤在炉膛内燃烧产生大量烟气和飞灰,烟气携带 大量未燃尽的碳粒子在炉膛上部进一步燃烧放热后,经过高温过热器,进入两个旋风分离器 中,烟气和物料分离,被分离出来的物料

13、经过返料器再返回炉膛,实现循环燃烧。经分离后 的洁净”因气经转向依次通过高温过热器、减温器,低温过热器、省煤器、二次风空气预热 器、一次风空气预热器由尾部烟道排出。燃煤经燃烧后产生的炉渣,较大颗粒可经炉底三个 108的排渣管排走再经滚筒冷渣器冷却后排出,较小颗粒的炉灰可以从旋风分离器下部的返 料器的细灰管排出。The air required by boiler fuel is respectively supplied by primary air fan and sec on daryair fan. The cold air which supplied by primary air f

14、an respectively en ter into the 3 ign iti on air flues behind boiler after being preheated by primary air preheater, then into water cooled wi nd room, and through the funnel cap which in stalled on water cooled grid plate to en ter combustion chamber; From left and right air flue, one coal distribu

15、tion air duct goes out, and two of which join together before boiler to become the main coal distribution air duct. Secon dary air passes sec on dary air preheater to en ters the furn ace from the front & rear wall. So as to guara ntee sec on dary air fully reaches furn ace, this boiler adopts air i

16、n let structure of furn ace bottom cone sect ion front & rear wall; Secon dary air no zzle is arran ged in three layers in order to conveniently adjust combustion and control the emission of oxynitride. Fire coal is burning in furnace, which produces much flue gas and fly ash, the smoke with a large nu mber of un



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