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1、21秋社区服务在线作业二满分答案1. Unworthy buildings should be demolished to make _ formodern construction.A) spaceUnworthy buildings should be demolished to make _ formodern construction.A) spaceB) roomC) marginD) leeway参考答案:B2. In Aristotle s view, the core of art is _.A、imitationB、emotionC、truthIn Aristotle s v

2、iew, the core of art is _.A、imitationB、emotionC、truth答案:A3. He was able to finish the job efficiently with the( ) (协助) of his secretary.A、assistaHe was able to finish the job efficiently with the( ) (协助) of his secretary.A、assistanceB、obstacleC、assistantD、resistance参考答案:A4. 在三大模式关于个人行动动机的假设中,社会计划模式倾

3、向于:( )A、经济发展B、民主共议C、冲突对抗D、精英决策参考答案:D5. If you describe someone as the leader, champion, etc., you mean thatthey have provedIf you describe someone as the leader, champion, etc., you mean thatthey have proved that nobody else has more power or ability than them.A) undisciplinedB) undisputedC) undiscl

4、osedD)undiscovered参考答案:B6. The Italian political system has been judged to be interminal _ for decades.A) dThe Italian political system has been judged to be interminal _ for decades.A) difficultyB) dangerC) crisisD) prosperous参考答案:C7. Id be _ to resign if I were in your position.A) influencedB) eff

5、ectedC) inclinedDId be _ to resign if I were in your position.A) influencedB) effectedC) inclinedD) related参考答案:C8. Supporters of the new shopping development are trying to _ localpeople in favorSupporters of the new shopping development are trying to _ localpeople in favor of it.A) crowdB) rallyC)

6、callD) huddle参考答案:B9. He found a job for a “typist ” in the section of the newspaper.A) confidentialB) restrHe found a job for a “typist ” in the section of the newspaper.A) confidentialB) restrictedC) classifiedD) designated参考答案:C10. If he _giving up smoking, he can make it.A) sets the mind onB) se

7、ts his mind onC) hIf he _giving up smoking, he can make it.A) sets the mind onB) sets his mind onC) has a mindD) gives his mind to参考答案:B11. 试述萨珀职业生涯发展各阶段的特点参考答案:(一)职业探索性阶段这一时期的职业生涯规划特点是:个人在试探性地选择自己的职业,试图通过变动不同的工作或工作单位而选定自己一生将从事的职业。在这时期里,员工希望经常调换不同工作的愿望十分强烈,如在本单位得不到满足,则往往会跳槽。从企业组织来说,要了解就业初期青年人的这一特点,给



10、的方式重返职业社会,发挥余热。从企业组织角度看,就要重视在他们退休前为他们多创造条件,以培养或促进他们对某一娱乐活动的兴趣和爱好,并要有计划地为退休员工多开展一些他们喜爱而又有利于他们身心健康的娱乐活动。12. 将枪支(含仿真枪)、弹药或者易燃、易爆、有毒等危险品擅自带入学院,造成严重公共安全隐患的。或在将枪支(含仿真枪)、弹药或者易燃、易爆、有毒等危险品擅自带入学院,造成严重公共安全隐患的。或在重点防火部位或场所擅自使用明、 暗火,造成严重公共安全隐患的,至少给予A.严重警告处分B.记过处分C.留校查看处分D.开除学籍处分正确答案:B13. The protests were part of

11、 their _ against building developmentin this area.A) aThe protests were part of their _ against building developmentin this area.A) advertisingB) arrangementC) campaignD) consumption参考答案:C14. Her ideas are _sound, even if she says silly things sometimes.A) fundamentallyB)Her ideas are _sound, even i

12、f she says silly things sometimes.A) fundamentallyB) criticallyC) rarelyD) continually参考答案:A15. Not for a(n) _ did I believed he had lied.A. timeB. ageC. periodD. instantNot for a(n) _ did I believed he had lied.A. timeB. ageC. periodD. instant参考答案:D16. Here is $10; that should _ all your expenses.A

13、)exploreB) competeC) coverD) expanHere is $10; that should _ all your expenses.A)exploreB) competeC) coverD) expand参考答案:C17. He was awarded a certificate of _ for his pianoplaying.A) gloryB) distinctC) praisHe was awarded a certificate of _ for his pianoplaying.A) gloryB) distinctC) praiseD) merit参考

14、答案:D18. This is a demanding position where you will make significant use of yourscientific _This is a demanding position where you will make significant use of yourscientific _.A) professionalismB) altruismC) sophisticationD) expertise参考答案:D19. Ecommerce is presenting a lot of new jobs at level.A) entryB) entranceC) entrenchmentE-commerce is presenting a lot of new jobs at level.A) entryB) entranceC) entrenchmentD)entrust参考答案:A20. 在三大模式的权力结构导向中,地区发展模式将权力结构当做:( )A、斗争对象B、服务对象C、合作者D、出资人参考答案:C21. The towns main _ are its beautiful mosque and anc



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