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1、学生潜能拓展研究性活动设计# / 9学科英语研究性学习活动名称Un it 12 You re supposed to shake han ds.1课时所需时间【活动目标】【知识目标】【词汇】1. relax v.(使)轻松relaxed adj.放松的2. la nd v.着陆 land n.国家;国土3. full adj.吃饱的;过饱的;full adj.满的4. gradually adv.逐渐地gradual adj.渐进的5. familiar adj.熟悉的反义词 un familiar不熟悉的6. knife n.刀复数形式 knives7. crowd v.挤满 crowded

2、adj.拥挤的8. type v.打字 type n.类型9. mostly adv.主要地most adj.大多数的10.mark n. 记号 mark v.给打分11. normally adv.通常no rmal adj.正常的【短语】1. be supposed to do sth.应该做某事2.shade hands握手3. be relaxed about对随意4. a bit late有点晚5. drop by顺便(或偶然)拜访6. make pla ns to do sth.计划做某事7. as as one can尽可能地8. after all毕竟9. arrived at

3、到达10. on time准时11. pick up捡起12. make no ise发出声音13. poi nt at sb.指着某人14. tha nks for sth. / for doing sth.为(做)某事表示感谢特地(不怕麻烦地)做某事15. go out of one s way to do sth.16. make sb. fell at home使某人感到宾至如归17. be / get used to sth.习惯于某事18. be differe nt from与不同19. cut up切开20. not any more不再21.have no reas on t

4、o do sth.没有理由做某事22.writte n En glish书面英语23. save time节约时间24.sth. be un familiar to sb.某物对某人不熟悉25.can t stop doing sth.忍不住做某事26.begi n with以开始27. use to do 用来做28.at the proper time在合适的时间【句型】1. A: What are you supposed to do whe n you meet some one?B: We re supposed to shake hands / kiss / bow.2. A: W

5、hen were you supposed to arrive?B: I was supposed to arrive on time.3. You should have asked what you were supposed to wear.4. You are not supposed to shake han ds.5. Spending time with friends is very importa nt.6. We never visit a friend s house without calling first.7. You are not supposed to sti

6、ck your chopsticks into your food.【语法】语法归纳:be supposed to do句型大练兵 supposed to do常用来表示被要求、希望做某事,含有必须、应该或理应做某事 的意义,常意为“理应;被期望”,相当于 should。 be supposed to do 时态、人称和数的变化在动词be上体现,to为动词不定式符号,后面接动词原形。【活动过程】活动一知识网络构建一)知识点精讲:1. be supposed to do 应该 女口:We are supposed to stop smok ing.我们应该停止吸烟。知识拓展 表示应该的词有:sh

7、ould, ought to , be supposed to2. shake hands 握手shake 本意是“摇动、震动”3. You should have asked what you were supposed to wear.你本应该问清楚怎么样穿才得体。“ should have asked ”是情态动词+现在完成时”表示过去本应该做某事,事 实上没有做。女口: She should have gone to Beijing.她本应该去了北京。(没有去)4. be relaxed about sth.对某事随意、不严格女口: They are relaxed about the

8、 time.他们对时间很随意。5. pretty adv. 相当,很=very 女口: She is pretty friendly.她相当友好。pretty adj. 美丽的女口: She is a pretty girl.她是一个美丽的女孩。6. make pla ns to do = pla n to do.打算做某事女口: She has made pla ns to go to Beiji ng.=She has pla ned to go to Beiji ng.7. drop by 访问 看望 拜访 串门We just dropped by our friends homes.我

9、们刚刚去朋友家串门。8. on time 按时9. after all 毕竟终究女口:You see I was right after all.你看,毕竟还是我对了。10. i nvite sb. to do sth.邀请某人做某事女口:Lily in vited me to have dinner.莉莉请我吃晚饭。11. without 没有 without + v-ing如:She en tered the room without knockin g.她没敲门就进了房间。12. around the world = all over the world全世界13. pick up 捡起

10、挑选女口: He picked up his hat.他捡起他的帽子。14. start doing = start to do开始做某事 女口 :He started readi ng.= He started to read.他开始读。15. point at指向16. stick v.剌截n.棒,棍chopstick筷子 是由chop(砍)+ stick(棒)合成,通常用复数形式:chopsticks17. go out of one s way to do特意,专门做某事女口: He went out of his way to make me happy.他特意使我高兴。18. ma

11、ke mistakes 犯错误(复数)make a mistake 犯错误(一个)19. be differe nt from与不同女口:Ch in ese food is differe nt from theirs.中国菜与他们的不同.20. get/be used to sth.习惯于get/be used to doing 习惯于 be used to do被用于做be used for doing被用于做used to do过去常常做 女口:I wash clothes everyday. But我每天都洗衣服,但我习惯了I am used to wash ing clothes.T

12、he kni ves are used to cut thin gs.The kni ves are used for cutt ing thi ngs.She used to watch TV after school.I m used to it.我习惯于洗衣服了。小刀被用来切东西。小刀被用来切东西。她过去放学后常常看电视。21.我发现要记住每一样事是困难的。I find it difficult to remember everyth ing.形式宾语常见的形式宾语有:find / think + it/them +真正宾语形容词to do sth.如: I think it hard

13、to study English.22. cut up 切开 切碎女口: Let s cut up the water melon.让我们切开这个西瓜吧。23. make a toast 敬酒24. crowd v. 挤满其形容词和过去式及过去分词都是:crowded25. set n. 一套 v. 设置26. can t stop doing忍不住做某事女口: lean t stop laugh in g.我忍不住笑27. make faces 做鬼脸28. face to face 面对面29. learn by on eself自学 女口:女口: I learn English by m

14、yself.我自学英语。活动二典型习题展示一、单项选择。()1. Every one is supposeda seat belt in the car.A. weari ng B. to wear C. to be wornD. wear()2. She was supposed to shake hands when she met Paul s mother,A. and B. but C. so D. or()3. Your mother look a bit disappo in ted. Youhave told her the truth.she kissed her.A. should B. must C. canD. may()4. I finddifficult t o remember everything, though I m still young.A. that B. this C. it D. /()5. You mustyour handwriting. I canA. improve B. raise C. no ticeD. see()6. The box isheavyI canA. too, to B



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