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1、a sltion of tranlatinwork of010 gaates eglish depatmentSingle Ligt Steel Pra Fm Desin eatures of theTransla:Dan Transiod trpreatioClleg 0Appled Eglih Clss 1 吕婧楠大连翻译职业学院教务处阅读:14次发布:201071 :5:41 Portal Fams osig Structue Apiction i China began in the 2th cntryaout the ar80s。 Rapi develoent r h last de

2、cae, ah ye tensf miln ofdoestc square meter light stel contuction, ly for lihctory, weou, gymnsim, exhibtin ha and amlhome, so constructon。 inle light door fame structurerefers to the lght H-shaped steel wded (suchas sei varle rsssecton), ho-roled Hshapdstee(crssection) orothr form of omed steel bty

3、 doo rame orlatic portalframe as h i oad-bering skeleton, ihcolformed se (touh, saped, etc。)dopis, l ba; to rssre etal plate (steel plat, pessealuinm) to do the of, th wall; sinpostyree foam, igidlyurethaom,rck o, mineal wool, gls woo insulatiomateriasuchas bracing, andapprrate stucual ytem o algh h

4、ouse. n he cun egir practe, e door rmeof bems, olumns and mre usf weded Hectin beamdefrmaion, singlpan fams wihigid be-coumn nts, and mr ntrcnectad ot those who had justtculatedand se; column fot witfoundaion ri o articulad; nlto e morstel sheeting; ore usof glass wol nlaionmaterial. A sge portal ra

5、m structure, lght chaaceristcs aesn consideratios1。1Sine light stel ortalfrme ltiv the reinfrcd ocrtesrcue has te fllowing haactrscs:(1)Qult of Light: nlope presuizedetl plat, glas wool and thmoitioof oldforme steland heraerils, rfig, w qualty and r very light. Acrdng to an itanceof domest enginri s

6、tatistics,sinle prtafrmelit loadbeing strtre of the seel housi mount geeraly 0 0/m, in t same spnadloadcas,onlyaout weigt einorced conree strutue te / 20 1/ 30 s he struueof lightweight, th correspodin asewil bsll,goundhandlg costs ae lower. At th a time uder th same sisic intensity seismiceions. Ho

7、ver,the Housigarger r hger wd load, he in load my be singlelayer ligt stel gntryconrol lod (2)ahighdegre indtrializton, the costuction priois s: t main portl fram srucure, ompoets and acesoie fr thefatory er rdution, qulity andas to guaraneethtth ste asy tosll; dition tofountion ontrutio,the ac opea

8、ton isnot wt; the conto etwen e ulti-component hg strenghbolt used to intl quck(3) theoval economic effcicy high: poral fram structur, usuaompteraied eg, sort deign cyles;singletype o awmateals;comonents using advncedautomon quipment; ransorcneniene。 Trefor,te tuct o portafrme construcion pr s sht,

9、ft eurn on euity, return nvesment srelively hgh。 () morefleile coln rid layot: trdonal inorced conc stuctue du to the oof, wal si limi, l-m saci of6 meters y 12 eters when the ouspacng, t need o set heracetsan th wall fme olun The pl rame stutre f henvelopesystmf mtal pesureplate, th colmn wb lyou m

10、oe wihou limt, coumn spacing an ize eurementse basdmain on s f ste cosumption toderie e pincpls o most provinces . Design Cosieraons () as te door frae tructual comonent o the bdingtiffe, trsona stiffness o the struce ovrll stiffe i weak, soth sgn shoulbe consierdin rsporton and intalltion to take t

11、henecesry mese o rnt th urrece o beinn orsion componnts defomatin.(2) to atachimportane t suppor the sstemankee braingyout, atenton toroo, al panead stucturalcompones of teconnectin,to eabe hem to partcipat in te vrlltctur。 (3) the cootsofth bar tand should coidermaking the dsign, intalltion, ranspt

12、tionreqemet. (4)shoul e nideed in theesin f orso n hstrucura mebrs ofeduced crs sion.(5)potal rmemutibea d with vaable css-section, coluwbbuckln in the dein, aonsidng thintesit of e,iti no loge applicab for plati sign。(6)dsin of he ligt e osqences should be noted andte rrec treatment, such aswn loadc rvesesucha ight ro. trctue and the sruuralrragment21Struture: hfrm of ortalfrme srtures an bedvded ino sige-an y pan, douler


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