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1、细心整理初一上学问点复习五动词一般此时此刻时,一般疑问句,动词三单学问点1.动词一般此时此刻时一般此时此刻时表示此时此刻的状态,如:He is twelve.Kate is in the room.表示常常发生或习惯性的动作或状态,如:We often write to each other. 我们时常相互通信。表示主语此时此刻的性格、特征、实力,如:I like English.We can speak Chinese.I.当谓语动词是be时谓语动词be包括_ _ _ 其意义作_讲,其用法是:我( )用_;你( )用_; _用于他( )她( )它( );复数人称都用_.主要句式:1.确定句式

2、 主语be( _ _ _)其他。2.否认句式 主语be( _ _ _)not其他。3.一般疑问句 将提前be( _ _ _) ,即:Be( _ _ _)主语其他?确定答复 Yes,主语必需是_词be( _ _ _) 否认答复 No,主语必需是_词be( _ _ _)not必需用缩写形式 _ _闯关练习I.用be的适当形式填空1.-How_ you? -I_ fine. 2.I_ David,and my family name_ Green.3.-What color _ your clock? -It_ white. 4.-What_ this in English?-It_ an appl

3、e.5.Toy_my brother.David_my brother,too.They _ my brothers. 6.Look!These_apple trees.7.We_ good students and you_ good teacher. 8.My sister and my brother_ students.9.Five and three _ eight. 10._your card number 5578? 11.Where_ your pencils?12.Thses sweaters _ fifty dollars. 13.How much _ his jacket

4、?14.My brothers birthday_ December 11th. 15.When _ Kates birthday?II.将下面的句子变成一般疑问句并作出答复1. That is my football. 2. Those are his books.3. Jim and Tom are good friends. 4.My birthday is November 1st.5. His son is twelve years old.III.将下面的句子变成否认句1. His card is on the table. 2. Thses are my parents. 3.

5、Bob and Tony are our friends.4. These things are five dollars. 5. The girl is his sister.IV.划线提问1. Our teachers are in the classroom.2. The girls telephone number is 032-55746.3.Her pen is black.4. September 10th is Teachers Day.5. Thery are thirteen years old.6. The boy is fine.7. The old man is my

6、 grandfather.8. These socks are five yuan.II.当谓语动词是实义动词时1.当主语是第一人称(_ _);其次人称(_)及第三人称复数(_及复数的 _)时主要句式:(1)确定句 主语实义动词其他(2)否认句 主语dont实义动词其他(3)一般疑问句 Do主语实义动词其他 确定答复 Yes,主语必需是 词do 否认答复 No,主语必需是 词dont2.当主语是第三人称单数(_ _ _及单数的_)时主要句式:(1)确定句 主语实义动词的单三形式其他(2)否认句 主语doesnt实义动词原形其他(3)一般疑问句 Does主语实义动词原形其他 确定答复 Yes,主

7、语必需是 词does 否认答复 No,主语必需是 词doesnt动词单三形式变更规那么:一、一般状况加s,例如:looks, likes, wants,plays,二、以ch, sh, s, x或o结尾的词,加-es,例如:teaches, washes, guesses, goes, does三、辅音字母+y结尾,变y为i加-es,例如:carry-carries, study-studies特别变更 have-has读音状况如下:1、在p, t, k, f清辅音后,读s,例如:hopes, invites, asks2、在z, s, , t, dz后,读iz,例如:teaches, wis

8、hes, fixes3、在浊辅音和元音及其它状况下, 读z,例如:plans, tries, sends闯关练习I.将下面的句子变成一般疑问句并作出答复1.I have a baseball.2.Meria likes apples very much.3.He plays Ping-pang every day.4.We watch TV in the evening.5.Mr Wang often buys lots of things.6. Janey and Mary go to school at 7:30.II. 将下面的句子变成否认句1.I need a bag for spor

9、t.2.He wants to go to a movie.3.She often goes to see Beijing Opera.4.The girl has an egg for breakfast.5.We play basketball every day.6.My teacher knows my name.7.It sounds very interesting.III.划线提问1. He likes apples and milk for lunch.2. Mr.Liu plays Ping-pang every day.3. We play basketball every

10、 day.IV.用所给词的适当形式填空1_ her sister _ (have) a tennis racket? 2._ your friend _ (like) basketball?3.We _ (play) football every day. 4.It_ (sound) very well. 5.Jim _ (want) an orange. 7. My mother _(watch)TV in the evening. 8. _ you _ (like) English?9. Mike and Li Lei _ (not like) eggs. 10. What color_

11、your sister_ (like)?学问点2. 一般疑问句归纳什么是一般疑问句呢?我们一起来听听一般疑问句的自白:“Hello, 大家好!我是一般疑问句,我的天性是爱发问。我最爱做的事是询问某种状况是否属实,您不对我做出确定或否认答复我是不会罢休的。您也可用肢体语言来打发我,比方点头或那么摇头。所以我有一对好挚友,猜猜是什么?对了,YES 和 NO!”二、一般疑问句的构造一般疑问句有两个家族。第一家族为含be动词或情态动词的一般疑问句,其构造为:1. be + 主语 + 其它局部?2.情态动词 + 主语 + 动词原形 + 其它局部?确定答复用“Yes,主语+be情态动词.”,否认答复用“N

12、o,主语+be情态动词+not.”。be或情态动词和not可用缩写形式,主要有isnt,arent,wasnt,werent,cant等。Eg1. 问句: Is this your English book? 肯答: Yes,it is. 否答: No,it isnt.Eg2. 问句: Are these your English books?肯答: Yes,they are.否答: No,they arent.Eg3. 问句: Can you speak English? 肯答: Yes,I can. 否答: No,I cant.留意例句1和例句2,在答复时必需将thisthat及these

13、those分别变为it和they。另一家族为含行为动词或称为实义动词的一般疑问句,其构造为:3.助动词 + 主语 + 动词原形 + 其它?确定答复用“Yes, 主语+ dodoes.”,否认答复用“No, 主语+dondoes not.”。助动词也常用缩写形式,主要有dont,doesnt,didnt等。Eg4. 问句: Do your parents like English? 肯答: Yes,they do. 否答: No,they dont.三、一般疑问句的答复正如前面所述,答复一般疑问句时有确定答复和否认答复两种方式,确定答复以Yes起句,否认答复用No开头。但对一般疑问句的答复也不是一成不变的。确定答复还可以用OK./Certainly.等;否认答复可用Sorry./Sorry,I cant.等。Eg5. 问句: Can you speak English? 肯答: Certainly Of course. 否答: Sorry, I cant.四如何将陈述句变为一般疑问句?依据一般疑问句不同的家族,可以用不同的方法将陈述句变为相应的一般疑问句。1、第一家族:含be动词或情态动词的句子秘诀:一提二变三问号一调:即把句中的be或情态动词调


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