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1、NEC 21-4museum: a build ing where the objects are kept and show n to the public.postcard: a card for sending message by post without an en velop.r_epeat: say or do aga inw_aitress: a woma n who serves at the table in a restaura nt.课文填空Last week, I went to theater. I had a very good _1seat. The play

2、was very _2in teresti ng_. I _did n 3_ enjoy_4_it . A youngwoman and a youngman weresitting5_6behingme. They were talking _Ioudly78was very9 angery . I could nothear 10the actors.单项选择1. The man played _a.A. the piano well B. the piano good C. good the piano D. well the piano2. Tom could not bear it.

3、 That means Tom could not _cit.A. carry B. suffer C. stand D. lift3. what byoufrom two to four yesterday after noon. A.did,do B. were, doing C. do, do D. are, doing4. -How many timesd_to Pairs-Twice A. have you gone B.did you go C. do you go D.have you been5.So far, LiuXia ng _dtwo world. A. broke,

4、record B.broke n, records C.has broke n, recordD. has broke n, recordsC.surprised, surprising D. surprising, surprised6. People are always _awhen they meet somethings. A.surprised, surprising. B. surprise, surprising7. My father bought a new bike _a8. -_b_youthat film -Yes, Iit last mon th. A. Did,

5、see, saw B. Have, see n, saw,C, Did, see, have see n, D. Have , see n , have see n9. Of the two skirts, Lucy chose cone.A. less expe nsive B. the least expe nsive C. the less expe nsiveD. the most expe nsive10. aof teachers in the school is 300, of them are women teachers.A. The nu mber, on e-thirdB

6、. A nu mber, on e-fourth C. A nu mber, on e-sec ondD. The nu mber, first-fourth11. -What do you think of my advice - Sorry, what s th _a_about another thing.A. was thinking B. am thinking C. thi nk D. thought12. I don t know if his uncie .-1 think heif it doesn t rain.A. will come, comes B. will com

7、e, will come C. comes, comes D. comes, will come13. I cant remember whe n exactly the Robinsons left _ city. I only remember it was?_d?Mon day.? A. the, the?B. a, the? C. a, a? D. the, a?14. - c -I asked you to turn off the light. A . Excuse me B. Sorry C. Pardon D. Don t you-Turn off the light.15.

8、All of us feelthata little boy can eatmuch food.A. surprised, such, so B. surprised, so, much C. surprised, such, suchD. surprised, so, such阅读理解Mr. Green worked in Africa 非洲.His son was born there. His name was John.One win ter Mr. and Mrs. Gree n went En gla nd, and they took Joh n there. Joh nwas

9、seve n years old the n. One day it sno wed. The boy went into the garde n, and he played in the snow. He said, Snow is very beautiful, but it is very cold. Then he said, What is this It is a big, round piece of glass. It is beautiful, but it is very cold, too.But it was not glass. It was ice. It was

10、 on a bucket 桶of water. John said, Who put this glass here I am going to take it into the house. He took the ice to his father and said, This is a beautiful piece of glass, but it is very cold and wet.It was on a bucket of water in the garden. Mr. Green smiled and said, Take it to the kitchen, put i

11、t in front of the stove 炉 子there, and dry it. The boy took the ice to the kitche n and put it in front of the stove. He dried his han ds, because they were very cold and wet, and the n he went to the ice aga in. He looked at it, and the n he took it to his father aga in. He said, I put this glass in

12、 front of the stove, but it does not get drier. It becomes wetter and smaller.1. Joh n did nt know what the ice was, because.A. he was very foolish B. he was youngC. he was born in Africa D. he didnt go to school2. One winter Mr. and Mrs. Green went England with .A. their son B. a boy of their frien

13、dsC. their daughter D. one of their friends son3. One day John found on a bucket of water.A. a piece of glass B. a piece of ice C. some snow D. some water4. What did Mr. Green ask John to doA. He asked John to take the ice out.B. He asked John to put the ice in front of the stove.C. He asked John no

14、t to play with ice.D. He asked John to dry his hands at once.5. After John put the ice in front of the stove, he found that it became A. dry B. wetter C. bigger D. colder 改错he didn t waited until she came what a good weather it is yesterday, my mother make a cake to me in the last day, I made a big

15、decision I always spend two hours on reading my books 填空大连 , 是中国东北的一个漂亮的城市Dalian, a in the of China, a very beautiful.你经常坐小汽车上班吗 Do you work car我最近没有看到乔治I seen George 4.我的自行车和你的不同My bike 5. Tom showed his sister and brother his new computer. Tom showed 6. she is making a delicious cake.( 感慨句 )7. 你经常在教室里做作业吗? .8. 我哥哥还没回来9. The film began two minutes ago.The film for 10. 他离开中国三年了.用 have(has) been 或 have(has) gone 填空.A: Where Li Fei B: He to Hainan Island.A: How l



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