新目标七年级下Unit7 what does he look like 各课时导学案

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《新目标七年级下Unit7 what does he look like 各课时导学案》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《新目标七年级下Unit7 what does he look like 各课时导学案(16页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit7 What does he look like?二、学习目标:(一)语言知识目标:1语法: look like的问句及回答。 wear的一般现在时用法。 用于宽泛描述的形容词。2词汇:名词: hair, height, build, captain, team, bit, joke, beard, glasses, look, singer, etc. 形容词: short, tall, medium, thin, heavy, blonde, brown, curly, straight, wise, popular, huge, teeny, etc.动词: wear, stop

2、, remember, say, etc.3. 交际用语: What does he/she look like? He/She is tall. He/She has curly hair. What do you/they look like? Im thin. /Theyre medium height. Do you know David? No./Yes.(二)语言技能目标:1能熟练的用英语进行对人外表特点的描述,并根据描述画出人像。2能概括人物的外貌特征并根据人物特征推理出某一人物。3能替自己和别人进行新形象设计,能和合作伙伴互相交流,充分交换信息。4能掌握本单元出现的表示人外观的

3、词组及句型,并能结合实际生活进行灵活运用,用这些词组及句型描述别人的外表,提高写作水平。(三)情感态度目标:1通过描述自己、同学、亲人、偶像的外貌,简单地表达自己的观点或好恶,学会交换不同的看法,使学生在人际交往中学会尊重和理解别人。2教育学生要多发现别人的优点,学会赞美别人,友好地描述别人的形象。 3学会赏识,懂得心灵美比外表美更重要。4能在小组活动中积极与他人合作,相互帮助,共同完成学习任务, 尽情享受学习的乐趣。 三、学习重难点:通过学习语言材料,让学生获得运用所学的有关词汇、短语及句型,描述人的外貌特征,并能结合实际生活进行灵活运用的能力。(一)重点:1. 词汇(The vocabul

4、ary)2. 句型:What does he/she look like? He/She is tallWhat do you look like? Im thin. I have short hair.What do they look like? Theyre medium height. They have long curly hair. (二)难点:1has与is的正确使用。 2Wear的正确使用。3描述人的外貌。 七、课时分配设计: 根据英语课程标准关于总目标的具体描述,我对本单元的内容进行如下处理,目的是突出重点,使课堂节奏紧凑,连贯。本单元分为四课时:Period 1: Sec

5、tionA-1a, 1b, 1c. Period 2: SectionA-2a, 2b, 3,3a, 3b, 4.Period 3: SectionB-1a, 1b, 2a, 2b, 2c, 3a, 3b.Period 4: Section B- 3c, 4, Self-check.八、学习过程设计:Period One(一)学习目标:I知识目标:1单词: hair, curly, straight, height, tall, medium, thin, heavy, build. 2句型:- What does he/she look like? -He/She is tall and h

6、as long hair. -What do you look like? -Im thinII能力目标 : 1学完本课,学会描述人物外貌。2能积极思维,运用所学单词,短语及句型,结合实际生活进行灵活运用。III情感目标:让学生学会友好地描述别人的形象。 (二)学习重点: 掌握本课新单词、句型和怎样描述一个人的外貌。(三)学习难点:掌握正确运用have动词和be动词的描述人物外貌的方法。自学质疑1、通过预习,你们能又快又准确翻译下列单词和短语吗?短头发_ 卷头发_ 长头发_ 直头发_高_ 矮_ 中等高度_ 瘦_ 重_中等体型_2、预习过SectionA1a-1c之后,请快速翻译下列句子。Wha

7、t does he look like ?She is of medium build.He s really tall.He has curly hair.3看1a、中的图片,把新单词与图画中的人物连接起来。可以重复使用 4、请同学们看课本上1b的小对话,了解大意。(时间:二分钟)5、请认真自读对话,填1a中的图片的空。6、请再读一次并核对答案。7、Pairwork.请同组的同学根据1b内容,分组进行句型练习对话(时间:二分钟)。8、各组派人上台表演对话。9、。如果还有疑问,请把他们记下来。巩固练习一情景对话A: What are you doing?B: Im reading a lett

8、er from my pen pal.A: _B:A girl.A: What nationality is she?B: _ A: What does she look like?B: _ A: Is she tall?B: _A: Look at her photo.B: Oh. Shes good-looking and a little thin._A: Only a little.A.She has curly hair and medium height.B.Can she speak Chinese?C.Is your pen pal a boy or a girl?D.Shes

9、 American.E.No,she isnt.二Vocabulary.词汇。1.She w_ in a hospital.She is a doctor.2.My brother isnt tall or short.He is m _ height.3.The Chinese boy has short,s_ hair.4.Do you know the woman w_ long,blond,curly hair?5.What does Merry l_ like?She is short and a little bit heavy.6.My little brother loves

10、telling jokes and she never stops t_.7.Her father is really tall and h_ and her uncle is short and thin.8.The rock singer has a new i_.He wears glasses and he has long hair now.9.Brown is a member of our basketball team.He is also the c_ of our basketball team.10.He looks very cool when he w_ his su

11、nglasses.三.Form sentences.组句。 (请注意大小写和标点符号)11.does,what,look like,your friend _12.build,has,she,medium,a _13.friend,I,a,have,new,in Class Five _14.reading,and,he,playing chess,likes _15.remember,do,you,with,the rock singer,funny glasses _四.用is或has填空。1.Lei Hao _ short and straight hair.2.Dick _ tall,

12、but his sister _ short.3.Xie Kai _ medium height.4.Bettys mother _ medium build.5.Du Ke _ short and thin.五.用所给的适当动词填空。6.Does Mary (are/wear)_ glasses?7.What (do/have)_ the new students look like?8.Wang Bin (wears/is)_ tall and fat.9.Mr.Santos (has/does)_ a medium build.10.(Has/Is)_ Henrys moustache black?六.Complete the dialogue with proper words.补全对话。Rick:Is that your friend Betty?Anne:No,_ _.Rick:_ _ _ _ _?Anne:Well,shes tall and thin.And she has long and straight hair.Rick:What _ _ _ _ _?Anne:She usually wears green blouse and white skirt.课后感悟_



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