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1、大学毕 业 设 计(论 文)题目:密钥分散管理系统密钥确认算法实现专业:信息安全学生姓名:班级学号:指导教师:指导单位: 日期: 摘要随着人类社会进入信息时代,信息的产生、处理及安全保密已成为大家都关心的事情。为了实现信息的安全保密,人们可以采用密钥加密信息,从而使不拥有秘密钥的非法人员无法窃获信息。这使得信息的安全保密主要维系于秘密钥的安全,而不是对加密算法的保密。所以保证秘密钥的安全及如何有效地管理密钥成了密码学中十分重要的课题。本论文主要介绍了多用户口令分散管理系统的口令确认算法及界面。该程序能够迅速、准确地对 n 个用户中的任意 k 个或 k 个以上合法用户的口令进行确认,并对用户码和

2、上机时间等有关信息进行记录,可在一定时间内屏蔽连续多次口令输入错误的合法用户,对非法用户的恶意攻击具有较强的抗攻击能力,所编软件应具有通用性。界面设计合理、友好,具有检错和出错提示功能,界面同时应能适应系统内部参数的变化,保持相对稳定性。将密钥s S分成n个子密钥vi V,1 i n。它们满足:已知任意不少于 k (1 k n)个子密钥 vi ,可容易恢复密钥 s ;若仅知任意不多于 k - 1 个子密钥vi ,则关于密钥 s 就完全不能确定。称这种方案为( k , n)门限方案。利用这样的方案,可以将用户输入的子密钥合成后与原系统生成的密钥进行对比,当输入的k个子密钥合成后的主密钥与原系统生

3、成的主密钥相同时,可判定为完全通过。否则,若用户多次输入错误口令,将对其进行一定时间的屏蔽。关键词:密码学;密钥;分散管理;线性方程组;加密ABSTRACTAs human society entered the information age, information generation, processing andsecurity has become a matter of interest to everyone. In order to achieve the security andconfidentiality of information, people can encry

4、pt information with key, so that people whodont possess the secret key can not steal illegal personnel information. This makes the securityand confidentiality of information mainly depending on the security of secret keys, rather thanthe secrecy of the encryption algorithm. Therefore, ensuring the s

5、afety of the secret key and howto effectively manage key has become a very important issue in cryptography.This paper mainly introduces the confirmation algorithm and interface of a decentralizedmulti-user password management system. The program can quickly and accurately confirm anyk or more than k

6、 of n legitimate users password. And record the user code and the time. It canshield the legitimate users who input the wrong password many times within a certain period oftime. It can strongly counteract malicious attacks of illegal users. The software should beuniversal. The interface designing sh

7、ould be reasonable and friendly. It should be with prompterror and error functions. The interface should be able to adapt to changes of system parametersand to keep stable.Key s S will be divided into n sub-keys vi V, 1 i n. They meet: no less than anyknown k (1 k n) sub-key vi, could easily resume

8、the key s; if only knowing any more than k -1 sub-key vi, the key s can not be identified completely. That program is named the (k, n)threshold scheme.Using such programs, we can compare the sub-keys that users entered with the originalsystem-generated keys. When the key that composed by the k input

9、ting sub-keys is same to theoriginal system-generated primary key, it can be judged to be completely through. Otherwise, ifthe users enter the wrong password several times, there is a certain period of time for their shield.Key words:Cryptography ; Key ; Decentralized management ; System of linear e

10、quations ;Encryption目录第一章 绪论. 61.1 研究的背景.61.2 研究的目的.6第二章 密钥分散管理相关理论 . 82.1 ( , )门限方案 .82.2 防止子密钥窜改的一般方法.92.3 高斯消元法.92.3.1 简介.92.3.2 在信息学方面的应用 .102.4 MD5 加密算法 .122.4.1 简介.122.4.2 算法描述.122.5 密钥分配与管理.162.5.1 密钥分配方案.162.5.2 密钥的管理.17第三章 相关技术 . 213.1 MFC 简介 .213.2 VC+ 6.0 .22第四章 需求分析 . 244.1 需求分析的任务.244.2 系统功能分析.244.3 系统需求分析的步骤.24第五章 总体设计 . 255.1 设计目标.255.2 设计原理.255.3 密码确认系统的实现.



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