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1、I3Life ories_PART lNDESTADNG ANLRNINGOview_vis pl a imprt role nalmst everyone life. Peop fro th ovi indusy haonsdebe inlen o themsses Tey exi persniy trai th dse amrationnd applause, anoul belookd up toas ole mols. Thisni ill fully explor tei best quaitie he wo texts n the curretunire biogaphe, age

2、n of irature, whic s a wieacont ofanoher prsonsie. ac o the texts nrte, nale an nterrets thmost iportantfcts of ne rominent figue i theoved. Text Apy attentin actress udey pbrns noe endevo ad her cribuion totecase f UEF, while t B porryste dmnation adervet srit of direcorand producer Seven pielberg.

3、h teacher an ake tudent o aitina rsearc he libary, r Are pburnan Steven pielbe n dvan.henin thclassro, te tacher ma organize a vaiety of acities cluding pi wrk,group dscusson, nd misurvy to ak bu th ilms r tessu o fame, fortun, and socilrsponsilty.eto A_udrey epburn-Atrue ageln thi worldround frman1

4、 AureHburnudy pburn (192999) as aslnder,styls tionpitreactres nw for hradint eauty, her abty to prject ai ofophisticaion tepred by charming nnence,and her reless frts ti nedhilre.Althou bon n Blum, Hpb a Btish citizensi hrgh her atheand aended shoolilan a a ildIn139, howeer, atthe nset f WoldWar I,

5、her other(epurs fater e he fm when she wass years l) ove thechild tthe Nehrlands (wheree athorof hi txt mitakly conidered Hepbur wa orn), hinkin t neutal cuty afer hanEnglad ThrughutorldWr II,Hprnendurd harshpsin Na-occueHllad S stil managed, hever, to tend schond tke baletens. fer t war,she cntinue

6、d tostudy lle in Amsteram ndn Lndon. Duringherrl 20s, sheudid acig a wked s aodel and dner. Afer apeaing insvral Brsh film d starrn in he 195 Brawa ly i(琪琪), Hburgained ant Hwoo staromfr paying hAcademy Aad-winnig lad rl in RomanHolidy. She remai oeo feenttaine who ave wo Acaemy, Emm, Gam, and onAar

7、spurns war-im strgls inspred h pasion o humanitaian rk. Sh devotd mchohelarlife to UICF, isitin faine-sricke villages, in Ltin Amr,Arica, until shtly efore her deth ofanrin 93.he as aaredthe Preidntia Medl o Feedomnreognitin f herworka a UNICEF Goodwil Amassado 192.2 UEFUNIEF (Unid Natins Intrnation

8、l Cdrens EmergyFun) wa creaedby te ne atons Geneal AemboDecember 11, 196,to prvid emegecy od ad hethcare t childrenin counties h haen devasted by World Wr II. Ae150th fud irtedts eforsowardgenera prrms o the ovmen of chidres wlfare, paricuarly n es-eoed counsadinvariuseegencysiuatons. Thrgaiains bra

9、dr mision wasrlectedn the am i adoptedin 193, the Uitd Natns Chldren Fund, but t s cotnueto b knn by the populr aronym basedon this ld am.Hadquaed in e Yor ity, UNICE provideslogtemhmnitan ad evelomental assistance to hilde ad oters i devpncounries NICEFs progrms ephasze dveopngcmmunty-levelsevie to

10、protthe halthan l-beng of ilden3 UICAmbassadof ooilMn clebrities have actd as ientional,rgiolor naional ambasars, dependngn th prfl, nrets, ddesielevof reponsiiity. The ole of Goowil Ambassaor allow celities ith a ostated ineet in UNICEF issues to use theirfame t raw tntion to impoantues. his may ta

11、ke he formof pulic appancs a talk, visit to rubed gions, and se of teirpolicl aces t dvoaeUNICEF aues, al of whih hve hepwet w ttentn fromhe medand to createpulc awarenes. regory PkGego ek (1916-) ws one f th ordmosoprfilm stars o e 1940to te 1960s.e i estkown f is prfomance i he1962 Kill a Mockibird,which eard him the AcamyArd for Bet Actor.In 97 Pck ecived Ademys Jn HerstHunitrianAward. He was also in9for is lifeimehmanitarian effrt.Awaysolitically rogrssive, Peck wasactie n such ue s ni-war protests, orrs righs an civl ights.5 Bily WildeBlly Wde (90-) ws an Ausian-bor mericafmmaker, screen


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