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1、四年级下快乐英语知识点总结1. Welcome to our home!欢迎来到我们的家!2. This is my mother.这是我的妈妈。3. Im from the UK.我来自英国。4. Thats Helens study.那是Helen的书房。5. This is the bedroom./kitchen./bathroom.这是卧室。/厨房。/浴室。6. Look at my family photo.看我家庭的照片。7. Is this/that your sister? 这/那是你的姐妹吗? Yes, she is./No, she ,isnt. 是的,她是。不,她不是。

2、8. You look like a boy.你看起来像一个男孩儿。9. Come on.过来。10. Who are they? 它们是谁? They are my cousins. 它们是我的堂表兄妹。11. So many? 如此的多?12. Im so tall.我如此的高。13. I have a nice picture for you.我有一张漂亮的照片给你。14. Let me see.让我看看。15. pretty 漂亮的 funny 滑稽的 timid 胆怯的 naughty 顽皮的16. Hes our PE teacher. 他是我们的体育老师。17. He is ta

3、ll and strong. 他又高又强壮。18. He is very smart. 他很聪明。19. Catch!接着!20. Thats OK.不客气。没关系。21. She is my neighbor.她是我的邻居。22. Is she a model? 她是一个模特吗?23. She is a basketball player. 她是一个篮球运动员。24. We can help him.我们能帮助他。25. He can help us now.他现在能帮助我们。26. giraffe 长颈鹿 peacock 孔雀27. I have a new friend. 我有一个新朋友

4、。28. Whats her name? Her name is她的名字是什么? 她的名字是。29. Is she tall? Yes, she is./No, she isnt. 她高吗? 是的,她是。不,她不是。30. She is very kind to me. 她对我很好。31. She is calling me.她正在给我打电话。32. I lost my pet dog.我丢了我的宠物狗。33. Whats it like? 它什么样的?34. My father is great.我爸爸很棒。35. He knows many things! 他知道许多事情!36. What

5、s his job?他的工作是什么? He is a teacher. 他是一名老师。37. What are their jobs? 他们的工作是什么?38. Whats her job? 她的工作是什么?39. He works in a car. 他在一个小汽车里工作。40. Shes always in a white coat. 她总是穿着一件白色的外衣。41. You have so many ping-pong balls. 你有如此多的乒乓球。42. They are my mothers. 它们是我妈妈的。43. Whats your mothers job? 你妈妈的工作是

6、什么?44. make toys 做玩具45. May I have a look? 我可以看一看吗? Sure.当然可以。46. sometimes 有时47. You have a super dad! 你有一个非常棒的父亲。48. They are in France now. 他们现在在法国。49. What are they doing? They are working. 他们正在做什么?他们正在工作。50. I want to be an artist, too. 我也想成为一名艺术家。What do you want to be?你想成为什么?51. Look there.看那

7、儿。52. This is our new school building. 这是我们新的教学楼。53. They often come to help us. 他们经常来帮助我们。54. Lets play a guessing game. 让我们玩一个猜谜游戏。55. Can you fly to the Mars? 你能飞到火星吗?56. Come and meet my family. 来见见我的家人。57. under the big tree 在大树下 have some tea 喝茶58. play with me 和我玩59. tadpole 蝌蚪60. What are th

8、ey? They are geese. 它们是什么? 它们是鹅。61. look the same 看起来像62. They are so tiny.它们极小。63. They are sweet potatoes.它们是甜土豆。64. Are they potatoes? No, they arent. 它们是土豆吗? 不,它们不是。Yes, they are.65. I love this farm. 我爱这个农场。66. What are these/those? They are这些/那些是什么? 它们是。67. What can you do? I can run. 你会做什么? 我

9、会跑步。68. Walk like a duck.像一只鸭子一样走路。69. I can do anything. 我能做任何事。70. Can you sing and dance?你会唱歌和跳舞吗?Yes, I can./No, I cant.是的,我会。不,我不会。71. Can you speak English? 你会说英语吗?72. I can do a lot of things.我会做许多事。73. Watch out! 小心! I cant jump. 我不会跳。74. Can you teach me? 你会教我吗?75. No problem.没问题。76. climb

10、the tree 爬树 play the piano 弹钢琴77. play the guitar 弹吉他78. make model planes 制作飞机模型79. speak Chinese 说汉语80. Who is super in our class?谁是我们班最棒的?81. He is super in our class.他是我们班最棒的。82. He can listen with his ears.他能用他的耳朵听。83. She can get the newspapers for me.她能替我拿报纸。84. I want to fly in the sky.我想要在天

11、空飞。85. Ive got a good idea. 我有一个好主意。86. Whose idea? 谁的主意? Its mine.是我的。87. Good habits.好习惯。88. Listen to the teacher. 听老师说。 Walk on the right side.走在右边。89. Stand in line. Dont push.站排。别推. Wait for the green light. 等绿灯。90. Shut your eyes.闭眼睛。 Open your mouth. 张嘴。91. Stand with your right leg.用你的右腿站立。

12、92. Do your homework first.先做你的作业。93. My homework is done. 我的作业做完了。94. Dont watch too long.不要看太长时间。95. Its bad for your eyes.对你的眼睛有害。96. Be careful! 小心!97. I can see with my eyes. 我能用我的眼睛看。98. I can hear with my ears. 我能用我的耳朵听。99. I can talk with my mouth. 我能用我的嘴说。100. I can smell with my nose. 我能用我的鼻子闻。101. Lets go and pick fruit over there. 让我们去那边摘水果。102. Lets work together.让我们一起工作。103. I can pick up fruit. 我能拣水果。104.105.106. 友情提示:部分文档来自网络整理,供您参考!文档可复制、编辑,期待您的好评与关注!107. /



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