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1、Un i t 1 2 Wh a t d i dy o u d o l a s twe e k e n d 知 识 点 总 结Unit 12 What did you do last weeke nd?一.重点短语及句子原形过去式camp by the lakecamped by the lakeplay badm intonplayed badm intonwork asworked asstay upstayed upshout toshouted toshout atshouted atstudy for the En glish teststudied for the En glish

2、testgo to the cin emawent to the cin emago boati ngwent boat inggo to the beachwent to the beachgo to a farmwent to a farmgo to the librarywent to the library(一)重点短语.知识点精讲fly a kiteflew a kitehave dinner with frie ndshad dinner with friendsrun awayran awaydo one homeworkdid one homeworkget a surpris

3、egot a surprisewake upwoke upput upput up(二)重点句子What did you do last weeke nd? I played soccer. Who did you play with? I played with my frie nds.Where did she go last weekend? She went to a farm. Who visited her gran dma? Becky did.1. lake, by the lake 在湖边They are play ing football by the lake.2. be

4、ach, on the beach 在海滩上;beach volleyball 沙滩排球3. sheep单复同型。同样的单复同型的单词还有:Chi nese, Jap a nese, deer4. tired,tiringtired形容词,“疲倦的,疲劳的” I am tired.tiring形容词,“累人的”Climb ing is tiri ng, and we were kind of tired on the top of the mountains.5. stay up 熬夜” stay healthy 保持健康=keep healthystay up: She likes to s

5、tay up to watch soccer games.stay healthy: It is important for us to stay healthy.6. away副词“离开,远离”far away 彳艮远:She lives far away.be/stay away form 远离The boy stayed away from school today.put away 把收好 You must put away your thi ngs.run away 逃跑,跑掉 Before the policemen came, the thief ran away.take aw

6、ay 拿走 Tom takes the knife away from the little boy.7. mouse复数形式为mice8. shout to & shout atshout to:多只对某人发生叫喊,不带感情因素:She shouts to me loudly.shout at:多指因为生气等而非善意地对某人吼叫: It is impolite to shout at the old people.9. work asas为介词,意为“作为,以身份”后接名词作宾语as的其他用法:(1) asas “和一样”表示同级的比较,使用时要注意第一个as为副词,第二个as为连词。其基本

7、结构为:(not) as+adj/adv+as: This film is as in teresti ng as that one.(2) as用作连词引导时间状语从句,意为“当的时候”表示主句和从句的动作同时发生, 具有延续的含义。You will grow wiser as you grow older.(3) as用作连词引导原因状语从句,一般放在句首,语气较弱,较口语化。As it rains, the air is cooler.10. It is +adj + fbr sb to do sth. It is + adj +of |sb to do sth.It is +adj +

8、 for sb to do sth.这种句型常用的形容词有:easy, difficult, hard, importa nt, possible,wise等作表语,有时候为了强调不定时动作的执行者,常在不定式前加for sb。It is n ecessary for the young to lear n a foreig n Ian guage.It is +adj + fb to do sth.这类形容词常是表示心里品质,性格特征的形容词,如kind, n ice,stupid, clever, foolish, polite, impolite, silly, selfish, con

9、 siderate 等。sb 和这些形容词可以构成主 系表结构。It is very kind of you to help me with my work.11. ago & beforeago副词“以前”指从现在说话算起的若干时间之前,常与一般过去时连用,放在表示“一段时间”的词语之后,如:two days agoHe can ride a bike now, but he coulda few weeks ago.before在前面,在以前,以前。是指从过去货将来某个时候算起若干时间以前,放 在表示“时间点或事件”的词语之前,用于完成时或一般过去时,也可单独作状语,而ago不能单独使用。

10、I must finish this letter before I go home.Please come to see me before sixlock.12. surprise动词“使吃惊”,be surprised at “对感到吃惊”;名词“吃惊,惊讶”surprised和surprising是surprise的两个形容词,但是 surprised的主语多是人,表示某人对某 物感到惊奇,surprising用来修饰物。I am surprised at the surpris ing thing.to one surprise使某人吃惊的是in surprise惊奇地,修饰动词ge

11、t a surprise 吃惊13. move动词,移动move away 搬走,离开 we would rathe move away because the noise here is too loud.move around不停地走动,围绕转 Planets move around the sun.move to 搬往Maybe you should move to America.move in 搬入某处,迁入 His parents are going to move in with him.14. start & beginstart在许多场合可与begin通用,但start侧重动

12、作的起点,动作性较强,常有“动身,着手,开始第一步”等含义。Lets start to clean our classroom now!begin为最常用词,含义广泛,其反义词是end,多用于行动,工作灯,表示某种状态或缓慢开始,动作性较弱。School begi ns on September 1.15. wake动词 弄醒 过去式为wokewake up睡醒,醒来,后面接代词作宾语,代词应该放在wake与up中间Please wake me up at seve n.She ofte n wakes up her son and dresses him.16. into介词,到里面,进入i

13、n表示物体位置的精致状态,意为“在里”There is a book in the bag.into 表示动作方向的动态过程,意为“进里”The students went into the classroom one by one.17. put up意为“搭起,举起,张贴,建立”18. keep “保持”其后常接复合宾语,表示使(某人或某物)保持某种状态或某一动作的继 续。(1) keep+sb/sth+介词:If your hands are cold, keep them in your pockets.(2) keep+sb/sth+形容词:These gloves will kee

14、p your hands warm.(3) keep+sb/sth+v-ing表示“让某人某物一直”,强调动作的持续性I am sorry I have kept you wait ing.19. sothat “如此这么以至于”常引导结果状语从句,句型中的so是副词,常常用来修饰形容词或副词常用句型为:主语+谓语+so+adj/adv+that从句She is so young that she calook after herself.so that “以便为了”引导目的状语从句 I got up early so that I could catch the early bus.such

15、 that也可以引导表示结果的状语从句。such that的句型结构可分为以下两种:(1) such+a/an+adj+单数可数名词 +thatHe is such a clever boy that everybody likes him.(2) such+adj+复数可数名词/不可数名词+thatThey are such in terest ing no vels that I want to read them once aga in.注意:如果such后面的名词前有 many,much,few,little等词修饰的话,则不用such,而 用 so。He had so many falls that he was black and blue all over.20. see sb/sth doing sth的意思是“看见某人/某物正在做某事”强调看见的动作正在进行。I saw him smoking in the room.see sb/sth do sth的意思是“看见某人/某物做某事”强调看见的



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