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1、2022年考博英语-中共中央党校考试题库及全真模拟冲刺卷(附答案带详解)1. 单选题We are in the midst of a great investigation of those environmental questions. We do the Earth and ourselves the greatest ( ) in imagining that addressing them lies outside our lives and choices.问题1选项A.gratitudeB.benefitsC.disserviceD.favor【答案】C【解析】名词词义辨析。gr

2、atitude“感激”;benefits“利益,好处”;disservice“伤害,帮倒忙”;favor“喜爱,赞赏”。句意:我们正在对那些环境问题展开全面的调查。我们想到地球,确实会发现我们对它和环境带来了巨大的伤害。选项C符合题意。2. 单选题It is reported that he means to exchange into another regiment, ( ) for the purpose of separating himself from me.问题1选项A.avowinglyB.avowingC.avowedD.avowedly【答案】D【解析】语法题。avowin

3、g “承认,公开宣称”;avowed “公开宣布的”;avowedly “公然地”。空格应该用副词来修饰整个句子。句意:据报道他打算调到另一个政权,目的是公然地和我划清界限。选项D符合题意。3. 单选题Just as the United States must change, so too must those economies that have previously relied on exports ( ) weaknesses in their own demand.问题1选项A.to offsetB.by offsettingC.in offsettingD.offsetting

4、【答案】A【解析】固定搭配。根据固定搭配rely on sth. to do “依靠做某事”,句意:正如美国必须做出的改变一样,那些经济体以前也依赖出口来找消除内需不足的弱点。选项A符合题意。4. 单选题This emphasis on an English tradition has come under continuous attack during the last twenty years or so; during their undergraduate training many young teachers of English will have discussed the

5、assumptions that underlie such concern for our cultural ( ).问题1选项A.inhabitantsB.heritageC.inheritorsD.hereditary【答案】B【解析】名词词义辨析。inhabitant “居民”,heritage “遗产;传统;继承权”,inheritor “继承人;后继者”,hereditary “遗传类”。句意:在他们的本科培训中,许多年轻的英语老师将讨论这些假设,这些假设是我们对文化传统关心的基础。选项B符合题意。5. 单选题Modem persuasion advertising blossom

6、ed as a function of markets that were less competitive by economists standards, and are generally referred to as oligopolies. These are markets where a handful of firms dominate output or sales in the industry, and where they have sufficient market power that they can set the price at which their pr

7、oduct sells. The key to an oligopoly is that it is very difficult for newcomers to enter the market, no matter how profitable it may be, because of the power of the existing players. Under oligopoly there is strong disincentive to engage in price warfare to expand ones market share, because all the

8、main players are large enough to survive a price war and all it would do is shrink the size of the industry revenue pie that the firms are fighting over. Indeed, the price in an oligopolistic industry will tend to gravitate toward what it would be in a pure monopoly so the contenders are fighting fo

9、r slices of the largest possible revenue pie. At first blush, this is a pretty accurate picture of the U.S. economy of the twentieth and twenty-first centuries. The economy has become far more monopolistic over the past thirty years. It is also a good way, though by no means the only way, to underst

10、and the emergence and dominance of advertising. Although firms are not in what economists term competitive markets, they are most definitely engaged in monopolistic competition with each other to maximize their profits. Advertising emerges front and center as a major way to increase market share wit

11、hout engaging in destructive profit-damaging price competition. The election realm, is similar to the economy in that it tends to be a duopoly in general elections, meaning there are usually only two options that could conceivably win, and, as in an oligopoly, these duopolists have used their market

12、 powerin this case control over election laws-to make it all but impossible for a third party to successfully establish itself as a legitimate contender. Even primary elections are almost always a matter of no more than two or three viable entrants except in a very small number of races. In economic

13、 theory this leads to an interesting conclusion: as J. Schor has put it, the smart play for a firm in a duopoly is to act like the other firm, not to differentiate itself. Macpherson was among the first to understand modem electoral politics-the two-party system-in terms of oligopolistic and duopoli

14、stic market practices. “Where there are so few sellers, Macpherson wrote concerning political parties, they need not and do not respond to buyers demands as they must do in a fully competitive system. This means that the parties, like oligopolistic firms, can create the demand for political goods an

15、d largely dictate the demand schedule for political goods. In Macphersons argument, a duopolistic party system in a modem capitalist society like the United States will tend to gravitate to providing a competition between elites, which are the driving force and ”formulate the issues. The basics in t

16、he political economy are agreed upon by the two parties and off the table for public debate or discussion. In Macphersons view, the two-party system was ideal for the production of citizen apathy and de-politicization and for the maintenance of elite rule; i.e. what would be called a “weak democracy”



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