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1、2022年考博英语-清华大学考试题库及模拟押密卷(含答案解析)1. 单选题These samples have to be( )in certain kind of chemical water in order to protect them.问题1选项A.immersedB.crispedC.armoredD.arrayed【答案】A【解析】动词词义辨析。Immerse浸没, 陷入; crisp 变脆,卷曲;armor 为穿盔甲;为提供防御;array 部署,排列。句意:这些样品必须 在某种化学水中。选项A符合句意。2. 单选题Artificial intelligence deals p

2、artly with the ( )between the computer and the human brain.问题1选项A.profileB.mightyC.analogyD.leakage【答案】C【解析】名词辨析。此处指的是电脑和人脑的相似之处。C项analogy (类似,相似)符合句意。3. 单选题The girl( )her tablemates arm to see if she was fast asleep at class.问题1选项A.pinchedB.punchedC.pitchedD.preached【答案】A【解析】动词辨析。pinched 掐,捏,拧;punc

3、hed 用拳猛击,打孔;pitched 掷,投,扔;preached 讲道,说教。根据句中at class推测,女孩只是捏了一下同桌的胳膊。故A项正确。4. 单选题It is known to all that children in this region have strong( )to swimming in summerbecause of the hot weather.问题1选项A.inclinationB.exposureC.fluxD.correlation【答案】A【解析】名词词义辨析。inclination 倾向;exposure 暴露;flux 涨潮;熔化;correla

4、tion 相互关系,相关性。句意: 由于夏天天热,这个地区的孩子对于游泳都有强烈的 。选项A符合句意。5. 单选题I cant remember exactly what triggered the explosion but it was pretty( ).问题1选项A.estimatingB.devastatingC.reprocessingD.preferring【答案】B【解析】estimating 估计;devastating 毁灭性的;reprocessing 再生,(核燃料的)回收;preferring 更喜欢。句意: 我记不清是什么引起了爆炸, 非常 。B项符合句意。6. 单

5、选题There are over 6, 000 different computer and online games in the world now. A segment of them are considered to be both educational and harmlessly entertaining. One such game teaches geography, and another trains pilots. Others train the player in logical thinking and problem solving. Some games m

6、ay also help young people to become more computer literate, which is more important in this technology-driven era.But the dark side of the computer games has become more and more obvious. “A segment of games features anti-social themes of violence, sex and crude language,” says David Walsh, presiden

7、t of the National Institute on Media and Family. “Unfortunately, its a segment that seems particularly popular with kids aged eight to fifteen.”One study showed that almost 80 percent of the computer and online games young people preferred contained violence. The investigators said, “These are not j

8、ust games anymore. These are learning machines. Were teaching kids in the most incredible manner what its like to pull the trigger. What they are not learning are the real-life consequences. They also said, The new and more sophisticated games are even worse, because they have better graphics and al

9、low the player to participate in even more realistic violent acts. ” In the game Carmageddon, for example, the player will have driven over and killed up to 33, 000 people by the time all levels are completed. A description of the outcome of the game says: “Your victims not only squish under your ti

10、res and splatter blood on the windshield. They also get on their knees and beg for mercy, or commit suicide. If you like, you can also dismember them. ”Is all this simulated violence harmful? Approximately 3, 000 different studies have been conducted on this subject. Many have suggested that there i

11、s a connection between violence in games and increased aggressiveness in the players.Some specialists downplay the influence of the games, saying that other factors must be taken into consideration, such as the possibility that kids who already have violent tendencies are choosing such games. But co

12、uld it be that violent games still play a contributing role? It seems unrealistic to insist that people are not influenced by what they see. If that were true, why would the commercial world spend billions of dollars annually for television advertising?1.Which of the following computer games are NOT

13、 mentioned as educational and harmlessly entertaining?( )2.According to the investigators,( ).3.It can be inferred from the passage that ( ).4.The author uses “television advertising” as an example to show that ( ).问题1选项A.Those that teach how to fly an airplane.B.Those that teach the features of the

14、 earth.C.Those that help people use computer language.D.Those that teach computer technology.问题2选项A.the new and more sophisticated games allow the players to take part in real violent actsB.the new and more sophisticated games teach the players how to kill other peopleC.most computer and online game

15、s make the players forget the real life resultsD.most computer and online games may cultivate young people with bad manners问题3选项A.more and more young people enjoy cruel computer gamesB.it is hard to find evidence of a link between violence and computer gamesC.there are now more incidents of violence due to computer gamesD.simulated violence in computer games is different from real violence问题4选项A.the commercial world is contributing to the increas



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