英语人教版八年级下册Unit 2 Section A 3a --4c

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1、Unit2 SectionA(3a-4c)名师教案课型 2 Reading and Learning (Section A 3a-4c)1.0 Teaching analysis教情分析1.1 Teaching objectives 教学目标1.1.1 Language goals 语言目标1.1.1.1 Key Words and Chunks For applying: give up, several, how to care for animals, strong, feeling, satisfaction, a strong feeling of satisfa

2、ction, owner, a book lover, read by oneself, at the age of, try out for, once a week, learn to read, see in their eyes, go on a different journey, journey, a dream come true, at the same time, put up, hand out, call up, cheer up, come up with, give out, put off, raise, raise money for homeless peopl

3、e, midnight, alone, For comprehending: joy, the look of joy1.1.1.2 Sentence Structures1) Mario believes it can help him to get his future dream job.2) But I want to learn more about how to care for animals.3) I get such a strong feeling of satisfaction when I see the animals get better and

4、the look of joy on their owners faces.4) The kids are sitting in the library, but you can see in their eyes that theyre going on a different journey with each new book.5) Volunteering here is a dream come true for me.6) I can do what I love to do and help others at the same time.7) There are many pe

5、ople who are less lucky than us. Grammar Focus1) put up, hand out, call up, cheer up, give out, put off是由动词+副词构成的及物动词短语,他们的宾语位置有两种情况:宾语如果是名词,既可置于副词后面,也可置于动词和副词之间;宾语如果是代词,只能置于动词和副词之间。2) Mario believes it can help him to get his future dream job. (it can help him 是一个省略了引导词that的宾语从句)3) There are

6、 many people who are less lucky than us.(who 引导的一个定语从句,修饰前面的先行词people)1.1.2 Ability goals 能力目标1.1.2.1 Help Ss to understand the usage of key words and expressions. Enable Ss to distinguish topic sentences from specific information. Guide Ss to find out the text structure. Help S

7、s learn to draw a mind map according to the passage. Encourage Ss to use “infinitives” to rewrite sentences from the passage. Stimulate Ss to imitate some beautiful sentences in the passage.1.1.3 Emotional goals 情感目标1.1.3.1 Cultivate Ss to be kind and friendly to the people around them

8、. Help Ss to develop the sense of duty to help others. Engage Ss to connect their own dreams with volunteering.1.2 Important and difficult teaching points 教学重难点1.2.1 Enable Ss to distinguish topic sentences from specific information.1.2.2 Help Ss to use the target language “infinitive

9、s” to rewrite sentences from the passage.1.2.3 Enable Ss to understand the usage of key words and expressions2.0 Student analysis学情分析2.1 Fundamental State基本情况通过本单元第一课型的学习,学生充分讨论和分享了参与志愿者工作的方式,巩固了对动副短语用法的理解,深化了对本单元话题(Volunteering and charity)的感知。第一课时的听说学习,进一步激发了学生参与志愿工作和社会慈善的积极性,教师能够自然地过渡到3a的阅读教学。本课型

10、中,such a strong feeling of satisfaction, the look of joy on their owners faces, going on a journey with each new book等优美表达,对于丰富学生的语言库存,提升学生的写作水平大有裨益,教师可开展佳句赏析,美句仿写等,来提升学生对这些表达的理解和运用能力。2.2 Knowledge Reserve知识储备本单元第一课型的学习,充分激活了学生的已有语言知识,巩固并提升了学生对动副短语的运用能力。同时,第一课型的师生问答,同伴活动和小组探讨中,学生充分运用动词不定式表目的,谈论参与志愿者

11、工作对于受助者和施助者的重要意义,为本课型的阅读文章Students who volunteer的阅读和理解搭建了足够的语言支架。2.3 Class Data本班实际本班学生自主学习意识较强,能够通过小组探讨,理解文本中涉及的部分重难点句,如I want to learn more about how to care for animals, I get such a strong feeling of satisfaction when I see the animals get better and the look of joy on their owners faces等。但本班学生缺

12、乏对文本整体结构的把握,教师可结合课堂教学实际,引导学生关注每段的首末句,提升学生有效分析和快速判断文章结构的能力。必要时,教师可以选取几篇文章结构清晰的拓展文章,供学生练习使用。3.0 Teaching methods教法建议3.1 Task-based teaching method任务型教学法3.2 Thematic teaching method主题教学法3.3 Self-directed learning method自主学习法4.0 教学辅助 blackboard and chalk, computer or iPad, projector, video clip5.0 Teach

13、ing procedures 教学进程5.1 Leading-in and warming-up 引入与激趣活动5.1.1 In order to motivate the Ss and activate their prior knowledge before reading, T can have a free talk with Ss and ask questions like:Q1. Do you know when the Volunteer Day in China is?Q2. Did you have the experience of being a volunteer?Q

14、3. Can you give up your free time to help others?Q4. What do you think of being a volunteer? Does it have advantages? Why or why not?5.1.2 T writes down the new words and phrases mentioned on the blackboard.5.2 Reading Practice阅读训练5.2.1 Pre-reading 读前导入5.2.1.1 Ask Ss to look at the two pictures and

15、the title. And T can ask questions to help Ss to predict the content of what they are about to read.Q1. What is the boy doing in the first picture?Q2. What do you think the mans job is in the first picture?Q3. Where are the students in the second picture? T supplies new words and phrases that

16、 are not mentioned in the former discussion to help Ss make preparations for reading.5.2.2 While-reading 读中理解5.2.2.1 Ask Ss to skim the passage and tick out R which is the topic sentence of the passage. Mario Green and Mary Brown from Riverside High School give up several hours each week to help others. Mario loves animals and wants to be an animal



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