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1、初中英语说课稿模板英文版、中文版冀教版八年级(下)Uit Leson 37说课稿oomoring, evyone, Tda, its apleasure for mt stnderndIm very lesedto hav suchn opprtunityshre some f y ehing desthyou.irst, t m ntroce mysely name iu Xinh, and Iam woking as an Elish achri onga Middle chool, gta istict ofHandan. topic oda is taknfro Lesso 3of U

2、nit 5 in StdentBok 4. The min cnent o is it is“Go ithTransprtat”, andthepic ofLsn 37 s “Fng Dnts”.I avedidedto sa the lessofroi ars:rt One Analyis of te eching MaeriOe: Satus and unon . Ths unittells us the irovmet of trafi transoratonandte latd soris. Besideslernng hs,tudens willso learn some ords,

3、phrases andxprsss of tffic,a so n. Ineson37, Danwlitrodc a ne type otranporation tous,t s igiary 2. Tatain “four kills” reqest o litening, peaking, readiandwritin,Iwllhae he sudns do oe ercie bou he ex. 3. Suc top is vey imortan in tisui. will ladte studets ous their imagiatio d ecoraem o beive For

4、examle, hlping them us Egish to describe heir imagiay ansptatin. So Ithink ifthe studens anlearn this lsson l, it will b helpfu to mketh lrn therest of hisit. 4. hile eachn them, I wll alsecurg them tosay sometin aot whathey think t futretrasportionswil lk I ay,frompracisingsc a tpic, t cabe hepful

5、rai learn nteress of stdts an i ill be aso epfl tiprove heir spken aag.w:Teahing ms DeandsThetaiai as i stablished aoigt Junior School Enh sla pvision.1. Kwedg objcts(1) studthenewors“ful”, “il” an “coal”.(2) To larn ndmer the prases “ink f, th wayto , hve un”, et.2. Aility objct(1)To deveop the stu

6、dentsli lstenin, peain, eading and writing.() To trai he studens abiito orkinnpais.(3) Tdevelo th students abiiie of comnction by lernig theusefultuctres. albjct(1) hroug ieent techngmhodsto make suents be terse in stud.() Love tkow orknowlee bt transrtton and dae t exressther opiionsinEngih.(3) Ecu

7、e the studens to bemore creaveandry make contributiono makignew nventinsi he futr.Tre: Teacing Kysadifclt Pitsetacng ky and dffilt poins bisiesable according oLson7 in the eachigmterial poition ad functon.1. Key ons:(1)Beale oprs wods, pre d entncs in Enlish.(2)now aut he mrovment transortatio and D

8、nnyinenon2. ificut oins:Be able o talk bo thirinr future anporaion inorlEngli.Part Two Th TeachigMthosBfre delingwith this lesson,I ill ymybstoa uthefolwigmetrds: Comuictveteachin mehod; Audio-visual teching mthod;3. Task-baed teaching metd; 4. lasified teching mthodA we al know:the minstuctial ais

9、f earnng Engish he Mde Scool is to ultiaestns ailieof listnng, speaking, eading, writing and thr godsene f h Eglsh anguae.o i this lonll minlyue“ommunicative” thingod,“Audi-sual” eahig mth an “ask-bas” achng ehod an “laified” taching mehod. hat to say,Ill et th stuets e abeter undersang oe ey strctr

10、e. Igie the students metasks nd rneome knd of atvtes, liketalig, wtching CA, a redin n osI aod, I ant tmake th snts he rel masers in las while the teacher himel ac asdiretor I lso hoto ombine e language struts withh lguage fnctonsand lt the sdents reciv somemoral eduatwle hey are larnn hEnls lgag.Pa

11、t hre Studyng ay.Tech th tudesow to e succesfulnguag arners.2. Mk siution ad prvide meaningl dut, eorage he studets to styttextby thmelesPartFour Tachig stepsAs his les play an imortan ar in the shteacing of hisnit, I ave die the fowin tep trinei abliy oflistg, pekng, readinand writing, especiay ran

12、g nd pakngabilityThe entie teps re:Stp1 Warmup an Led-in Show te studens some pures of comon transportatios, lk a, ike,r ad soo. Ask the sdents: Whatcnyu se fomthe piture? Isrenote kind otrasortaion run us?urposeo deiging: In ts pt,havhe stuents sy mor aout whatthe see or whatthey dnt eeIn thway,tey il know toay e



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