The Analysis of Hamlet’s Character

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《The Analysis of Hamlet’s Character》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《The Analysis of Hamlet’s Character(19页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、哈姆雷特的个性分析The Analysis of Hamlets CharacterContentsAbstract.1Introduction.21. The features of Hamlet.22.Some opinions about the feature of Hamlet .2II. Aspects of character2 1.Plots about Hamlet. 22.Hamlet and his Problems. 43.Hamlet and Metaphysical Doubt.84.Hamlet and Madness.95.Hamlet and Oedipus.

2、115.1 the critical applicaion of Hamlet and Oedipus.115.2 Jones application of Freudian psychology to Hamlet and Oedipus.126.Hamlet and Ghosts .15III. Conclusion 16Reference.17The Analysis of Hamlets Character摘 要:哈姆雷特是英国戏剧史上最美丽的奇葩,它问世于1601或1602年,是莎士比亚戏剧创作的里程碑。作者通过对主人公内心矛盾的细致刻画体现了其在艺术创作中的成熟,并成功地塑造了在道

3、德与复仇之间徘徊的人物形象,这也正是这篇论文写作的重点所在。 作者着力将哈姆雷特与当代的其他复仇悲剧区分开,极力地使复仇过程生动化和戏剧化,强调主人公内心的矛盾而非大肆渲染血腥的场面。剧作家的天分还表现在他创新的文学取材,以崭新的视角选取了与同时代其他作品不同的悲剧人物进行描述。 哈姆雷特的内心矛盾超越了作者所在的伊丽莎白时代。生活在各个时代的人们都能在哈姆雷特身上找寻到自己的影子。人们不断地在堕落与道德之间挣扎,哈姆雷特正体现了人类的这种命运。关键词:悲剧 ;矛盾 ;丰富 ;复杂 Abstract:Hamlet is without question the most famous play

4、 in the English language. Probably written in 1601 or 1602, the tragedy is a milestone in Shakespeares dramatic development; the playwright achieved artistic maturity in this work through his brilliant depiction of the heros struggle with two opposing forces: moral integrity and the need to avenge h

5、is fathers murder. This is also what I want to talk about in this thesis. Shakespeares focus on this conflict was a revolutionary departure from contemporary revenge tragedies, which tended to graphically dramatize violent acts on stage, in that it emphasized the heros dilemma rather than the depict

6、ion of bloody deeds. The dramatists genius is also evident in his transformation of the plays literary sources.Hamlet endures as the object of universal identification because his central moral dilemma transcends the Elizabethan period, making him a man for all ages. In his difficult struggle to som

7、ehow act within a corrupt world and yet maintain his moral integrity, Hamlet ultimately reflects the fate of all human beings.Key words:tragedy ;Contradiction;rich ;complexityThe Analysis of Hamlets Character. Introduction:Shakespeares Hamlet, written around 1600, is one of the most problematic text

8、s in all of literature. With the exception of certain Biblical texts, no other work has produced such a continuing, lively, and contentious debate about how we are supposed to understand it. In fact, one could very easily construct a thorough and intriguing history of modern literary criticism based

9、 upon nothing other than various interpretative takes on Hamlet (a task which has already been carried out by at least one historian of ideas).Given this critical confusion, we might as well admit up front that we are not going to arrive at anything like a firm consensus on what the play is about an

10、d how we should understand it. However, wrestling with this play is a very important and stimulating exercise, because it puts a lot of pressure on us to reach some final interpretation (that is, it generates in us a desire to make sense of all the elements in it, to find some closure), and, even if

11、 that goal eludes us, we can learn a great deal about reading poetic drama and interpreting literature from a serious attempt to grasp this most elusive work. If one of the really important functions of great literature is to stimulate thought-provoking conversations which force us to come to grips

12、with many things about the text and about ourselves, then Hamlet is a particularly valuable work. To know the character of the hero is very important to understand the play. Let us see some main characters of Hamlet: the universal renaissance man; a fledgling crown prince who must be blooded; a mela

13、ncholy intellectual suddenly confronted with problems outside the text books.The characteristics of Hamlet are very easy to see, such as: Introspective and thoughtful. Self-doubting and not certain of his own rightness. Intelligent. It is not only in his famous soliloquies that Hamlet speaks about w

14、ho and what he is, but his progressive self-doubt and isolation mean that until he has decided upon action at the end of Act IV, his soliloquies are the most important vehicle for the expression of his true, rich personality.1 Peter Alexander, The Complete Man From Hamlet, Father and Son, New York:

15、prentice Hall, 1955.Aspects of character1. Plots about Hamlet One could read Hamlet simply, simplistically even, as a revenge tragedy. Hamlets father, the king of Denmark, is killed by his brother, Claudius, who, overriding the rights of succession, appropriates both the crown and the wife of Hamlets father. The ghost of the father



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